
Chapter: 7

Chapter: 7

As the golden light faded it revealed that the Rule was destroyed.

[Level up]

[Level up]

[level up]

[level up]

"That… was… ridiculous."

I jumped out of the wall I was thrown into and continued walking through the hall not bothering to put away Excalibur knowing that I'll need it a lot more than ever. Opening another gate I pulled out a blood-red spear (Gae Blog) and a pure white suit appeared on my body.

Name: Glacial Sentinel Armor

Rank: SSS-Rank


The Glacial Sentinel Armor is a masterpiece of enchanted craftsmanship, crafted from the purest white fabric woven from the threads of the heavens itself. This immaculate suit exudes an aura of ethereal beauty and unparalleled resilience, its surface shimmering with an iridescent glow that evokes the majesty of a white fortress.

Defensive Capabilities:

Thorns X: it reflects 100% of damage back to the attacker at maximum enchantment.

Mending Enchantment: The Mending enchantment allows the wearer to use mana to repair the suit instantly, restoring its pristine condition even in the midst of battle.

Thermal Fluctuation Resistance: The armor provides unparalleled resistance to extreme temperatures, whether blazing heat or bone-chilling cold, ensuring the wearer remains comfortable and protected in any environment.

Unbreaking Enchantment: The Unbreaking enchantment significantly reduces the rate at which the suit deteriorates, making it nearly indestructible even in the face of the most relentless assaults.

Mana Amplification: The suit is imbued with an enchantment that amplifies the wearer's mana reserves by 30%, enhancing their magical prowess and allowing for more potent spellcasting abilities.

Enhanced Mobility: Despite its formidable defensive capabilities, the suit remains lightweight and flexible, allowing the wearer to move with unparalleled agility and grace.

"Sigh, I didn't expect to bring this out so early…Alright, let's continue."

I channeled mana into my feet and took off shattering the ground below me. Along my way through the dungeon, I ran into a couple of around 5 more Rulers which I destroyed with a combination of Gae Bolg and Excalibur. Running down the hall I saw three Rulers, throwing Gae Bolg at the Ruler in the center which pierced its chest vanishing in a burst of speed appearing below the Ruler on the left and unleashing an attack from Excalibur cleaving the Ruler in two then stabbing Excalibur into the ground then raised my hand at the last Ruler and released a blast of ShadowFlare destroying its body.

[level up]

[level up]

[level up]

I sighed picking up Excalibur then used dominators touch to bring Gae Bolg back to me. Looking forward I saw a large door.

"This is not going to be fun, sigh status."

Name: Sung Ji-Yoon

Level: 74

Class: None

Title: reincarnate

Hp: 15700

Mp: 35000 + (7000)


Strength: 106

Vitality: 96

Agility: 102

Intelligence: 112

Sense: 92


Passive skill: 

-(Unknown) Lv. Max

Active skills

-Creation Lv. 5

- Skill creation Lv. 4

-Mana manipulation Lv. 7

- Dominators touch Lv. 6

- ShadowFlare Lv. 7

- The Gates of Babylon lv. 5

- Mana reactor lv. 4

- Mana cultivator lv. 5

- Arcane Artistry lv. 4

- High-speed regeneration lv.2

- Healing magic lv.2

"Well, this is the best it's going to get right now."

I walked over to the door and pushed it open revealing a massive throne room that was made of marble and gold standing against the wall were 10 Rulers that were much stronger than the ones that I was fighting prior they were wearing gold-plated armor with three extra pairs of wings with various weapons from swords to whips and were much smaller than the typical Ruler around the hight of 8-9ft. And a massive throne in the center was seated a massive being. A gigantic man with long silver hair, pale white skin, and golden yellow eyes. He was always seen barefoot and wore silver robes, golden armor, and a large golden crown.

I took a breath then sighed and walked forward until I was right in front of the man.

"Hello… me or should I say my prior life."

The man looked at me with an emotionless face and then spoke.

"Reincarnate it's good to see that you have made it this far."

"How much of your original soul did it take for this to happen?" I asked pointing at him.

"Enough, but enough of this charade it's time to begin your test."

After he said this the rulers that were stationed at the walls started to move towards me.

"All of these Rulers are at the same level as Bellion isn't this a little too much?"

"If you die then so be it."

"Heartless bastard."

I turned to face the rulers and then dropped Gae Bolg and pulled Caliburn from the Gate of Babylon. Appearing around me were multiple golden ripples emerging from the ripples were golden spiked chains with runes on them. I started to walk towards the Rulers and Shadow Flare sparked to life on both Excalibur and Caliburn.

I stepped off with a burst of speed I appeared in front of the first one activating both Caliburn and Excalibur's abilities swinging both weapons at it unleashing a brilliant beam of light that hit him head-on the attack created a massive trench that stretched through the room. The light didn't even die down as two Rulers appeared behind me swinging their weapons a whip and a spear. I spun around and blocked the attacks but they sent me flying and before I could blink another Ruler appeared above me swinging a halberd at me but I couldn't block in time and I was hit in the chest slamming me into the ground which caused two separate reactions the force of the blow caused me to cough up blood but the damage was reflected back onto the Ruler causing a slash appeared on its chest.

Jumping up to my feet and tried to regain my balance but I wasn't even given that privilege as I was blitzed by another Ruler that had a feint red aura around it and it punched me into a wall shattering the wall behind me.

"They have mage with a boost skill? This is getting ridiculous."

Chapter: 7