
Something like Destiny

"Your father isn't who he says he is," the strange woman said even though Cindy has never seen this woman before she found comfort in her presence. "Tell me who he is," she said anxiously her father couldn't be as bad as the lady made him sound she thought. "If you don't believe me ask him what happen to your mother," the lady said leaving Cindy in a state of shock, her mind buzzing with every possible conclusion that she could come up with. Now everything made sense, she didn't want to believe it but she could no longer deny that her father may have killed her mom.

Arena17 · Teen
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13 Chs


/SATURDAY 11:00/

Works yesterday was hectic, I've never seen the store so busy since I've started working and lamont has been blowing up my phone. As much as I want to go out with him, I just need some time to wrap my head around all this new info.

"Hey boo," laura greets me as she enters the kitchen, we stayed up all night trying to figure out what drug my sperm donor could've used on me and if it has a cure.

"Hey, so I think we need to pay a visit to my dear old home," I stated it's the only way we're going to figure out anything.

"Girl, you sound crazy. What if somebody's home,"

"I know for a fact that nobody's home, Sandra and Mia are definitely out and my dad is in another country,"

"Okay sis, let's go with your crazy ass," my crazy ass is about to find out some information one way or another.

"You love my crazy ass" I replied she flicked me off in response.

The walk to the house didn't take much time and as I said before there is nobody home.

"Okay so you were right but how do we get in,"

"I still have my key," I almost forgot I had it. This house brings back so many memories.

"Let's head upstairs to my dad office," I announce Laura nods in response. There must be something in here that can give me the answers that I want.

"Start looking luv we don't have all day" laura stated.

In the midst of searching through paperwork after paperwork, I heard a car pull up in the driveway.

"I thought you said nobody would be home," luara said.

"Nobody should be here is just 11:45,"

"Well somebody's home, let's find a place to hide"

"Let's hide in the closet over there it's big enough to hold the both of us" Just as we entered the closet my dad came in shouting at someone behind him. I've never seen him like this.

"What do you mean you lost her, I paid you some much money to kill that bitch and you LOSTTTT HER???" Ramone shouted.

Something must be wrong with my hearing, that man didn't just say kill, why would Ramone want to kill somebody. Laura looked at me with the same expression.

"If I have to do everything by myself what's the point of having you?" he asked the unknown man who looked down in fear.

"Your so useless, I have another assignment for you I want you to go my bunker and get some more metryapone," he said to the man what the fuck is metyrapone?

"Why do you need that if you're okay with me asking," The unknown man finally speaks.

"I need it to wipe my daughter's memory, the doses that I gave her as a child is wearing off," he said as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

If not for Laura's safety I would burst out of the closet and let out all my anger and confusion on him. I can't help but think that "bitch" he's referring to is my mom. Mr unknown walks out and Ramone moves the centerpiece that's on his desk and the floorboards open up, this day is getting weirder and weirder.

When the door to what looks like an underground bunker closes completely we take it as our cue to leave. We ran as if Hitler was chasing us.

"We need to call the police or something," laura shouted out of breath as we reached her street.

"We can't do that Laura, my dad probably has the police on his paid roll,"

"So what are we gonna do," As crazy as I'm about to sound it's the only way to get proof that my dad drugged me.

"We need to get inside that bunker" I stated luara looked at me as if I've grown two heads.


"I know it sounds crazy Laura but we don't have a choice but first we need to get your mom away from here I won't let anyone get hurt because of me then we need to figure out the cure for metryapone , I need to remember, "

"My mom won't just leave us alone without knowing the truth ella," it's gonna be hard but I need to try.

"I know Laura, let's go inside we have work in half an hour," I need to talk to lamont or that crazy lady from yesterday.

I should've believed that woman yesterday, maybe I could've gotten more information out of her.

We arrived at the store a little after 2. "Hey girls," our boss greeted us "Hey boss" we said in unison

"I have a family emergency so the store will be close until next week, here is your paycheck girls, spend it wisely," This is unexpectedly good.

"Girl let's go be sherlock and ellona homes," Laura stated getting back in the car. As we are about to drive off the same lady knocks on the window. Laura winded down the windows to let her speak.

"I really need you to believe me, your father is dangerous," she announces nervously I now know why she gets so nervous whenever my dad is the topic.

"I belive you, can we talk somewhere a little more private," I asked her she nods and gets in the car.

We drive to park down the streets, I'm honestly scared to have this conversation but I need to know about my past. We walked to the nearest bench and made nobody was around before we started talking.

"Tell me everything you know about my family but first I want to know who you are." I told her sternly she could be just as dangerous as Ramone.

"I can promise that I mean no harm, I was a friend of your parents. There were four of us: your mom, me, your father and Chris, we practically grew up together and Maria and Chris were always close but your dad was a jeaouls prick and at first we thought it was because he had acrush on your mom but it was more than just a crush. When we were highschool your mom and ramone got together, both Chris and I approved but as their relationship got more serious Ramone's jealous became an obsession, he wouldn't let your mom hang out with us because according to him we were a bad influence," she explains and we both listen without interfering.

"We all loved your so we backed off because of fear, we still saw each other but when we got older your mom wanted our kids to grow up together, so she would sneek out of the house when your dad was away and we hung like old times but one day your found out and he almost killed your mother. I beggged Chris not to confront him when he's angry, Ramone always had anger issues but your mom did her best to protect you from that side of him. Chris confronted him despite all my warning to just go to the police but he was too stubborn, we went to the house and when he saw your mom on the ground we was livid, they got into and ramone shot him" she paused to catch her breath all three of us are crying at this point.

I can't believe Ramone is this wicked, abuse, murder what else is he hiding, if I had any love left for this man it's completely gone now.

"What happen after? why didn't you guys go to the police" laura asked

"We tried to go but Ramone held us at gun point and threaten to kill both of our kids if we said anything so we kept quiet and he told the police that Chris attacked him so it was self-defense and because he had money and was well respected the police covered up the case. One day your mom and I made a plan, we were going to run. So she got up and did her usual routine. The plan was to pick you up from school and meet me at the park and then we would take the train to a different state but Ramone figured out our plan, he ran you mother off the road and pretended it was an accident,"

I expected this but I'm speechless, why? is all I can think of. Laura squeezed my hand tighter hoping to get a reaction but I can't say anything, this man would kill his own daughter just to cover up his crimes. He doesn't deserve to go to jail, he should be hanged or stabbed a million times by everybody he wronged.

" I know its a lot for you to take in babygirl, take your time to process everything and when your ready to hear the rest you can give me a call, here's my number," she says handing me a card. Then suddenly something came to me, lamont said his mother was friends with my mom, could this lady be his mom?

"Wait i didn't catch your name," I said

"Its Brianna Nelson hun," she said walking away Nelson??

"Is she who I think she is," luara asked it must be her which means he was telling the truth.

"She's lamont's mother,"

Hey guys, sorry for the late chapters. I'm in the process of doing my final exams so please bear with me. Excuse any typos or errors. I will try my best to give you guys more chapters but for now, enjoy!!!

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