
Something I'm not

Something killed me and then something transported me to another world. I don't know what it was and I don't know if I should be grateful or angry. But I died so there is no going back. Author: This is my first time writing something so I would appreciate any feedback. I wrote this just because I was bored so don't expect much if you actually found this novel. And also, the cover belongs to the anime Tokyo ghoul.

Something_66 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The demon

Standing there all alone, kite couldn't say or do Anything at all. Seeing him in that state the demon laughs as loud as he can.

"You humans really are weak." With those words the demon continues laughing.

"But as weak humans may be it's often very fun to crush them." The demon talks while laughing at the pathetic state kite was in.

"So boy, Do you want to die or live?" The demon questions kite in a laughing tone

Hearing this again and again irritates kite to no extent. But even as irritated as he was, kite does not talk back to demon as he think it's the best action of choice.

"Move! Move!"

kite hears a voice of a person and footsteps of many people. Without even noticing an army surrounds them. He couldn't even notice them until they were so close. Even the demon couldn't notice them.

"So you are the sacred army of this nation? Hahaha what a pleasure to meet them." The demon responds again in a laughing tone mocking everyone there.

"You sound too happy but you'll soon regret it demon." A man speaks up from the crowd who seems like the commander of the army.

As the man stopped talking a read spike approaches the man going straight for the head. Just like before the demon was manipulating his blood. But it didn't scare the man.

As fast as he can, the man blocks the spike with his sword and cuts the spike. It was so fast that it was hard to even see his sword.


"You really thought you can take me down with that" The man responds.

"So you people are really strong like I hard. So Don't disappoint me." The demon says with a calm smile.

"You know it's really annoying to hear that from a weak demon like you." The man responds to the demon.

"Weak!" Kite stands there confused by what he means by weak. Of course he was surprised since the demon was far from any stronger person he had ever met in his previous life.

"Hahahaha so you think I'm weak? Well God for me since you will regret it later.

Then the demon attacks the man with all the blood that was spilled from him. Every soldier was calm and wasn't moving a muscle to save their commander.

But as expected all of the demons attack was blocked by the man. The demon becomes annoyed and moves closer to the man. Making a sword from his blood, he attacks the man and an all out battle starts between them. With each intense strike the demon seems to be the one in the verge of losing. The other man was fighting as calm as ever.


The demons screams and he cuts himself. Releasing more blood he attacks the man with all of his blood. It could easily kill half of the other soldiers but he was too focused on the man. The man blocks them all though so it was useless.

"As expected you really weak but I did not thought you were stupid as well. Do you think attacking me with more of your blood will help you win? It will do nothing but damage yourself. After all, you demons have the same anatomy as humans. So you will basically die from blood loss if you become too reckless." The man said with a calm and confident tone.

"I guess you are right. So I have no choice but to die then, right? Well I wouldn't mind dying but it pisses me off how you are acting. If you were not like that then you may have killed me already but I guess you all have to die." The demons response shocks everyone even the man himself.

Then the man calms down and doesn't even move a flinch. It really was shocking how calm he became so suddenly.

Then something surprising happens that no one could have seen coming. The mere sight of it terrified Kite to no extent.

To be continued

Author's note

I hope you liked the story till now and do forgive me for mistakes. I would love it if you added my book to the library. Any feedback will be appreciated as well since it will encourage me to write more. Thank you!