
Chapter 4

Harry dropped his head. “But you mean a lot more to me, old friend.”

Sam reached over and hugged Harry. “You’re my closest, most dear friend, Harry. Nobody will ever come close.”

Harry squeezed Sam.

“Look, Harry,” Sam said, pulling out of the embrace. “Enough of my nonsense. There is a gentleman, Zeke Hodge, inside who would very much like to meet you.”

Harry smiled, stood. “I must confess that I am a bit nervous, and curious, about this mystery man.” He winked. “Ever since you pointed Mr. Hodge out to me, I can’t seem to get him out of my mind.”

A whisper of laughter escaped both men.

Sam got up, walked around Harry. “Listen, Harry, why are we wasting our time out here talking about my health when there are more interesting things to explore behind that front door?” He reached for Harry’s hand. “We need to refill our drinks anyway, and get you two gentlemen acquainted.”

Harry felt his cheeks go warm. He followed Sam back to the house.