
Solo Procrastinator

When I was born I remember a strange light in front of me when I was five I watched a fantasy anime and in tune shouted "STATUS" My mom told me I was delusional and tired at eight I broke someones shoulder by tapping them at twenty I survived being hit by a train some say I have waisted my life but now... I see the same blue light.

Alex_N67 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

I woke up

It was a weird night in this hospital, a small rural clinic with maybe one or two patients and a handful of nurses, the kind of hospital where everyone knows each other, maybe that makes it difficult to see each other at the conveniance store but it was a friendly community where a couple warts wouldnt matter.

on this particular night everything was quiet, the rain ahd stopped the old farts from showing their flaps and folds so all the nurses were extatic, but through the wall of darkness, and through the hasze of rain a man came shouting, his knees brushing under the spotted underwhere.

"please someone my wife's in labour."

and behind him there came a woman, her belly pushed out and her feet placed gingerly in the cold and wet.

of course nurses rushed out helping the woman to a room and laying her on a bed.

three hours latter there was a baby, a strange baby. it was asleep almost instantly no crying, no shouting just snoozing, like a perpetual nap. but there was something no one else saw, no one else could see.

Player 1578:

unique skill registered: procrastination