
Solpolus-The world of souls

I wish for a new hope. Waking up after dying, Lex once again find himself inside a living and breathing body. Although he doesn’t know what happened, he’ll for sure not let this chance go. Disclaimer: This novel is inspired by the game Undertale and Glitchtale(Mostly GT). However it’ll only be similar in the world setting(aka souls and monsters) and not characters so don’t expect to find any characters from the game. Even if you DON’T have knowledge about either of them you can still enjoy this. The start is also a bit slow so try to give it a try till the end of the first arc(since each chapter is relatively short)

Opatzo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Mishaps in the forest(1)


The ground shook heavily. The sound of the explosion was far away yet one could feel its impact as far as the forest.

Tok looks around in panic, his mind stop at the sound of explosion. But he soon remembered Ken, who is still in his hand, and calmed down. It didn't matter what's happening out there, he just need to keep his brother safe.

Holding up Ken in his arm, something quite admirable for someone of his size, he ran out of the forest following the cyan thread around the trees. It wasn't long until Tok ran into another group.

"Sahra, here!"

Sahra group, which includes all the girls were relieved see Tok.

"What happened to Ken?" Layla ask in a worry.


"I'm fine now."


"I'm fine now." I said.

That was no where near the truth. My head was hurting like crazy. His voice, which could vaguely be heard, haunt my thoughts.

I could feel a sick feeling from deep in my soul, as if resonating with something.

Ignoring it all, we ran quickly along the thread. And we were soon united with Nasha again.

After giving a brief check of our conditions, Nasha give us a big hug.

"I'm glad you all are okay..."

I could see Hubris and Gero in the back, they must have returned sooner than us.

The faraway explosions soon stop giving back the forest peace and quiet.

"Kids, gather around..."

"I want you all to wait here for me, mom will go check our house. Can you do that for me?"

The kids weren't very pleased with this arrangement. Their fear from all the loud noise was still there and they couldn't bear to leave their mother's side.

Eventually, they all accept it as they all believe in their mother judgment. She would always do the best for them, that's what they thought.

I didn't have much disagreement to the plan. Or more accurately, I couldn't pay any attention to it.

Nasha former an illusionary bubble about as big as our house around us. The bubble turned visible like a glass dome before turning invisible.

"Remember to not leave this spot. Mom will be back."

Nasha turned around and leave, her shoulder slightly quivering. Like a wind, she soon disappeared from our sight.


A while after, most of the children were asleep. They were quite stressed out after all and couldn't handle the situation. Only the three oldest boy were awake, each for different reasons.

I was laying down like the others while Tok was sitting further away, observing the barrier. Hubris was doing small exercise, it might be to distract himself from whatever is happening.


Startled, we turned our head at the sound of something moving through the bushes. It was the arrival of a stranger.

I cautiously eye this new individual. Their hair was messy, their body was covered by a red robe and a long purple scythe laid on his palm as if threatening to cut down all those on sight. Needless to say, they don't look very friendly.

Following behind was a group of people wearing black robes, covered from their head to toes. There were 7 people in total, each moving like a professionally trained soldier.

Tok was very alarmed, stepping in front of us as if confronting them. Hubris was frozen in place.

Both sides carefully observe each other. I could now make out features of the leader, as his striking purple hair grabbed my attention.

Something happened when the presumed leader was a few trees away from us.

The barrier turned visible and 5 giant arms reaches out to grab the leader.

However the person in question didn't seem to care as he leisurely moved around the barrier, hacking the approaching arms one by one.

His scythe moved through the arms like butter and they were soon destroyed.

When he tried to strike the barrier with his scythe however, no damage was done. The barrier stood still like an iron wall, protecting those inside.

We were close enough to hear his voice, one filled with fascination while analyzing the immovable barrier.

"An amazing creation. Is this a compression barrier? No more than that, it's a multi-characteristics barrier. Lock, presence and compression? Indeed she is a genius after all."

"172 and 174. Follow order 7."

"Yes sir."

"For the eternal kingdom."

The two robe figures move to opposite side of the barrier. What happen next was a shock for all of us.

Their body light up like a candle before exploding. The explosion was huge evident by the storm of fire swarming around the barrier. Nevertheless, those inside the barrie was safe. Even the loud noise and the blinding light that typically accompanied these explosions didn't have any effect on the insides.

In fact, the impact on the inside was so little that the sleeping kids were still soundly asleep.

After the flame cleared, the situation outside was revealed. A small patch of land around the barrier was gone, the scotched land was covered in a layer of ash. A bit further away was a green barrier that stood out from the empty scenery.

"Hmm, it's stronger than I thought."

When he realized he couldn't affect the barrier with what he has, he turned his attention to those inside.

Looking at the scared kids, he sneered.

"Are you still waiting for your savior? Too bad kids, no one can come to save you.

If you follow us out we'll let you live to serve a greater purpose."

I wonder if there's something wrong with this guy. Who in their right mind would go out after such actions? The others also thought it was ridiculous how he tried to lure them out.

Their leader didn't seem disappointed even though we didn't go out.

"Listen to my proposal more seriously will you? You can't stay in that barrier forever."

"Mom will come to save us before then." Tok said coldly.

"Mom? Ah Nasha. Really, all of you swarm towards that woman without knowing what she really is.

Well it doesn't matter now. Kid, she is gone, no one will come to save you."

We were stunned at his words, not knowing how to react. Tok shouted loudly, denying the claim.

"Can you tell anything beside lies! Anyone can tell that!"

"Ah yes, that is reasonable. Then... is this enough?"

From his robe, he pulled out a small scarf. The thing was dirty and patched with many different cloth.

"This was all that's left of her. Would you really wait for a dead person."

At this point I could tell something wasn't right. I move closer to Hubris who looks angry.

"It's a trap. Calm yourself."

Hubris glance at me and give a small nod. Just before I could let out a sigh of relief an enraged shout reached my ears.



I was too far from him, unable to stop Tok from stepping out the barrier. Tok summoned a platform at his feet, the thing glowed brightly before launching Tok ahead with great speed.

Nevertheless, the leader wasn't distributed at all. He smiled lightly...

"Got you~"

...and plunged his fist into the small kid body.

I didn’t know where to end this chapter so I’ll leave it here.

Opatzocreators' thoughts