
Sometimes Love Isn't Enough

[WARNING MATURE CONTENT] For the first time in Nuelle's life, she experienced what you see in a movie. From the bullying to the unexpected love situations and the heartbreak and betrayal she still can't believe her once peaceful life is now full of drama. Nuelle kalio is a 17 almost 18-year-old girl that moved from her home country Nigeria to New Orleans with her family. She had a normal life with no drama but all that changed when she meets Jeremy Morgan. Jeremy Morgan is a troubled 19-year-old who is used to people being at his feet, what is he going to do when the new girl in school is not easily intimidated? Can they handle what life has in store for them? PS cover picture from Pinterest

Serendipity_Lee · Urban
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29 Chs



After Levi left the shop I did a little cleaning up picked up my things said my goodbyes to the other people in the shop, the first person I saw as I stepped out of the shop was Jeremy he was leaning against his car looking pissed, I walk towards him feeling a bit anxious.

"Hey where have you been, why didn't you reply to my text or call me back?" I ask in a little voice.

" you are still carrying that stupid rose," he says with so much irritation in his voice

"Yeah, I am" I answer.

"Why? Do you like it that much," he asks

"Yeah I like it, it's beautiful" I reply consciously

"You like it are you fucking with me right now Huh" he barks at me.

"What is your problem Jeremy, what do you want me to do throw it away it's a gift for fuck sake stop acting like you are on your period" I yelled back at him.

"So the kissing I saw was a gift too or are you fucking him already while pretending to be a virgin," he says as he drags me by the arm towards his car.

"let go of me you crazy son of a bitch" I curse at him while trying to break free from his hold but I couldn't his grip was too strong

He pushed me into the back of his car closed the door behind him, and pined me in between his body as he started undressing me.

"Let's check if you are still what you claim you are," he says as he forcefully opens my shirt.

"What are you doing stop" I shouted trying to get him off me his hands were already in my pants and I didn't like the feeling.

I always had the thought that I can't be raped by one person as long as it is just one person I felt I can handle one boy but I'm just realizing that I have been thinking wrong all this time because I can't even get him off me I'm just feeling helpless under him I got tired of struggling.

I am already out of breath, I didn't know when tears started coming out of my eyes.

"Please stop Jeremy," I say in a quiet tired voice. "please don't force yourself on me I don't want my first time to be like this" I plead as I sob.

"You don't want your first time to be with me? You want Levi right that's why you let him kiss you twice today in front of everyone, are you in love with him now? He asks there are tears in his eyes he looks like he is about to cry.

My heart feels heavy looking at him in that state.

"That's not it, I did not know he was going to kiss me, I'm not in love with him, I'm in love with you, you dumbass and this is not how I imagined my first time with you to be this feels like rape to me I want to make love not just have sex or be raped by the boy I like.