
Solo Leveling : Reborn with Six Eyes

Gurumaster · Anime & Comics
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00 | Solo Leveling Universe – Key Elements and Dynamics

Basic Setting Of Six Eye – 

MC possesses innate gift Six Eye from birth.

Six Eye is not a limitless technique cause MC is not Sataru or from Gojo Clan, 

Cursed Energy does not exist in this Setting.

MC can deactivate Six Eye when needed.

Six Eye boosts brain efficiency to 100%, similar to NZT-48 from Limitless but without side effects.

Allows MC to manipulate energy at atomic level, contingent on focus and willpower.

Provides immense perception, similar to Sung Jinwoo's Mana Capacity boost from Black Heart in Solo Leveling.

Timeline of Solo Leveling World –

The MC awakens one year after Jinwoo.

This event occurs three years before the canon storyline and nine years after the first S-rank Dungeon disaster.

Hunter Awakening & Re-awakening –

Hunters may awaken between the ages of 15 to 70, with awakening being a random occurrence.

Awakening grants the individual innate ability to harness Mana.

The duration of awakening determines the strength of the vessel and its upper limit of Mana capacity.

Re-awakening is a rare phenomenon that typically occurs accidentally when a Hunter's vessel is strengthened. Due to the lack of knowledge among humans, no one can control this event.

Hunter Rank:

Hunter rank is determined by the Density of Mana a Hunter possesses.

False Rankers are skilled individuals who manipulate their Mana density to falsify their rank during the ranking procedure.

Rank Advancement – 

Hunters can increase their rank by absorbing Mana from their surroundings or Essence Stones until their vessel reaches its natural limit.

Skills and Rune Stones – 

Unique skills are stored in Rune Stones, which hunters can learn to enhance their abilities.

These skills are highly valuable but are specific to each individual hunter.

An Innate skill is gifted when Hunter awakens, Hunters are classified into different Classes by nature of their Skillset like Tanks, Healer, Mage, etc.

Essence Stones – 

Essence Stones serve as invaluable energy sources and are used for making mana-conducting weapons.

They are highly sought after in the human world due to their efficiency and longevity as an energy source.

Combat Dynamics –

Firearms have limited effectiveness against monsters, with varying degrees of resistance.

Monsters have solid resistance against firearms; for example, D-ranks can be killed by grenades but can easily avoid them, while C-ranks and above are resistant to such damage.

Casualty Distribution –

In the event of a casualty, 70% of the individual's property goes to their family, while 30% is allocated to the country.

If the deceased has no relatives, 100% of their property goes to the country.

Monarch and Rulers Restrictions –

Monarchs and Rulers lack the ability to peep anytime and anywhere.

They must control a specific region beforehand to observe real-time events.

Skilled Hunters possess excellent intuition and perception to detect if someone is stalking them