
Solo Leveling: Ragnarok [FAN TL]

The Earth's existence is under threat once more as Itarim, the gods of other universes, seek to fill the void left by the Absolute Being. Sung Jinwoo has no choice but to send Beru, the shadow ant king, to awaken his son's powers and start him on the journey he once took. Suho must conquer the shadow dungeon and earn his place in the world of hunters as he navigates through a new world against a new evil looking to swallow the world whole. DISCLAIMER: I want to clarify that I did not write Solo Leveling Ragnarok, so I don't take any credit for the story. Why am I posting it then? Well, I wanted to have easy access to it while on the go. The original material is in Korean, and though there are many sites with translations, most only go up to chapter 180. Although there is now an official translation on Tapas, it's still somewhat restricted. I gathered translations from various sites to compile them in one place. For a while, I had to use Google Translate to work on the chapters from the source material. Please note that the compilation may contain grammar errors, translation mistakes, and incorrect names from the original sites. I've tried to correct them where I could, but many errors remain. If you spot any, please leave a paragraph comment with the correction and a chapter comment with a rating of 1 to 7**. If these mistakes bother you, then doing this is a simple thing to do. Also, I want to make it clear that I'm not taking a contract with Webnovel or making any money from this, as it's not my original work. **Read the auxiliary chapters for more info!!!

Craftyprogamer · Urban
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257 Chs

Chapter 171

[You have entered the Shadow Dungeon.]

In the rigid body training camp, Ammut, who was sitting with his back leaning in the depths of the pyramid, opened his eyes.

[… An uninvited guest has arrived.]


Suddenly, a dimensional door seemed to open, and a tremendous presence stepped into the shadow dungeon. But why? There was nothing unnatural about him so as to be called an intruder. 'He' opened the door so naturally as if he had entered his own house and appeared in front of Ammut.

[You… Who are you?]

Ammut bared his teeth at the man. The moment the giant crocodile man stood up, a tremendous sense of intimidation overwhelmed the man.


But he was calm, as if he didn't mind that kind of intimidation. He looked over Ammut's figure with rather interesting eyes and nodded.

-You are Ammut, right?


Ammut hesitated at the strange atmosphere he felt from the man. The man looked at him and did not speak. His gaze was not on his face, but on his head, as if there was something there.

[Wait a minute you…]

Ammut belatedly noticed that the black energy flowing from the man was oddly similar to Sung Suho, and his eyes lit up.

[Are you the Shadow Monarch?]

-No, well more or less like that.


-I think you know.

[What are you talking about?]

Ammut frowned at the ambiguous answer. However, despite such a reaction, Sung Jin-Woo's face made eye contact with Ammut and smiled faintly.

-Magically speaking, I am rather similar to you.


At those words, Ammut's eyes widened. As if it was an expected reaction, Sung Jin-Woo's face turned his gaze to the surroundings with a calm expression. His gaze pierced the shamanic circle of Kandiaru carved into this pyramid.

Crackle! Crack! Crack!

Following that line of sight, numerous incantation circuits etched throughout the pyramid flickered and radiated light.

[Hey! You can't...]

Sung Jin-Woo, who was appreciating the result of the circuit diagram, opened his mouth.

-I am a false personification, an illusion, made by magic just like you. It's something similar to an avatar or an NPCs, but in the end, they all mean the same thing.


Due to Ammut's appearance, Jin-Woo was reminded of Baran, the demon king, whom he encountered a long time ago on the top floor of the demon castle dungeon. The king of demons, the monarch of white flames, Baran. Baran was the only non-living Monarch he encountered. To be more precise, Baran had already been killed by Ashbon, the first Shadow Monarch, before he met Sung Jin-Woo. Only the soul was recreated in Kandiaru's hands and used for the level up system. However, Baran, the demon king who was created in this way, did not reach his original power at all. It was because the 'primitive darkness', which is the source of the power of monarchs, had escaped.

- But I'm curious. How long have you been stuck like this?


At those black eyes that seemed to see right through him, Ammut smiled and opened his mouth.

[Well, I don't remember, because you can't see the flow of time here.]

- Do you want me to kill you?

[What? Kuhuhuhu! That has to be one of the funniest jokes I've heard lately!]

At that, Ammut gave a self-deprecating chuckle.


He swung his huge arm and smashed the wall next to him. The bricks collapsed around it, creating a huge hole. Curiously, after a while, the hole in the wall began to repair itself.

[Do you see it?]

Ammut's eyes looked straight into Sung Jin-Woo's.

[Even if you are the real Shadow Monarch, you can't kill me. Because this is my grave and at the same time it is a part of myself.]

- It's a spell that automatically recovers even if it's destroyed.

Sung Jin-Woo nodded at those words, his pupils growing. Although, even if it was impossible for him right now, it wouldn't be a difficult problem if he was his 'real' self. However, Ammut didn't really want to be killed by him in the first place, so he decided to keep quiet about this to Sung Jin-Woo's vision and look another way.

Jin-Woo also went back to his first priority, checking this place, including the pyramid that does not exist in Sung Jin-Woo's memory.

This place was, so to speak, the legacy of Kandiaru. There must have been several experiments in the process of developing the level-up system, and this pyramid must have been one of them. What he was curious about was, how the hell did this huge shamanistic device come into the shadow of Sung Suho?

'It's a system that automatically recovers even if it's destroyed.'

Soon, Sung Jin-Woo realized the reason.

-… Could it be that the level-up system, which has lost its purpose and is incomplete, is working to restore itself?

In fact, the reason for the existence of the level up system has long since disappeared. Because it has already achieved its goal a long time ago. Therefore in this situation, the level-up system that the new player Sung Suho reactivated began to repair itself on its own in the same shape that it had been once before.

No, to be precise…

-The system is reforming itself to suit the changed situation, right?

The purpose of the level up system was, of course, 'to make the player a vessel for the Shadow Monarch'.

However, Sung Suho could not become a Shadow Monarch no matter what. If so then, what is the purpose of the system?

-Could it be a side quest of sorts?

The level up system could be supplementing itself for Sung Suho's future job change. Having this in mind, Sung Jin-Woo made a satisfied expression.

The existence of an NPC called Ammut and all the results of interpreting the inscriptions inscribed on this pyramid proved it.

- That 's great!

When he finally realized that fact, he burst into laughter. Now he was anxious and excited about what kind of job his son will get. After all, if you look at this, isn't it not very different from the worries of ordinary parents?


- I'm sure I know what to do.

Sung Jin-Woo had a smile on his face as he organized his thoughts.


Suddenly, his body shook, about to dissipate, as if he was a radio wave that had lost its frequency. Ammut, who had been watching the scene from the front, opened his mouth with a chuckle.

[You seem to be far luckier than me. To be able to move freely out of your own summoned realm, even if it's only for a moment. Although that seems to be the end here.]


Sung Jin-Woo's vision looked down at his flickering hands as if they would disappear at any moment and murmured.

-I know. I'll have to go back soon and I checked everything I needed to see here anyways.

As he gestured into the air, a system message appeared.

[Are you sure you want to leave the Shadow Dungeon?] (Y/N)

Ammut asked as he watched as he turned without hesitation and walked towards the door of shadows that appeared in front of him.

[By the way, why did you come here?] -

Why? I came because I wanted to help my son with something.

[Grrruk? So, did it work?]

-Yes. Quite a lot.

[For example?]

At Ammut's question, Sung Jin-Woo's vision reached out and touched the air.


At that gesture, the runes engraved on the pyramid began to emit light all at once. Sung Jin-Woo said to Ammut, who was standing in the center of the splendid shaman formations as always:

-Ammut, your soul imprisoned here has been interlinked with the real soul in the afterlife sea, just like mine is right now.

[…And what does that mean?]

-If you want, you can now become a shadow soldier as much as you like.


Realizing what the words meant, Sung Jin-Woo continued to speak with a mischievous smile toward Ammut, whose eyes widened.

-You don't want to rot in this prison forever, do you? In that case, it means you will become my son's soldier. This way my son…

[Only when he is strong enough to beat me! For now he has to become stronger, much more than he is now!]


In an instant, Ammut's expression turned extremely eager, and he clenched his two huge fists. He slammed his fists together, baring his teeth ferociously.

[Leave it to me. I will double or even triple the intensity of daily quests in the future.]

-...I'll give him some health potions later.

Sung Jin-Woo became a little anxious at the overflowing enthusiasm that seemed to explode off Ammut. But if Suho can endure that training and reap the real Ammut as a shadow soldier. It was clear that the Legion of Guardians would have a tremendously higher power than now.

- Oh, and one more thing.


When Sung Jin-Woo snapped his fingers, the shaman formation that he had manipulated in advance began to work in earnest.


[ … !]

Ammut looked bewildered as the entire pyramid suddenly swayed as if it were about to collapse. Since he was one body with the pyramid, he must have noticed that the size of this pyramid is getting bigger and bigger until finally–


From the top of the pyramid a beam of black light shot up vertically from its pointed center. The light penetrated even the walls of the dimension and spread vertically toward the distant universe.

[What is this!]

- This is a kind of insurance. It has nothing to do with you, so don't worry about it.

Leaving those words behind, Sung Jin-Woo went back to where he came from.

[He just…]

Ammut just stared at the place where he disappeared with a dejected expression.

'How can a mere illusion have so much power.'

In his many years of life, Ammut had thought about it from time to time. If, by chance, he, the strongest beast, followed the iron body monarch had participated in the war together. Maybe we could have won the war.

[In reality, nothing would have changed.]

* * *

[You have exited the Shadow Dungeon.]

The moment Sung Jin-Woo returned to Suho's side, Suho's battle was also coming to an end.

Tear! Rip! Tear!

Suho's strong hands ripped off all of Javier's tentacles and grabbed the body hiding in the illusion by the neck.

[Kuh! hHow can this…] Javier, the magician of the Demonic Tribe, who boasted tremendous magic, was just an ugly skeleton. Between those white ribs, Javier's soul was emitting an evil light.

[This is nonsense… !]

Javier gritted his teeth and glared at Suho. Thanks to the activities of the shadow assassin Kira, the hunters who were bound by the illusion were getting out one by one. From that, Javier's magical power, which seemed infinite, eventually showed a limit, and his illusion gradually lost its power. However, Suho was hesitant to strike the final blow even though he had grabbed him by the nape of his neck. The reason is of course...

-What are you doing? You won't finish him?


Suho's eyes shook at the sight of his father approaching. That feeling was admirable, but what came out of Sung Jin-Woo's mouth was the same rebuke as before.

- Just kill them. Don't worry, dad will come back.

Suho's mouth was forced shut. He pierced Javier's ribs and destroyed his soul.


[You have killed Xavier, the magician of the demon tribe.]

[Your level has risen!]

[Your level has risen!]

[Your level has risen!]


https: //www. reddit. com/user/Milochelle-castre/

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