
Some Love To Give

No More Love to Give's long-awaited Sequel. "Your body is on fire, Trinity. Are you sure you can stand the heat?" Jeriah whispered into her ear from behind her head. She shifted a little, trying to get some friction between her legs, before letting out a groan of annoyance. Jeriah always made her want him, made her beg for him, so it was her turn. Trinity grabbed the hand he was using to keep her locked beneath him, and turned until she straddled his hips, her body coming to hover over his. He looked up at her in shock, his blue eyes still hazed over with lust, and her hand snaked down his chest to the hard length between his thighs. When she wrapped her fingers around it, he shuddered, his eyes drifting closed for a second before he snapped back to attention. "Trinity, I'm in charge tonight..." He groaned, unable to stop her because of her careful strokes. "... Trin..." This was one thing that never changed in the time she knew him. She could still make him turn into putty with one touch. It was why he always tried to stay in control when they made love, but this was one time she did not want to let him have that control. Trinity wanted to see him as weak in the knees as he often made her. His face contorted as he stared up at her with a pleading ecstasy she felt familiar with. Before she could push him too far, however, he turn the tables and had her pinned beneath him again, her skirt rising to reveal shapely legs. "If you keep driving me crazy, Trin, and making me fall even more for you, I won't be me anymore." He said with his full lips pressing against hers. "I already obsess over you when I shouldn't." ~~~~~~ Jeriah loves her, and is ready to have a future with her. Can they have a normal relationship after being 'friends with benefits' for so long? Trinity is unfamiliar with having a man trip over himself for her the way Jeriah does. He can't seem to keep his hands off her when they're alone. Is it only for sex, or does he really love her?

KBrackettAuthor · Urban
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4 Chs

Pictures (Sorry)


Was this not a little much? She wondered, leaning back against the sofa, her fingers poised over the keys of her keyboard. Trinity shifted as she tried to relax to make the photo 'natural', but could not get comfortable and she heard Jeriah sigh behind her. What was his deal with this? She was never comfortable in front of cameras, and he knew that. It was why she enjoyed her career as much as she did. The thought made her relax against the sofa, her eyes narrowing in happiness. The sound and flash of his cellphone startled her from her happy thoughts of her memories, and two muscular arms wrapped around her waist, his free hand pulling her closer to snap another selfie with her.

"Come on, Jeriah. I have work to do, so I can't sit here posing for pictures all night." She said, reaching out to grab his phone. "So, stop staring at pictures of me and look at the real thing?"

She waited for several seconds before the click of the camera told her Jeriah had not heard her. Trinity ground her teeth before forcefully pulling the phone from her boyfriend's fingers. When he whined, Trinity pressed her lips to his mouth before any words could leave him. It was not fair that he ignored her in favor of staring at his phone. When she let her tongue free to trace along his lips, she felt his fingers grip the sheets as he moved to his knees in front of her. His body was hot where it leaned against her bent knees, and she could feel the weight of her actions against her bare shins.

Instead of letting him take control, she grabbed his bicep, which flexed under the contact, and pulled him beneath her. His blue eyes glazed over with lust stared up at her; making her bite her lip. It was that expression on his face that made her lose control. She was just as into the idea of making love with him as he was with her. Jeriah's hands landed on the tops of her thighs, the heat transferring through her black yoga pants. She pulled her green tank top over her head and leaned down to press a searing kiss to Jeriah's lips. When his hands reached up, however, she grabbed his wrists and pinned them to the bed above his head with a wicked smile on her lips.

"You ignored me for half the night, Jeriah." Trinity said, deciding on the spot to get revenge for this. "It's payback time."


Without his notice, he found his wrists tied to the bedpost above his head. When he pulled his wrists towards himself, he looked up at Trinity in confusion as she stood from the bed and walked a short distance away with his phone in her hands. She took her sexy, sweaty scent with her, which sobered him a little. When her hands lifted to that tank top to tease at the tail, his eyes widened. But she surpassed his expectations by raising his phone and snapping a couple photos herself. The camera moved away from her face to reveal a wicked grin, and she slowly took off her shirt. If this was his punishment, he was okay with it.

Pale flesh slowly revealed itself, and Jeriah swallowed thickly, his pants tightening even more. Trinity was a vision of beauty, with her full hips and breasts, small waist, and long, brown hair almost down to her round butt. There was nothing quite like admiring her in all her glory. Except for one problem. She was staying out of reach, and with his hands bound, he could not move from the bed. He wanted her, though, and strained against his bindings to try reaching her when she finally stepped forward and straddled him. Trinity let her fingers run down his bare chest to the button on his jeans.

"Trin, hurry…" He mumbled, his chest heaving with his panting breaths. "I need you now…"

But she did not. Instead, she continued to let her hands stroke up and down his torso, teasing and taunting him until he squirmed, trying to get some friction against his aching member. Her breasts pressed against his chest when she leaned down to kiss his lips, and he pushed his hips up to grind himself against her fiery core. Trinity let out a gasp before her narrowed green eyes, filled with passion, locked with his, and her hands slipped into his jeans to rub at him before she unsnapped the button on them. Jeriah was completely at her mercy by this point, and a low moan parted his lips when she sank her body onto his. His fingers gripped at the fabric, bounding his wrists until his knuckles turned white, and he tried to thrust his hips up, but failed.

"Trin…" Jeriah moaned, closing his eyes to engrave the sensations into his memories. "Hah… please!"

He was not beneath begging for her, especially since she was the only woman to make him this weak. The only one he let make him this weak. Her body twisted a little as she rode him, sweat droplets forming on her body as the heavy smell of her sex filled his nose. She kept the pacing slow, her body raising just a little before sinking again, filling his vision with every shift of her slim waist and full breasts. It was torturous for him, but delicious and he bit his lip as he tried to remove his hands from her fabric again. With every hard bounce of her body, Jeriah let out a groan of pure ecstasy.

"It's a punishment, remember…" Trinity sighed, her hands resting on his chest as she tired. "But I'll let you go… when I come…"

Her body tensed at her words, and he could feel her core shuddering. Soft hands stroked up his arms to the bindings, and he felt the fabric come loose. Within seconds, he had her pinned beneath him, his body slamming into hers as fast as he could manage. They both needed speed, he could tell, but it was also his instinct. Everything in his soul craved her like a drug, and his hands roamed her flesh as coherent thought left him. The sounds echoing in the room, her rosy scent, the smell of their sex; everything was driving him wild. Trinity was addictive to the point it was dangerous. Jeriah lost his mind to her, over and over, as evening gave way to night.


She chewed on her lip as she shifted under the blankets, her thighs hurting. Morning had long come, but Jeriah still had yet to let her sleep. Not that she minded, since she loved having sex with him. She loved everything about him, but their compatibility had always blown her mind. Thick fingers stroked through her hair, occasionally rubbing against her scalp gently, and Trinity looked up to lock eyes with his blue ones. His lips curled up into a smirk, revealing his dimples. Though he often paid her attention like this, cuddling up with him and feeling his flesh against hers was relaxing.

"You smell and feel so good, Trinity." Jeriah mumbled, pressing his face into her neck. "God, I love you."

"Jeriah, I need to write today. Let's get some sleep, now." She replied, curling into his body for warmth, the warm slide of skin on skin causing her to sigh in bliss. "Good morning…"

Her eyes closed and she felt Jeriah press a kiss to her temple, his fingers moving to stroke her hips. She recognized his intent right away, but her eyes were too heavy to open and her mind too foggy to respond verbally. As she descended into sleep, she felt him shift a little before a click registered in her brain. Exhaustion did not let her examine it any further, and she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. His warmth at her side comforted her, making her sleep even better than normal.

I want to give you the full story, but I can't. :( This one is contracted with Dreame, so I can't post it anywhere else, but you're welcome to find me over there. It's free, I promise! The Prequel is pay to read but this one is free and you don't need the first one to keep up either. I hope you'll search for me. KellyBrackettAuthor

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