
Chapter 37: Dark Horse

Alexis's POV 

I felt terrible for this woman. It must have been a horrible shock to discover that your child's imaginary friend is neither imaginary nor friendly. 

It could be difficult enough to navigate through regular childhood friendships. Adding a dash of the paranormal never really seemed to make it any easier. 

"It's ok, we'll take care of it," I assured her gently, handing her a tissue from the box on the cherry-wood coffee table. "Tell us what happened." 

Mrs. Applewhite dabbed at her eyes, and shuddered, shaking her head. 

"I was standing in the kitchen when I felt something cold poke my back," she said, her hands trembling at the memory. "I turned around and she, it, was standing there, staring at me. It was a rail-thin little girl in a long, white dress, but she was transparent. She had long, dark hair in pigtails, and the most horrible smile I've ever seen." 

That didn't sound good, but I needed more details.