
Some average fantasy novel

Aquas013 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

chapter 3

"well now before the side effects of being summon Start to act let me see if you guys can use any weapons or magic" Ires announced

"magic?" i asked

"yes you can use mana and do magic here

and I really don't expect any of you to known about magic anyway an—"

before Ires could finish her sentence Luke spoke "if there is mana then I think I can bend it" he said

a ball of ice suddenly appeared above his hand and he continued "although addressing it as magic is a bit too much—"

the ball of ice soon exploded

"ugh", Luke

"you are familiar mana?" Ires asked, not one but surprised at what just Luke did

"yes" Luke nodded

"but why can't I form a ice ball is shouldn't be that hard yet"

"because you are not of this world"

"alright anyone else know about concept of mana?"

"I know what mana is but we didn't have mana in my old world" I said

"same here" Lily said

"umm our world had mana too but we don't know how to use it" Beth said and Steven nodded.

"anyways back to topic can you all use swords or something?" Ires asked

except Beth and Steven everyone nodded

"I can use daggers and light weight swords" Lily was the first to talk

"I can use bow, short sword and long sword although I prefer long swords" I said

"just long sword" Luke said

"alright let's go outside let me see how you use them" Ires said and went outside the tent

we followed her out side

after 4 hours of demonstration it was already getting dark and... my head was starting to fell heavy

I wasn't the only one who was feeling weird as Lily looks pale and Luke looked like he haven't slept all day

as for Beth and Steven well they fell unconscious 1 hour ago

"alright I have seen everyone's wepon demonstration and the reports I have made is


excellent in Longsword

excellent in short sword

decent in bow


excellent in dagger but decent in ligh weight sword


master in Longsword "

Ires seems to be happy with this and after some time she continued

"I have graded all and I am quite happy"

"I have a question" I asked

" when are we leaving?"

"oh you will know soon enough—


"but before that I think you friends need help"

"what do you mean....."

turning my head I saw Lily lieing of the floor... is she sleeping?

turning my head towards where Ires was... yeah was. now she is gone

then I looks towards Luke. He was currently carrying the sleeping siblings.

I went towards where Lily is sleeping

good thing lifting her up wasn't that hard.

'she won't suddenly wake up and shout pervert will she?'

that didn't happen and now she is sleeping on the sofa

and where did Ires go?!

"phew" I let out a relieved breath and looked towards Luke....

he fell asleep too....

is everyone here have sleeping side effects while I get headache NOT FAIR!

"ugh!" I sat on the carpet as every seat is occupied and held my head. looking outside the tent ,it was already dark



'why does my headache increased all of a sudden?'

-well because you body is rejecting the unknown energy which is going inside you, which is mana-

'so is everyone having a headache?'

-no you are just one of the lucky one

you could have also goten feaver which is ten folds worst-

' alright'


"okey we will be leaving to the capital today"

Ires shouted

we were currently sitting outside eating Breakfast

my headache haven't gotten any better

the siblings and Luke seemed fine

and Lily.... she have a feaver as a side-effects.

everyone nodded there head

"how far is the capital?" Beth asked

"we will get there in one day. don't worry miss Lily will be fine till then" Ires said

"ok...", Beth

in an blink of an eye it was already time to leave

everyone was now sitting in a giant cart

which was pulled by two horses which were.... twice the size of the horses I remember.

these had pitch black fur and main silver helmet on and a single horn curving upwards

you could say it a unicorn if the horns were straight

soon the cart started to move

after it caught speed it was way way faster than the horse cart i am familiar with

it's way to fast of a cart

soon I felt sleepy

despite the road being bumpy I fell asleep.