
Someone Journey

I'm too lazy to put synopsis so here disclaimer {A/N: the cringness is strong in this one, the hole too, and you know the rules, grammar: OH WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS GUY!!!? -disclaimer: I didn't own anything all of the anime are from their respective owners, and the MC are mine.) and this is wish full fillment didn't expect someone to read this.

Just_A_Creature · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 20 the same yet different

I believe I just make a filler? I think.


I open my eyes, there was some trace of emotions on my face, Anger.

how many yea— no after that one day, I already lost most of my emotions isn't it?

I ask myself, how and why did I do that? because it an enemy? because I need to survive?

the answer I come to a conclusion is none of that. I just knew it, after all, it mostly curiosity, if I kill her will I feel sad? if I kill her will I feel mad?

but sadly I feel something I don't know, it was a foreign feeling for me. hate.

"Let end my inner monologue here." I said while looking outside, then control some of light soul to give me a better view.

there was no one here, there was no sound here, I don't get kidnap either, so that was a good sign for me.

"Master, do you have something to do here?" I heard a familiar sound outside of the temple.

I use my observation and revelation to look at who is it.

Saber and Shirou of this timeline.

"I do have one, if I remember correctly then, that person should be here." this timeline Shirou said.

"I believe we could allies ourselves with him" He continue but I just appeared before them.

"I don't see the need of it." I said while looking at them with sloppy eyes, no trace of emotions could be seen on my face.

"and if you intend to pass here, I may as well, stop you from doing so." I said then taking a shooting stance.

with my hand seem to be grabbing a gun, Shirou look at me, I look back, then at Saber and back at Ryuudou Temple.

"well, if you want to pass here that is." I said then sit down in a careless position, but if someone knows me is here, then they would know instantly that I prepared for a fight.

"wait can you please thought this over?" He said to me with determine eyes.

"No, I have no intention of stop it from happening." I said then pull out a phone to play, I enter the game that I create in Chaldea, Among Servant, I remember it really viral at the time I die.


"no buts, I rather not deal with something that can destroy the world" I said, look at the sky then back at Shirou. I have no intention to help them, I don't have any reason, even if I had, I prefer go at the final fight instead.

cause at that time the boss would be really weak, and I can go there then kill the boss, I call this Boss Steal.

heh, I heard those that play moba game scream at me, how good.

"then can you please, stall time for us to destroy the grail?" Shirou ask me. it seem they know that the grail has been corrupted, already?

"You mean this?" I said then a golden ripple appear in front of me, I retrieve a Holy Grail out of there.

"!!" Saber and Shirou look at me with a shock expression.

"Well, that to be expect, after all Shirou Emiya are 3 in this timeline isn't it?" I said then pat the dust out of my body.

"3? what do you mean by that?" Saber ask me, hm, I don't like this Saber at all, well, that to be expected after all.

"at my word, you 2 would probably try to kill me, even the counter force, I think." I said look at my own shadow, where Saber and Enkidu stay at.

"hm, so how about it, Root?" I ask the 「 」itself after all I am the third true magic user, I can access the root a little. like asking something, or find something, but can't access to the flaw of it. and I need to pay, after all nothing is free.


there was a shake in the world or should I say in my head? I received a message from the 「 」and the answer is, Yes.

"oh well, it seem root, had no intention of stopping me, but I don't know about humanity will, but I can say okay about world will." I said then sit down.

"well, it probably would be a little long story so, EMIYA, Rin, Shirou, Saber, come here, I would tell you, the story about a human that is the winner of the fifth Holy grail War" I said to them, Rin and EMIYA is here, wait for the time to sneak attack me.

I tell them that I am SHIROU Emiya, the person who is the winner of the holy grail, and I tell them that, I feel the disturbance in the force, so I stay here to observe.

"So, you can call me Ruler if you want." I said that while cook something for my 'guest' I think.

"Wait, Why did you give Saber more than others!!?" Rin shou–I mean ask me.

"Hey, you can't blame me. it a habit." I said to them, it true, look my clone still cook for more food.

"Can I have the recipe?" Shirou ask me with a pleading eyes, sure, sure, it will be effective if he is my responsibil—

..... foyuck root.

Root just say, he is my responsibility for reveal some of the secret information, Foyuck.

"okay," I said with hollow voice while give him the recipe.

— Five Minutes Later —

"I know that you is coming with us, but... how did you have one of the Epic Of mankind!!?" Rin sho– ask me with a loud voice.

"I do have a reason to appear." Enkidu said then the world itself sing a song of joy for the Reunion of the King and his Friend.

The ground is shaking, the sky is shaking, everything is shaking.

I look up and feel the same mana as yesterday coming here very fast, too fast even.

"we need to hurry if we want to fight him, if we can win against him then, the grail will come out, as that guy have very huge mana." I said then use the mystic code that I copy from Noctis to teleport out of here.

— A strange Forest –

I sat down then look at the people that come here, with me, well the same team, Rin, Shirou, EMIYA, Enkidu, and me, with my most Favorite weapon, Chastiefol.

after all those years, testing with the third true magic, I can control the soul as easy as moving my body, so I created a soul to put it in, Chastiefol.

"Is that you?" an arrogant voice coming from the sky, everyone look up.

(Reverse Side of the world)

(Narrator PoV.)

whew, at least I got this job, ah, Ahem, Hello everyone, I am Narrator, I will help you the best I can, and yes I'm the very same Narrator that you think, if you read my boss first book.

at here, you could see a young man with black hair, that darker than night sky, his face, is beautiful than most of the goddess in the reverse side, but don't let it fool you, he is a guy(Trap)

his eyes, has blue calm colour, everything in front of him as if got control by him, nothingness, soul, Chaos, everything.

but although he has that power it also come with a price, he can't interfere with the 'Mortal' world, or his counterpart.

he has job, and his job is, Look over everything 'Regret', be it time, space, world, humanity, god, goddess, sea, Tree, fish, he see all of their regret, The Regret of Enkidu, is the most precious thing he see.

so he talk with Enkidu regret, after all he control regret too.

he ask why do you have regret, not for yourself but for your friend, the answer he got?

"I regret that I couldn't be with my friends, because I know that he will not have any other friends. he will be very lonely." that was what Enkidu said.

the young man that looks over regret, smile a little, but no one can see except, you, yeah, you reader.

what? Fourth wall? I have permission. anyway that not important.

the young man start to look at 'regret' to see if there anything interesting, then he saw a strange regret, that seem to be the very life of that person, Kuro.

he feel strange, because the name is similar to him, at the same time as the memories of Kuro, also similar to him before he reincarnate as this very same being, Regret. he don't have that many name, but he call himself only two things, Regret and Kuro.

there was some other person can enter here too, although it not that long, because this is the sea, an eternal sea of regret, god and man have no place here, if you want to change something in the past, then Kuro, will be the person that end that very same person.

he who saw all, be it before genesis, be it after the end, and be it, new beginnings, he saw almost everything, but the thing he can't see is pass a strange wall, it has this number on the wall 4th. honestly he don't really care if it the very thing that trap him here. after all he found 'Himself' in here, so he will say thank you instead of rushing and punch the person that trap him. he will do the former before do the latter.