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I was 14 when i move in to my aunties house in the country.I am a city girl and use to minggle with more friends hangging around the city until night fall because of being stuborn to my parents they decided to put me in my auntie supervision in the country..The place is more different to the city i use to it no electricity in the night and the community is just a small town and far away from market and other stablishment..farm,forest,rivers and stream is just the view you will see everyday no internet and so on...fear and anxiety strike on me this is not the life i wanted to stuck it on..But my parents leave me here and i dont have to gutts to scape because i just a teen that does'nt know everything in life..so i just follow what my auntie said..first night is the horrible night to me more mosquito i feel but its cold and to dark outside so what we do after dinner we sleep early that never i use to do when i am in the city.So i said to myself" now what jen are you sure youo wnt to stay her for long" but in myself i dont know the answer.Morning has arrive wil it was sleepless night for me i woke up late it around 8a.m what i did i went to the backyard and look for the flower my auntie have many collection of plants and it was all beautiful.