
The rise of Izuku Midoriya

Hey, my name is Izuku Midoriya and I've had a tough past. I found out I was quirkless at a young age and my best friend who I call kacchan had found out and started bullying me. 

I'm standing here at the gates of middle school and it's hell. Kacchan was the leader of the biggest gang of bullies. But the one person who wouldn't stop picking on me was me. 

You can say it. I'm the kid who gets shoved down the hallway of school cause I'm good for nothing. I can always taste the tang of toilet water because people drown me in it. As I proceed down the dingy hallway I see spiky blonde and ruby red eyes flash and it stares at me before I get shoved against the wall. 

"Look at this little shit trying to get past me" he said rolling his eyes. I gulp. Everyone besides him shows the way to the boys bathroom. He makes me kneel down to the toilet bowl when we reach the bathroom. 

"Drown yourself you shitnerd" he said laughing. The rest of his gang also laughed along with him. "Y'know what, why live anymore? Take a swan dive off the rooftop and die. I don't even need you in my life anymore" 

That was the last time he saw me for another three years. 

I had run off to the LOV and after tackling a pro hero I was given a new chance in society. I was plotting to attack UA high where Kacchan, or should I say Bakugo was living his life. I geared up in my bedroom and changed into my mission suit. I put some clunky boots on and walked down the hallway. We run for it. I reached UA before Toga and Dabi. 

I pull on my hood. We run in and the invasion alarms sound. I put a black mask on and invaded Class 1A. I hear the girls whimper as I enter and search for Bakugou. I found him in the closet hugging someone who had red hair and eyes. I clasp at his blonde hair. Just like I remembered him in middle school.

 "I say you keep quiet Kacchan" I said, unsheathing a knife and pressing it against his neck. 

"Who the fuck are you and how the hell do you know my nickname. The only person who knows it has died." He said. "Take a closer look," I said. He turns around with no fear and nearly falls down when he sees my eyes. "D-Deku??" he stuttered. I clasp his blonde hair, yank it and then teleport to the LOV's base. 

"D-Deku, I beg you please stop torturing me" Bakugo whined.

 "This was how I felt when you bullied me." I said. "But still, I fucking cared for you" I said. Bakugo shrinks back into the seat he was tied against.

I leave the room, almost slamming the door in Bakugo's face. 

I trudge back to my room and change into some clothes and then I go back to the interrogation room when Bakugo was tense. I let him go. He runs off the moment I release his ties. Even though we weren't friends anymore. I let him go because he doesn't deserve to be tortured like me.

Bakugos point of view 

I run as fast as I can to UA high. When I reach the front grounds of the school I run in and to class 1A. Kirishima was standing there recounting getting kidnapped in detail. He pauses for a minute and then pelts into my arms when he sees me. I kiss his forehead and neck as I continue hugging him.

 "I was so worried about you," he said. Aizawa asks if I'm injured or anything and I say no. Me and Kirishima take off to my dormitory. After settling into a pair of sweatpants I settled into my bed with Kirishima. He was scrolling through his phone watching some Insta reels. I kiss his forehead again and then I kiss his lips. He kisses back. We fall back on the bed kissing. 

"Kirishima—" I whined. He slips his hands underneath my shirt tracing my scars and then my rib lines, then he flips off my shirt and his. He pulls off pants. Our sweatpants were both on the floor and two condom packets were also strewn on the floor. 

He was inside me. "Hah~ Kiri-" I moaned. I bite his neck with my teeth and dig my fingernails into his back. He doesn't make a sound, but when I do he kisses me roughly.

 "Fuck your so tight Kats-" he groaned. We both come after picking up our speed. He pulls out of me and then lies beside me and kisses my forehead. "Love you Kats," he said. I pick up Kiri's shirt and pull it over my head before lying next to him. We probably slept for another few hours and then when I woke up Kiri was already downstairs for dinner. 

I change into some of Kiris smaller sweatpants and then pull on my sneakers and walk down. I meet Kiri at the buffet and we line up with our empty plates and bowls and chopsticks. We spoon in extra spicy ramen, some pork sausages and make our way to a two seater table. 

Seeing Kiri stuff half a sausage in his mouth was considerably hot. I started eating ramen and was about to desert the rest when Mina slid in beside us. "My room, drinks on tab" she said. Me and Kiri looked at each other's faces and then we walked off to my room. I changed into a shirt and some brown loose trousers. 

If Kiri gets drunk I know we're having sex that you can't put a price tag on. We both knock on her door and she pulls us in. It was a full raging party with music. She leads us to her mini-bar. "Vodka or Beer?" she asked. "Beer" Me and Kiri both said. We take can after can of beer. Mina was drunk on three mint vodka cocktails.

 She hastily slid another can of beer down the bar and nearly half spilled out on the way. Kiri downs the can and then helps me to his room. He shuts the door before carrying me to his bed. Embarrassingly he changes me into some of his pants and a shirt. He sighs. "Oh Kats…" he sighs. He turns off all the lights and slips into the bathroom for a quick shower. 

Then he walks out changed in his night suit and turns on the led cloud roof and changes the color to dark purple. Kiri then slips into bed next to me. He wraps his arms around my waist. 

The next thing I am is vomiting in the crack of dawn in his shiny sink. I had too much last night. Kiri was still sound asleep. I wasn't going to continue thinking about last night but I was thinking of Deku. Fucking Deku out of all people.

I was thinking of the day he dived from the rooftop and I watched, unable to save him. That day shook me but didn't make me cry. I didn't think Deku was going to do it. I miss him. I miss him so much now and I now know he's a villain. 

He went straight from being a beautiful and loving boy to being a bad and dark boy who only comes out to fight. That was the day I set out to look for him. I searched the entirety of Tokyo and stayed in a hotel on the outskirts of Tokyo. I phoned Kiri every night to keep him posted. After searching all over Japan I found him in a 7-11. 

"Didn't you listen to them Kacchan, don't you know who I am now?" He said avoiding my eyes. "Deku come back, I need you" I said.

 "Fuck you and fuck that I ain't ever coming back to my shitty state and you know it" he said. That was the sentence that shattered the fine leaden crystal protecting my heart. I ignore everything he said and then walk towards him and instead of hitting him like normal people I hug him. He doesn't hug back.

 "I'm sorry, okay?" I said. "A sorry won't undo all the bullshit you did to me when I was only 16" he said. 

"I'm a happy man now, Kacchan. I have a wife and she loves me the way I am. I'm on the mend from all of my trauma. I'm actually loved for once for the way I was." he said. "I still love you, I promise," I said. If this wasn't going to work I don't know what will. I pull out two different coloured paper rings. One in green and one in orange.

 "Remember how I said I would marry you with paper rings when we're young" I said. Izuku stops what he's doing. "I still have those," I said.

My throat closes in on those words.

 "You have a boyfriend that's better than me. Go back to him Kacchan '' I said. "No one I know is better than you. You're my childhood best friend. I know you can change yourself" I said. I look in the blurry mirror and see the red in my eyes. "Just go to Kacchan. I don't need you anymore. I've moved on'' he said.

I slide on the orange ring before leaving. I leave the green ring and Izuku Midoriya behind. 

 I leave the 7-11 and take off to Tokyo. I reached Tokyo after a five hour drive. I pulled into the UA's car park. I pull on my duffel bag and walk into the dorms and when I reach mine I take off my shoes and turn on the light. 

Smells and feels like home. I stay up all night and I'm not even on pills. My heart was wrenching itself apart and I could feel it. We're just friends right? What could go wrong? 

Everything went wrong after that. It was nearly the new year and prom was coming around. Kiri and I were going together. They were deciding prom king and prom queen. The last results were coming in as of now. Something was off with me. They were announcing the queen first. Unexpectedly my name was called and I was shoved onto the stage to receive the crown, sash and bouquet of glitter roses.

 Then the king was called and Kirishima was shoved onto the stage with me and a round of applause. The party ended at 12 that morning and Kiri-- Kirishima was drunk. Again. I had to carry his body to his room. "You're such a lightweight Kirishima.." I said. "I'm not." He muttered. He slides the keys into my hand and I open the door. I walk him to his bed and lay him down. 

"Gotta run Kiri" I said after laying him down on his bed. "Stay," he said, gripping my hand. "I can't--" I said. With that he yanks me into his bed. "Let me change at least" I said. He lets me change. I scour his closet for something comfortable. I found a pair of gray Nike sweatpants. After folding the rest I lay down in his bed. I wake up at 7 the next day and find Kirishima changing into some new clothes.

 Kirishima lends me one of his sweatshirts before we walk down in the chilly morning. We found a tray with three bowls, one cup and chopsticks. I walk down the buffet and the waitresses fill each bowl with food. I found a spot for me and Kirishima. I drink through the hearty miso soup, and follow behind with kimchi and a cup of warm coffee. Training was canceled as of the chilly weather. I walk back into my room and turn the heater on with Kirishima following behind me. I lie in the already warm bed and scroll through my phone. 

Kirishima falls asleep beside me. Since there was no training today and classes were canceled I decided to text Deku. He sees my message a minute after I texted him. I asked him if he wanted to see me. I also texted if he wanted to have a recruit. A shitty thing? Yes. I know I'm betraying everyone I know. Kirishima can't find out or I'll be fucked. He answers back with no. I sigh. I switch my phone off and stroke Kiri's hair. He wakes up shortly after. "Had a nice rest?" I asked. He stretches and says yes. 

It was a normal school day today and we were just goofing around and studying in the classroom when the invasion alarms went off. And then smoke fills around us inside the classroom. "Well well well, Kacchan~" a familiar voice sounded. A scream came from my left side. I run through the smoke and see Kirishima sprawled on the floor with blood pouring from his abdomen. 

"Shit" I said. I rip off a bit of my shirt and tie it around Kirishima's abdomen. I get him to stand up and wrap one arm around my neck. I have to be evermore aware of this situation. I take a deep breath in and look. Through the smoke comes two glowing green eyes which I can recognise immediately. 

Deku's eyes. Then comes a body flying at me. It was Ochako. She was limp and bleeding from the head. It lands in front of my feet. My breath comes at a fast pace. I looked around to see if anyone was standing. Then comes two gray bandages flying. I turn around and see Aizawa. He reels the villain caught in with his bandages. It was indeed Deku and he was fighting his best to get rid of the bandages. He had a dark turquoise and black bunny hoodie and he was wearing baggy black jeans. He was also wearing a mask.

 "Look around kacchan. You see that girl, that was just an illusion, and my quirk" he said. "In reality she's dead. We got hands on her at night and killed her" he said. I walk to him and punch him in the face. Deku lets out a laugh.

 "Hold it back Bakugou, we've got pro heroes on the way and go get Kirishima to safety" Aizawa said. I walk to Kirishima and fill for his pulse and find it. I picked him from the ground and piggy backed him to the hospital wing. Recovery girl was working there just in case any injured people came up. 

"Will he be alright?" I said. "He'll be up and going in half an hour Bakugo" she added. Half an hour passed and I was busy in my room listening to music and doing some homework when I heard a few taps on my door. I get up and answer the door to see Kirishima. He has his arms wide open and I run into his arms.

 "I heard you punched the villain in the face and left him on the ground," he said. "The punching part was true. I was a bit of a pussy not leaving him bleeding" I said. "I was more worried about you," I added. "Fair enough," he said. "Do you wanna come over to my dorm?" he added.

 "I have condoms y'know" he said chuckling. I feel my face grow red. "Fuck you" I said. "Fuck me then," he added. "Your wish is my command," I said, throwing fire to the wind. 

"My room after bedtime and make sure no one catches you out of your room" he finally said before leaving my room.

 -Time Skip-

It was 10:50 and we were supposed to be in bed at 10 but I couldn't resist Kirishima's seductive energy. I walk down the dark hallway avoiding any creaks. I knock on his bedroom door when I reach it and he pulls me in as he shuts the door. He slams me against the wall as he gives me a heavy kiss on the lips. He slips his hands underneath my shirt and then he pulls it off. "Have anything to say?" he asked and I didn't answer.

 With that he pulls out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffs my hands so that they're on my back. He gets a small bottle of lube and then pulls my sweatpants and boxers off. "Shush~ you better not make any noise" he said before he lubed his hand and started sticking his fingers in

 I beg him to just put his dick in but he teases me more. "Cute" and then he lifts my legs up from the bed and slides himself in. It hurt cause I believe -- that he may have used his quirk around that area of his body. "Fuck--" he moaned. "You feel so fucking good Kats" he said before bucking his hips harder and faster. My back arches when he hits my prostate. 

"I hit it didn't I" he said grinning from under me. "Shut up and continue fucking me" I said with heavy breaths in between. "Mhm alright" he said. He continues hitting my prostate and I come after a few minutes all over his belly.

 "Damn Kats.. Already?" he said. He comes into me as well and then moves out. "So glad tomorrow is the weekend, you won't be surviving school with the hunchback of Notre dame." He said. He removes the condom and dumps it in the bin. He carries me into his bathroom and fills the water up to the top and throws some gel into the tub before testing the water. I take my clothes off and slip into the tub, the warm water surrounding me.

 Kirishima joins in. After cleaning up I pass out on his bed and fall asleep. Kirishima was playing Fortnite on his computer and later he joined me in his bed. I woke up to the sound of screaming in the school building. Kirishima was already out and his clothes were strewn on the floor. I get up and run to my room, change into my hero costume and as I turn the corner I see splatters of blood everywhere. I hold my breath and walk down. There was a full fledged fight with the entirety of the league of villains. I breathe in and run to where Denki was, fighting his best to defeat Toga. 

"OI BITCH COME AND MESS WITH ME" I yelled. Toga pelts towards me with a knife in her hands and she pulls back her hand to stab me in the hip when Kirishima slides in front of me and inflicts the damage. He utters a soft moan and falls into my arms.

 "Kirishima- stay with me" I said. A monster in my heart picks rage and despair. I call for Sero. He picks Kirishima up and runs to the hospital wing. I run towards toga and use my explosions to push her back a few meters and she coughs because of the smoke. The smoke is a thick blanket around us and I have to be more aware than usual. The battle is short. 

I slap some iron handcuffs onto her and board her on the way to the rehab camp for the most dangerous villains. We take her backpack and empty it in an interview room. What fell out was needles labeled with names and we assumed it was poison. Two were named for me and Kirishima and the rest was everyone at class 1A. We dug deeper into the bag and found classified files, and one that caught our attention was Ochako's.

 There was a picture crossed out of her and then all the information about her. At the bottom was signed Izuku Midoriya. It was a kill file. The files in this bag are confirmed kill files. I found mine, Kirishima's, Denki's, Mina's and Sero's files all signed. What the fuck. Deku wanted all of us dead and sent the entirety of the league of villains after UA. 

I hear a scream outside and I run out. People were crowded around someone with pink skin. Mina was kneeling near a limp body. A body with brown hair and blood all over her. I push through the crowd. I see tears drop onto the body. "Ochako," she wailed. I walk over to her. Sero and Denki are nearby trying to comfort her as well. 

"Mina come on.. She might be gone but she's in our hearts forever" I said. "Why her? What the hell did she do to get this??" She wailed. "Toga's after all of us it's not just her Mina" I said. She looks up at me, her mascara running down her face. I open my arms and she runs in and sobs. "Dunce Face, go get Sensei," I said. He leaves immediately and comes back shortly after with him. 

Next chapter