
Something Only We Know

Love is not an open door. Love is not a game. Love is not a fairytale. When the game of love leaves seventeen year old Serena Waltz heartbroken, betrayed and almost dead, life offers her another chance to begin again. But under one fatal condition: That is never to fall in love, again. In a new neighborhood miles away from home, concealing her identity by disguising herself as a dork, Serena determines to lead a quiet, simple life unharmed by her dark past. That is exactly what she wanted. Until she meets Adrian. ______________________________________ I haven't met anyone like her. I can see her falling for me, but then she stands back, her shield and armor by her side. She is afraid of herself. She doesn't want me in her life. She is the type that just disappears. "Don't expect anything from me," she says. "Why?" I ask. "Because I'm just a wind that passes by. I can't be anything more." Fine. Let me be gone with that wind. No reasons. No issues. No explanations. "Please. Just stay a little bit longer." I plead. Her eyes meet up with mine, clearly showing curiosity. "Why?" Her question leaves me stranded on an island of thoughts. I wish she'd disappear like she'd always wanted. But something in me doesn't want to let go. Perhaps, there's something in her telling her to stay. Whatever, that something is, it is the root of what we are. We fight, we collide, we hate each other and split apart. But we always come back for that something. And I don't want our something to end. This is the story where we discover Something only we know.

Golden Calypso · Urban
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


"Hey, are you okay?'

The owner of the blue eyes in front of me spoke in a ringing voice. And I was harbored to the ground from the sky and the ocean.

He was staring at me with confused eyebrows. He had a perfect jaw, flawless tanned skin and jet black striking hair. His figurine stood perfect in the posture where he bent awkwardly enough. But everything apart from his angelic face, he was human.

And I happened to hate humans.

"I'm new to this school," I stammered and gathered my file to leave. He didn't give any response. So I gave the power to my legs and shuffled as fast as I could.

To my luck, I could find the door of the classroom. When I opened the door and went in, several eyes darted towards me. There were at least twenty students seated. Afraid at being the newbie, someone cleared his voice.

A man was sitting on a desk.

"You must be the new girl," The man approached me with his hand welcoming a shake.

"Mr. Barnes," I acknowledged him as we shook hands. Then he took the file from me.

"Serena Marie Waltz, could you please take a seat among the students?" He asked.

I nodded and spotted an empty seat near a meeky looking guy. He seemed quite nerdy. But that was okay.

I sheepishly occupied a seat next to the boy.

He gave me a smile of acceptance.

Then Mr. Barnes went on speaking about high school and distributed our timetables. Then he dismissed our class and went out.

"Hi, I'm Shane Ward. Nice to meet you Serena," the boy next to me said, shyly.

I smiled with him. It was better not to talk with anyone, I said to myself.

The other students of the class were stealing glances at me.

A girl with super blonde hair, with a glittering jacket and a short mini skirt fluttered next to me. At the very first glance, I didn't like her a bit.

"Hey, so you are the new girl here... wanna hang out with us?" She said, her syllables made unusually high.

"No thank you," I grumbled.

Her green eyes turned darker.

"Who do you think you are to refuse our proposal? Anyway, you are a dork. So better be off with a dork like you..." She exclaimed glancing at Shane.

Oh, she thinks I'm a dork. I wanted her to punch her perfect nose.

Before I could do that she disappeared and went to her crew.

"That's Ziara Parker, she's the captain of the cheerleading team. Don't mind her, she always get jealous with the girl who got the attention of everyone," Shane explained.

"I don't think you need to be afraid of her," I stated.

"True, but don't get up to her. Her father is the Chairman of the school. So you might get expelled or something."

The last thing I wanted was to get expelled from this school.

"What do you have after this?" Shane asked.

I unfolded my timetable and examined.

"History," I grumbled.

"Oh I have that you. We'll go together," he suggested.

Shane seemed to be a nice guy.

"Okay," I agreed and together we went to the History class.

History was boring and usual. And the next thing I had was English Literature. Shane was having Geography which meant that I would be alone in the classroom. However we agreed to meet at the cafeteria for lunch.

When I arrived in class, seats were almost empty. Some students were chatting at the front seats so I decided to get seated in the corner of the back row which was empty.

After about ten minutes, the hall was completely filled but no one dared to sit beside me. After all I seemed shapeless and boring.

My disguise was working, I heaved a happy sigh.

But when the teacher was about to begin his lecture on 'Gone with the Wind' by Margaret Mitchell, someone thrashed into the classroom.

"Late again aren't you Mr. Rivers? Go and get ready for the lesson," Mr. Lennox, the literature teacher chuckled.

The next thing I knew was that I had had company.

Sitting next to me was Mr. Rivers.

Or Mr. Blue eyes.

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