
Solo Leveling: The Monarch Of Storms

A boy wakes up in another world with no knowledge of how he got there. After realizing where he was something crazy appeared in front of him. If you’ve ever read any of my ff you should know how much I don’t care about some complaints unless they extremely stupid. I’m taking this semi seriously, because I could feel like dropping it out the blue and will until I feel like writing again. Enjoy it or not idc. All harems are stupid, dumb, shitty, and pointless, so you’re not getting one. There MIGHT be a love interest, but it’ll most likely be an OC. Don’t care how you feel about it. Also it doesn’t take a genius to know ion own shit other than my OC and this storyline.

God_Of_Hate · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


A short chapter


"To deepen our trust in each other I'd like to propose something. With the same rules as just now how about we have a duel between the S-rank hunters?" The translator announced.

"Skill testing, huh." I muttered. We walked down the stairs and onto the sidelines as Gong-hee spoke.

"Alright. Only if the mages and non-combatant types are exempt." He said.

"I'd also like to add some rules. Getting knocked over and touching the back should also be counted as a win." Baek Yoonho said. He was in his normal for right now.

"This will also be a group fight." Dungwook said with a smile.

"I see. The rules are acceptable." He said as he sent out Tanaka, Hoshino, Kumamoto, and Tawata.

The only reason Jin-cheul didn't participate was because it's easier to get an estimate of everyone's capabilities by watching them fight. Me and Jin-woo didn't participate because of that and we're technically mage types.

As they prepared themselves Ma Dungwook doubled in size as a huge smile was plastered on his face. On the other side Tanaka's body was radiating a red energy as I could feel his power growing.

Within a moment, they shit forward and through a straight punch at each other. Their fists collided as a strong gust of wind was produced. It sounded like thunder as they continued punching each other.

I was holding Raiju while he started covering his ears. He looked annoyed.

'Cat's will be cats.' I thought as I took a few chairs out of my inventory. I offered them one and they accepted as we sat down and continued watching the spar.

Hoshino shot past them and was going after Taekyu. He was pretty fast, but Taekyu was able to dash back in time to gain some distance. On his arm five blue arrows were made entirely out if mana and he shot them at Hoshino.

The speed of the arrows was good and his accuracy was amazing, but Hishino seemed to have a faster reaction time, so he was able to dodge them.

Although he "missed" Hoshino was only one of his targets as the arrows spread out and aimed to his the others on Japans team.

"How good is is accuracy with a bow?" I asked.

"With a bow the longest shot he was able to make was around 5,476 meters." Go Gong-hee said.

"I see."

I went back to focus on the match and the depressed looking guy, Kumamoto, had used great speed to get behind Baek Yoonho and it seemed like he was going for a slash.

I could feel some bloodlust leaking from him as well, but it was only a little. Just as he was going for the slash, his eyes widened and he retreated.

"What's that guy? It would have been a clear win if he touched his back." I asked with a sigh.

"Nervousness maybe." Jin-cheul responded.

"If he's gonna be like this the he's virtually useless in this raid. Does he only do this with humans or is he like this with monsters as well?"

"No clue." He said and hunched his shoulders with a sigh.

Baek Yoonho looked at him for a moment before a feral grin appeared on his face. He crossed his arms as his hands started to get covered in white fur and his nails turned to black claws.

He shot forward and was hoping to cut Izawa. Although he was fast, Kumamoto was faster and was able to dodge it while panicking a bit.

At that moment a huge banging sound could be heard. Looking over, we saw that Ma Dungwook was slammed into the ground by Tanaka. Ma Dungwooks head at that time was the same size Tanakas torso.

Just then another sound if something crashing was heard. Hoshino was able to pin Taekyu to the wall by his wrists.

Now it was a three V one. Chae-In was fighting the other girl and she was doing pretty well. She was fast, but had power behind her swings and she was doing it all without loosing momentum.

The other girl couldn't keep up and her guard was broken. Chae-In got behind her and lightly touched her back before dashing off to help Baek Yoonho.

In the moment she turned her back Izawa appeared behind her. In an instant she shot out a barrage of about 14 hits. His nose had broken as blood was staining his mask. Chae-in's eyes widened as she realized she went overboard.

Suddenly a surge of bloodlust bursted from Kumamoto's body. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he as he shot forward. Chae-in dodged to the side as he smashed his fist into the floor.

He then shot forward at her again, but this time she jumped back. Getting irritated, Kumamoto's body let off another wave of bloodlust.

It was getting way too serious at that point as me, Jin-cheul, and Jin-woo flashed from our seats to stop him. After all it's still my job to protect and discipline hunters.

I grabbed the pressure points in his neck which made his body stiffen up. Jin-woo stopped his foot from connecting with Chae-in while Jin-cheul had pushed his palm against Kumamoto.

He was knocked out as his head slumped down.

"We'll end it here. It looks like it's our loss anyway." I announced. Everyone else seemed to agree, but I had more to say.

"Also, he's exempt from the raid."

"With what authority can you make that decision?" Goto asked as his eyes started glowing white.

"He's not fit to be a hunter at all. Even if he's S-rank, not only does he become so nervous that he doesn't fight, his personality is completely unstable. If something happens to him the whole plan would get fucked up cause he can't take a few hits." I said as I released a bit of my own aura.

He looked at me seriously before sighing.

"How about a match then. Just like the one that was just stopped. Getting put down, getting your back touched and getting your wrist grabbed will disqualify you. If I win Kumamoto can come if I lose then he doesn't ?"

"Since you want to be humiliated so bad fine. It'd be good for you to go all out." I said as cracked my knuckles.

(Third POV)

As everyone saw the two arguing and the intense auras in the air they had conflicted thoughts. They wanted to stop this fight simply because if it got too serious no one knows what would happen.

On the other hand they wanted to let this fight go on to see how powerful they were.

"Shimizu, you'll be in charge of healing him after the match." Goto said to the girl that was sucking on a sucker.

"Who do you think will win?" Chae-In asked Baek Yoonho.

"Well believe it or not, but I've seen Sung Ming-yoo make history before. He was able to open a red gate with his bare hands." He answered.

"No way isn't he a mage type!?"

"Yeah, but his strength if off the charts."


"Let's get started." Ming-yoo said. In the instant he said that Goto had sent a strike aimed at his eye. He tilted his head a little and grabbed Goto's forearm tightly.

"Seems like you're after more than a little victory." He said as he threw him back. Goto flipped in the air and regained balance, but the moment he touched the ground Ming-yoo was already in his face with a punch about to hit him.

He jumped back again, dodging the blow, but the force behind it sent a shockwave that threw him against the wall. Before he could move Ming-yoo had grabbed his wrists and held them tightly.

"The match is over. Sung Ming-yoo is announced as the winner." The translator woman said.

Ming-yoo released Goto's wrists and stepped back a bit.

"As we agreed on, Kumamoto is now exempt from the raid." He said.

Afterwards the session had ended and everyone had went hime for some rest or some alone time. 8:00 tomorrow is the day they set out for the island raid.

American Embassy

The visit to Hawaii was a National level disaster. Man S-ranks were sent along with the General, but even after the estimated month it would take to complete what was going on, there was no word from the raid team.

Inside the board room was the president Carter L. Booker. He sat at the round table alone with a serious expression on his face. Not only had his General been possibly killed, but 13 S-ranks along with him had just vanished.

"DAMN IT!!" He yelled as he smashed his fist into the table. His fist caused the table to crack, like glass that would break from the slight movement.

"America's left with 12 S-ranks, while Japan and South Korea seem to be getting ready for something. If I'm correct South Korea has had continuous cases of reawakening." He muttered to himself.

'Is it some device? Could they possibly have someone like Norma Selner? Japan seems to be in some pact with them, could it be because of this? Maybe I should try to call a meeting with their president.'

As Carter thought of what his next step should be, his thoughts were going to disarray. The thought of his best friend since childhood dying had made his persona as a leader crumble as he silently cried.


Kauai, Hawaii

The place was a wasteland. Rotten trees had fallen to the ground and they seemed to be melting. The waters were a dark green and black color.

The island smelled putrid, as the bodies of dead anima were thrown around the island. Their bodies were also rotting as they were filled with maggots, flies, mosquitoes, etc.

The fruits on the trees had all been turned into a rotten watery tree of disgust. The deeper into the island you got the more disgusting it because.

At the very center of the island was a a huge monster sitting there. This monster was huge with green skin that seemed to be rotten almost like a zombies.

It had horns, that looked like tree branches that went the opposite direction of the other. It's tongue hung out from its mouth and touched its stomach. There were teeth-like spikes that stuck out of its body as it sat there and released a toxic burst of mana through the ground.


"It seems like the other's are on there way here." It said in a grotesque voice.

'I wonder if I should meet them.' He thought as he laughed loudly. It's plan was to establish a doorway into its domain here secretly, so that once the time comes he could open it and allow his army to come and invade the nation he was closest to.