
Solo Leveling: The Twin Monarchs

After his fathers death and his enemy for a mother and siblings threw him out of the house, Kang-Min Seok became a shut-in. He indulged himself in games and started to living life miserably. He tried working out, did part time jobs. Nothing worked and he kept falling deep in depression. Kang-Min was scared of relationships and families. Ultimately, due to being scared of people as well, he became an introvert. After the expenses he earned and his father left secretly for him were spent, he had nothing to spend. Kang-Min felt like his life would never be normal again. Helpless, raged and depressed, Kang-Min committed suicide. However, the legend between Otaku's and dream of every man to have a second life came true for him. Now in the world of Solo Leveling, with no idea what world it is and where it leads to, Kang-Min is set to find happiness and survive. - - - - - - - - - - There will be some upsetting 'forced' sex scenes, not in a bad way. There will be a reason to it, which you will find out as you read. - - - - - - - - - - Credits to the artist for the cover.

MusicalShota · Anime & Comics
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Incomplete without each other

Jin Soo and Jin Woo were playing around as usual. Kyung-Hye was reading a magazine while Il-Hwan was sleeping on her lap. It was a weekend and they decided to take it easy rather than spend the day going on a picnic or whatnot. 

But despite Il-Hwan wishing for a calm day, an intense scream woke him up with a jerk and it also startled Kyung-Hye. 

When they were finally able to grasp the situation, the voice was recognized as Jin Soo's. 

In the twin's bedroom, Jin Soo was crouching down as he grabbed his head and screamed. 

"Aah!! It... It hurts!!" 


Jin Woo who was surprised started to hug Jin Soo but nothing worked and the kid kept on screaming. 

Jin Soo felt like his brain was being torn apart. Kyung-Hye and Il-Hwan immediately lifted him and placed him on the bed. 

Il-Hwan hurriedly called the doctor and Kyung-Hye tried her best to ease her son. 

Even after trying everything, Jin Soo was still screaming. He only stopped when the pain subsided suddenly and he fell unconscious. 

The doctor couldn't find any problem with him. He said it might have been because of playing the whole day or some fatigue. 

After he left, Jin Soo gained consciousness after an hour. 

When he did so, he muttered Jin Woo's name and only stopped when he felt the familiar grip on his hand and knew it was his brother. 

When he was finally awake, Jin Soo started telling Jin Woo everything. 

"I… I saw people. They were someone else. And it seemed like I knew them. I… I don't know anything else. That dream just kept on going." Jin Soo started crying and hugged Jin Woo who himself was on the verge of breaking out in tears. 

"As if, I was living there. I was with them for a long time…" Jin Soo was slowly getting more and more tangled up.

His voice stuttered and sweat kept on flowing down his face. 

"Jin Soo, calm down." Jin Woo calmed him as he grabbed his hand and comforted him. 

"We should tell mom and dad about this" 

After deciding, they both went to Kyung-Hye and told her everything. When she discussed it with Il-Hwan, they concluded that Jin Soo might have had a dream or nightmare. 

Yet, the same incident happened again and according to Jin Soo, he had seen the continuation of the last dream. 

This time, both Kyung-Hye and Il-Hwan got worried and decided to take him to a psychiatrist. 

Being a fireman, Il-Hwan knew many specialists in different fields of study. 

The result came more docile than they thought. 

According to the doctor, the kids needed more attention. And the most affected by not being with their parents was Jin Soo and that might have affected him. 

That might also be the reason why he started dreaming of a different family. At that, a dream where his family was neglecting him. 

Kyung-Hye and Il-Hwan felt miserable because of them, their kid was suffering. 

So for a few days, Il-Hwan took off from work and spent time with his family. 

Although the headaches kept happening, the pain had reduced significantly. 

And Jin Soo felt that he was troubling his parents too much so he decided to not tell them. 

However, Jin Woo knew everything. And because Jin Soo asked him not to reveal anything to their parents, he did so. 

When they both were six, Jin Ah was born. This gave another distraction to Jin Soo from all the horrible dreams. 

Jin Ah was starting to get attached to her brothers and wouldn't even bother to trouble the parents. 

As days went by everything returned to normal. 

The headaches Jin Soo got became almost negligible and it seemed the story was getting to an end. 

Jin Soo would still cry in the middle of the night and Jin Woo always comforted him. 

It had already been 13 years now and both of them were in middle school. 

Both Jin Woo and Jin Soo excelled in their studies and were responsible, gentle and stuck together all the time. 

Their personalities developed a bit differently. 

Jin Woo tried his best to not show too much excitement whereas, in reality, he was also quite emotional. 

Whereas Jin Soo was always loud and sound about his feelings. Despite two different personalities, they both never had quarrels or fights. 

Jin Ah was like a mixture of her brother's personalities. She would scream about annoyance but would never be loud about her love or care for others. 

It was just another day in their life and both Jin Woo and Jin Soo were returning home after parting ways with their friends. 

"You didn't cry last night." Jin Woo said as he shuffled hands in his pockets. 

"That so? But I did get another headache this morning. 

It seems the dream is slowly getting to an end. I can see myself getting miserable and walking through the lonely streets." When Jin Soo muttered those words, he seemed considerably hurt. 

As if, he was talking about himself. 

"Don't fret over it, even if you're miserable I will accept you." Jin Woo put his hand around Jin Soo and pulled him towards him as he ruffled his brother's hair. 

"Urgh, hyung, I am just 10 minutes younger than you. You have to stop acting like an older brother." 

Jin Soo freed himself from Jin Woo's clutch. 

"You are the one who keeps calling me Hyung. I never told you to…" Jin Woo shrugged as he spoke and Jin Soo went silent. 

"Well it's because of mom and dad-..." Jin Soo was about to retort when the sting went from his head to the spine and he felt weak in the knees. 

When he stumbled, Jin Woo immediately put his hand around Jin Soo and supported him. 

"Ugh, it's worse than usual. It's like the very first one…" Jin Soo pressed his fingers on his head but the pain kept increasing. 

Jin Woo helped him and made him sit on the bench beside their building. 

He gave water to Jin Soo and tried to ease his pain by massaging his head. 

Jin Soo's eyes soon got heavy and he went into a momentary slumber. 

Tears trickled down his eyes. Jin Soo started sniffling while sleeping. 

Jin Woo felt his heart aching every time his brother sniffled. 

For so many years he had been seeing his brother suffer. It hurt him that there was nothing he could do but comfort him. 

Jin Soo slowly opened his eyes, tears still blocking his vision and blurring everything in his view. 

"Jin Soo, what happened? Are you fine? Why are you still crying?" At some point, they both had wondered if there was something mysterious about Jin Soo's memories. 

Something that their parents weren't telling them. 

Maybe something like, them both being adoptive children? 

Or once Jin Woo even brought up something fantastical that seemed impossible in their entire life. 

'Memories of past life' 

However foolish it seemed, for them any reason was viable. 

"Hyung… it's true…" Jin Soo looked at Jin Woo, crying unstoppably. 

"Wh... What's true? What are you talking about?" Jin Woo asked him as he kept wiping his tears. Jin Soo seemed extremely scared and uncomfortable. 

As if, he had been put somewhere unknown. 

"All those dreams, they weren't dreams. It was all real! I… I am not from this world." 

Jin Soo started blabbering about many things. Either about being from somewhere else or reincarnation and whatnot. 

And while speaking he was exhausted and fell asleep again. 

Jin Woo carried him on his back home. 

"Mom, I am home." Jin Woo left his shoes at the entrance and tried to hurriedly leave to their bedroom. 

"Jin Soo!" But Kyung-Hye had already walked out of the kitchen and noticed them. 

"What happened to him!?" She looked at Jin Soo sleeping on Jin Woo's back. He looked completely exhausted. 

"Uh, well…" Jin Woo tried to think of something immediately to lie. 

"We were playing with our friend and he exhausted himself and fell asleep." 

"I will put him on the bed and wash up." Jin Woo hurried and entered the bedroom. 

- - - - - - - - 

'Jin Soo,... He is not the type to joke about things when the situation is serious. But last life? Another world? That's ridiculous. 

But he never lies to me, I am sure of that.' Jin Woo ruffled his hair in frustration as he kept waiting for Jin Soo to wake up. 

It had been a while since he returned. He also brought the food to their room so he could immediately hear what his brother had to say. 

And in about an hour, Jin Soo was awake. 

Jin Woo first let him drink water, calm himself and then started asking about his doubts. 

"So, what were you talking about?" Jin Soo contemplated his decision when Jin Woo asked him. 

'Should I just hide it? It will be easier if I say I was blabbering something from exhaustion. 

It's easier, but I feel wrong about it. I… I wish I could tell this secret to someone. If I don't, it will only keep eating me from the inside.' 

After discussing whether to reveal this huge secret to Jin Woo or not with his inner self, Jin Soo finally got his answer. 

He told Jin Woo everything. Every single drop of his memories and what had happened in his past life. 

His meeting with the god and all. 

At the end of his story, Jin Woo didn't know what to say. He felt like laughing but he controlled himself. 

'With how serious he is, I don't think he is lying. Maybe he is a bit unstable? Mentally?' 

But Jin Woo knew better than others that Jin Soo was never mentally ill. He never needed a psychiatrist to start with. 

"I don't know. It sounds like something straight out of a novel or fantasy." Jin Soo nodded his head. He understood what Jin Woo meant. 

Even for him, it would be laughable if someone were to talk about being reincarnated. 

"But it's you after all. You never lie to me. All I want to ask you is, whether you still think of us as family." 

Jin Woo was calm. Mostly because Jin Soo had sessions with a psychiatrist every two weeks. So if there was any problem, it would soon be found. 

What he hoped was, in the remaining two weeks, Jin Soo better not do something stupid. 

For example, leave the house. 

"I do. This IS my family to start with. It was all past life. And I was ready to have a new and better family after coming back to life. 

Even if I didn't have a family, I was determined to stay happy." 

Jin Soo's answers relieved him. 

"No matter what, you are my twin after all. Even if you're a little cringy, i accept you." Jin Woo joked, earning a chuckle from Jin Soo instead of his usual uproars.

"You will be incomplete without me..." Jin Soo said, his voice emitting a wave of maturity.

"Yuck, cringe..." Jin Woo crawled away from his brother before breaking into a laughter along with his twin.

After two weeks, the results from the psychiatrist came to be normal. He also stated that everything was fine with Jin Soo and there was no need for more consultation. 

Jin Woo now truly believed his brother. 

They decided to never bring up Jin Soo's past life. Never. 

And as they started to forget about Jin Soo's dreadful past, another life-threatening and terrorizing future awaited them both.