
Chapter 1

The bar was crowded. Tons of people in various states of drunkenness, having a great time. But I couldn’t take my eyes off the man at the dartboard. He was, apparently, enjoying himself immensely. He threw back his head and laughed at whatever his companion said, and the low overhead light caught the red in his hair and made it gleam.

I swallowed hard as he stepped up to the line and took his shot. From where I sat, I couldn’t tell how good it had been, but his big smile had to mean he’d done well. His chiseled jaw would make superheroes jealous, and the way his shirt stretched across his shoulders as he lined up another shot made my mouth water.

I was pretty sure I whimpered.

“You probably shouldn’t stare like that,” my best friend Joe said from beside me. I turned my head a fraction so I could hear him, but still couldn’t rip my gaze away from the gorgeous man on the other side of the room.

“Why not?” I croaked, because God, that guy really turned my key.

“It’s rude, for one,” Joe said, then chuckled.

“Yeah,” I agreed. Then added, “I don’t care.”

Joe laughed again. “Good. Because he’s coming over here.”

I already knew that, because he had my entire attention. Of course, I saw the moment he turned, said something to his friend, and cut his way through the throng of people. Everyone moved out of his way, and he didn’t seem to worry about inconveniencing anyone. His gaze locked on mine and he didn’t look away as he stalked closer.

I totally whimpered again.

He stepped right into my space, and I turned fully toward him because how could I not? Everything about him screamed the dominance I wanted.

“Hey, there.” His voice was low and rumbly, and it made my stomach clench in anticipation. “I’m Jake.”

“Caleb,” I responded, and when I realized he was holding out a hand, I slid my fingers across his. We held more than shook, and my breathing sped up. Electricity sparked between us. I knew Jake felt it, too, because his eyes widened a fraction and he gave me a wolfish grin.

“I saw you staring at me.”

I nodded and grinned back. “Can you blame me? You’re beautiful.”

Jake preened a little, finally letting go of my hand to flex his chest muscles and take a step closer. I tilted back my head so I could keep looking into those dark brown eyes. They were really something. Deep and warm. I could live in his gaze.

“And you don’t think that might be dangerous?”

“Nope.” I popped the “p” and leaned in so I could touch his arm. Under my fingers, his muscles bunched and I practically swooned.

“Oh, really?” Jake raised a perfectly curved eyebrow. “You have no idea what kind of man you could be staring at.”

I shrugged and petted his skin. I loved the way he felt. “I knew you had to be at least friendly. You wouldn’t be in thisbar if you weren’t.” I tipped my head to indicate where we were, then gave him my best saucy wink. “So worst case scenario, I get pretty eye candy for the night. But if you want more…”

Jake sucked in a deep breath through his nose, and his eyes got even darker, lust making the pupils blow. It was a very good look on him, and I shivered.

“That sounds like an excellent idea.” His voice was a barely audible rumble, but he put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed before sliding it into my hair. I let out a moan, making sure he knew exactly what he was doing to me. “Say goodbye to your friend.”

“See you later, Joe,” I said immediately, hopping off my stool. Jake immediately threaded his fingers through mine.

Behind me, I heard Joe’s distinctive laugh. “Have fun. Be safe.”

I waved with my free hand, but Jake was already tugging me toward the door. I followed willingly. My cock had been half hard just staring at him, but now that he was right there, my jeans had become painfully tight. I loved it and I wanted more. More of his forcefulness and manhandling.

I hoped he’d put me up against the wall.

“A bed is better,” Jake said, letting me know I’d voiced the thought. I couldn’t even be embarrassed. I wanted him so much, and I was going to let him have me any way he wanted.

“My place is just up the street,” he said, tugging harder. His legs were longer than mine—so long and encased in well-worn jeans—and I had to almost jog to keep up. I didn’t complain, just picked up my pace.