
Something Only We Know

Love is not an open door. Love is not a game. Love is not a fairytale. When the game of love leaves seventeen year old Serena Waltz heartbroken, betrayed and almost dead, life offers her another chance to begin again. But under one fatal condition: That is never to fall in love, again. In a new neighborhood miles away from home, concealing her identity by disguising herself as a dork, Serena determines to lead a quiet, simple life unharmed by her dark past. That is exactly what she wanted. Until she meets Adrian. ______________________________________ I haven't met anyone like her. I can see her falling for me, but then she stands back, her shield and armor by her side. She is afraid of herself. She doesn't want me in her life. She is the type that just disappears. "Don't expect anything from me," she says. "Why?" I ask. "Because I'm just a wind that passes by. I can't be anything more." Fine. Let me be gone with that wind. No reasons. No issues. No explanations. "Please. Just stay a little bit longer." I plead. Her eyes meet up with mine, clearly showing curiosity. "Why?" Her question leaves me stranded on an island of thoughts. I wish she'd disappear like she'd always wanted. But something in me doesn't want to let go. Perhaps, there's something in her telling her to stay. Whatever, that something is, it is the root of what we are. We fight, we collide, we hate each other and split apart. But we always come back for that something. And I don't want our something to end. This is the story where we discover Something only we know.

Golden Calypso · Urban
Not enough ratings
44 Chs



This Monday turned out to be a nightmare. I woke up late thanks to Mrs. Reece, who was just in time to wake me up; even it was rather late. The hangover from last night in the club was making my instincts worse and I remember very little.

"Good morning baby" I had Ziara's message pop up on my phone as I got ready for school. I was about to reply before something flashed my memory.

'"Baby... let's dance..." Ziara was begging me as the lights dazzled my eyes. She was not wearing much. But we were kind of swaying. The caffeine and alcohol was taking away my consciousness and that was all I could remember from last night.

Mom and dad were living in California. My father was the owner of the Reinforce. My mother insisted my father on giving me a good education so that I could go to college as well. There was California high and that was an ideal place for rich kids like me. But as it was a place where celebrity kids attend, my mother did not want a child like me to get interacted with the 'Famous Lot'.

However, it was no big deal. Saint Florida was a gorgeous city. I had my own apartment with almost everything including a theater room, a gym, a swimming pool, a library and a party room. And my parents had also given me full freedom to do whatever I want unless it was something irresponsible.

Mostly, I spent my time clubbing and going to parties. Later I'd be taking girls on night stands and get rid of them in the morning cause they annoy me. I didn't like girls very much. They were usable but very annoying creatures. To fall in love with them would mean ruining your whole life.

"Good morning Fred," I greeted my private driver before I got into my BMW.

"Good morning,sir." He said back.

We were halfway to school when suddenly Fred asked;

"Sir, can you exactly remember how you ended up sleeping on the streets yesterday night?"

Sleeping on the streets? That was very unlikely of me.

"Thanks to me, I found you just in time. Who knows, some stupid moron would have even tried to kidnap you and..."

"I thought I came home with Ziara," I mumbled to myself.

It had been a week since I started dating her. And every time we went clubbing, we always came home together and every time i found myself alone in the morning. She had a habit of going home at midnight because I told her that I didn't like to wake up next to her.

However, I realized that it was not the usual that had happened yesterday.

"Sir, I think drinking too much would ruin your health and mentality..." Fred kept on saying but I was focused on recalling what made me end up in the streets yesterday night.

And then I remembered something.

Ziara was not dancing with me now. She was not anywhere that I could see. So I sat in the nearby love chair.

And it went away. That was all I could remember.

Fred drove me to school. I was heading in the corridors when someone knocked on me. My strong body sent her to the ground. The file in her hands was open and all her documents went flying.

She's so dorky. Can't she see her eyes?

As I looked down at her, I pitied her. She was wearing a long sleeved sweater that covered her hands and only her fingertips peeked out from them. She was wearing thick round glasses which was very old fashioned. Despite that, I had not actually seen her in school before.

I felt ashamed on bumping on the girl on her very first day at school.

But as I kept blaming her, she had no intention of protesting over me. I even heard her murmur "sorry".

But then she raised her head. And I happened to lock eyes with her.

Her eyes were pitch black. Which was very unusual. I couldn't even notice her pupil.

I had never seen this color in anyone else's eyes. They had no particular color. They looked genuine.

Despite everything odd she was wearing, she had flawless skin and I had the slightest feeling that she was someone I knew.

But that was not possible.

I didn't even know her name.

Before I blurt out something very rude, she was gone like a wind.

When the bizarre girl was gone, my memory came back to me.

Ziara was dancing with a new guy. I couldn't exactly remember the new guy's face but they were kind of having a conversation in the middle of the dance room. Then she was coming to me.

"Hey sweetie, you don't mind if I go with this guy tonight? You can call Your Daddy Freddy and tell him to come to pick you up, right?"

I was too drunk to reply or understand.

The new guy was whispering in Ziara's ear. I couldn't understand what he had just said.

"Don't worry, Charlie. I've done this before. He won't remember anything about this. His mind is completely not his now and his memory won't come back to him. So cheating on him is very easy for me..."

So that was where she went. She was sleeping with the new guy all night. Not only that, this was not the very first time she did this.

So I thought it was over for me and Ziara.

Anyway, I did not ever like her; much less love her so I didn't have any regrets on losing her.

So at the cafeteria, I officially dropped the grenade on her face.

Keep moving on...

-Golden Calypso