
Solo Leveling: The Monarch Of Storms

A boy wakes up in another world with no knowledge of how he got there. After realizing where he was something crazy appeared in front of him. If you’ve ever read any of my ff you should know how much I don’t care about some complaints unless they extremely stupid. I’m taking this semi seriously, because I could feel like dropping it out the blue and will until I feel like writing again. Enjoy it or not idc. All harems are stupid, dumb, shitty, and pointless, so you’re not getting one. There MIGHT be a love interest, but it’ll most likely be an OC. Don’t care how you feel about it. Also it doesn’t take a genius to know ion own shit other than my OC and this storyline.

God_Of_Hate · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


(First POV)

—A Few hours later—

We've been patrolling for about three hours now. We've had to stop and give some warning, give a few fines, and that was it. There wasn't much we could do incase there was a murder in the dungeons, unless it involved a high rank hunter.

Within these few hours I read the file on re-awakening experiences and I've gathered some important details.

1. You need to be in a near death state or momentarily dead.

2. Your cells need to have a huge burst of energy and vitality, so that it can simulate the first awakening experience.

3. There's a moment where they could feel like they have limitless power, but after a moment that power is given a cap and then a rank.

With that information, I think I have a way to do the re-awakening process. Honestly it's all about luck. Basically I'll have to kill you, then strike you lightning to jumpstart your heart and bring you back to life.

I didn't tell him though, because I'm not sure. As we were driving around my phone started vibrating. Taking it out if my pocket, I saw that it was a request from the Chairman to get Sung Jin-woo.

He was currently working as a miner for the hunters guild.

"What's wrong with him working there?" I asked.

"Well he's an S-rank hunter and in about a day or so everyone will know. That means his actions might be monitored, not only by the country, but others as well. It'd be better if he was more aware of his actions." Jin-cheul said with a sigh as he sped around the corner.

I put my sunglasses back on and waiting till we got to the gate location.

—A few minutes later—

We pulled up to the gate and saw the mining team standing outside waiting. The gate was huge. I could feel the magic power coming off of it and it felt around S-rank.

Getting out if the car we leisurely walked up to the miners and asked questions.

"How may we help you?" A man said.

"Where's hunter Sung Jin-woo?" Cheul asked.

"That man again!? Is there a problem with him?"

"You'll know soon. Watch the news tomorrow, but where is he?"

"He's in the gate."

We walked up to the gate and Cheul took out some device and I could hear him gasp.

"We beed to go now. It shouldn't be a problem for Jin-woo, but the other team might be dead!!" He said as we ran into the dungeon.

I could already see where the boss room was and all of the people there.

"I'll go ahead." I said and sped up. On my way there I passed some girl in jeans, a white shirt and was carrying a pickax. I saw a huge wooden door and kicked it in.

Inside the dungeon was Jin-woo, a group of hunters that seemed to be the original raid team, and these shadow like things. Summons from what I can see.

"I think it's eat if you all were to leave." I said as I was walking towards them. Just as I was a few steps from them a ogre like monster jumped at me with an axe above its head.

As it swung its axe down on me I grabbed its wrist with my left hand and cut its head off with a dagger in my right hand. Throwing the body to the side I repeated myself.

"As I said, it's best if you got out of here now."

"But we can't just leave hunter woo!!"

"YOU PEASANTS AREN'T ALLOWED TO INTERFERE!!" He said as a magic wheel appeared in front of him. It had the 12 zodiacs on it and four of them started to glowing. The raid team started coughing up blood as they fell down in agony.

Immediately I used [Magic Hands] to levitate them out of the dungeon and over to the woman that was standing by the doorway along with Cheul.

"You got this or need help!?" I asked raising my voice a little.

"Hold on." He said as he railed his arm back and sent a punch so hard the ogres head was blown off its shoulders. He landed on the ground and his body jumped like he was shocked by something.

His head turned to look at me as he reeled back in shock.

"We're here to escort you out." I said walking towards him. He looked back at the monster with a contemplating expression and clinched fist.

"If there's something you need to do, you're still entitled to have privacy." I informed him.

He nodded his head and muttered to give him a minute. I walked up to everyone else and put up one finger signaling for us to give him a moment of privacy.

I used [Magic Hands] to get the rocks and stuff to block the door, so we couldn't see the inside and after a minute of waiting, I took it down.

"Wait!! On behalf of the hunters guild, we'd like to thank you." Said the guy I presumed to be the raid captain. Jin-woo gave a girl some notepad and we left.

Later that day we didn't do much. We went on break and did some paperwork and then the day was over around midnight. I went home and loosened my neck tie as I plopped down onto the couch.

Looking at my phone that had just vibrated, I read the message. It was from the chairman explaining that I would have to be going for my re-evaluation tomorrow.

I asked him why and he just said that the hunters need to know that we have someone like you on our side, so they should start acting tight. That includes S-ranks.

I agreed with it, because although the reports and pictures will be annoying, it would be clear that not only do I have the backing if Go Gong-hee, but I'm also an S-rank. This basic puts me above damn near any form of government in South Korea.

Later on that night I just went to sleep.

—Next Day—

I woke at the same time I did yesterday, followed the same routine, and left my apartment. Getting into the car, I drove off.

"I really have to get use to this." I said as I connected the car to my Bluetooth and played 'Sleepy Hollow-1999.'

Driving around this time with some music playing and the wind blowing on your face just hit different. Especially when you can see the sunrise.

'Probably the best part about this job.' I thought as I turned and pulled into the parking lot. I tuned the music down as I parked and unconnected mu Bluetooth.

"So, did you find anything about the re-awakening process?" Cheul said as he handed me a cigarette.

"Yeah, but it's risky."

"I'm an A-rank hunter that had to stop two S-ranks from fighting. My job is the definition if risky." He said.

"Well, so basically I have to kill you, BUT I'll have to revive you." I said.

"What if this doesn't work? And how will you "revive" me?" He asked.

"So basically I'd stop your heart, but then I'd get it pumping with a sudden strike if energy. Aka I'll hit you with lightning."

"Hmm." He started thinking and I don't know if he was doing it on purpose or not, but he was releasing his aura which was gold and his eyes were purple.

"What are the chances of this working?" He asked with a sigh.

"About…let's say around 60%." I answered. Her looked into the sky for a while before looking at me seriously.

"Where are we doing this?"

"Give me about a week or two before we start the process." I said. He nodded and nodded.

—Some hours later—

After doing the normal work we had to come back for a meeting. The meeting was mainly about how the Examination Center would be reserved for some actor that's getting his rank evaluated.

We had to go up there and be guards. Well all besides me. I was going up to get my rank officially evaluated, so I would getting escorted by them.

When the meeting ended there was about five of them including Cheul to escort me and make sure nothing goes wrong since there would definitely be lots of reporters and news stations.

With that over I got in my car and waited for two cars to go out first before I did. Three others followed after me as we drove smoothly to the Examination Center.

Of course people were taking pictures, wondering who they were escorting and where. When we pulled up there tons of reporters. Seeing us, all the cameras turned and as we got out the cars, my escorts circled around me.

"Who's that?!"

"We can't see!!"

"What are your thoughts on Lee Min-sung?"

Reporters ambushed them with questions as they tried blocking the path for us. Cheul was calmly standing in front of me as we pushed our way through them.

I noticed Jin-woo passing through the crowd as there seemed to be some conflict with Min-sung. The actor guy. As we got to the stairs, Go Gong-hee came out of the door and cleared everything up.

"Sometimes I have thoughts about how clueless you are with this type of stuff." I ssid to Jin-woo with a sigh.

"Who even is that guy?"

"Some actor." I replied.

"Good to see you two catching up." The chairman said as he welcomed us in. I wondered how he got here before us, but he probably just took a different route.

Behind us Woo Jin-cheul and the rest blocked the door. His energy spiked for a moment as we heard an uproar about who me and Jin-woo were.


We walked through the halls and I was able to see Baek Yoon-ho and some other guy with red hair standing there. They bowed a bit for some reason as the chairman spoke.

"They arrived an hour ago and have been waiting ever since." He said looking at them with a small smile.

"You two are the very first S-rank hunters in 2 years. From seeing and hearing about your strength, I'm sure their anxious in a way." He said with a light laugh.

We continued to walk till we entered a big room, that looked like testing grounds.

"This where we'll be examining you abilities to confirm what class of a hunter you are." Said a man in a tux and glasses.

"What kind of abilities do you have?" He asked while looking at Jin-woo.

"I can do something like this." He said as a few shadows started forming into knights.

"Is this your limit?" Gong-he asked.

He didn't say anything, but he sighed and out of nowhere more monsters started coming from his shadow.

"I can summon about a hundred." He said lazily.

"I-I see." Gong-hee said.

"What about you?" He asked looking my way. I decided to have my left arm be coiled with lightning and for the air around me to for a barrier.

"For more we'll have to go somewhere else." There was shock on everyone's face either from the magic energy that was released or from my abilities.

Honestly I didn't care that they knew what I can do. It's not like it'll change anything since they know my abilities.

"I see. So two mages?"

We both just nodded and he handed us our new cards. It had my name, rank, and physical information along with a picture of me. Afterwards, I had to conceal my energy again from because we did some practice test.

In the end they had to buy more equipment, but we weren't paying for it. As we left the hall we talked for a bit.

"Those were the monsters from yesterday right?" I asked.

"Since we'll be working together I'd like to talk about this in private somewhere. I'd also like to keep it from the association." He said, hinting at the fact he only wanted this between us.

"Like I said before, you're entitled to have privacy. So when and where should we meet?"

"Same place around the mountains. We can go now actually." He said.

"Alright, I can do that. Although around 12 I'll have to do something." I said as we bumped fist and was about to open a door.

"Wait!!" Someone yelled out. We turned and saw Baek and the red head guy.

"Could we have a moment of your time?" He asked.

"If this is about joining a guild, I work with the association already." I said as I pushed the door open and right outside was repoters, news stations, cameras flashing, people yelling.

It was way too much happening right now and it stunned me for a bit, before I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"We can escort you to your car if you'd like. It would be tiring for you to deal with this." I heard Baek Yoon-ho.

"I'm good." I said as I just used my speed to get past them and into my car. I started it and drove off. In the morning I had received a message from the chairman saying people like me and Jin-cheul don't have to go to work everyday, but when we're called upon.

That got me wondering why Jin-cheul went everyday even though he didn't have to. It might be some bond between him and the chairman.