
solo leveling: perfectionist

typical fanfic of solo leveling with some spicy powers and of course mc will be somewhat overpowered (I don't own any thing in solo leveling or any other anime shown in this ff except original character. ) [Note > it will be a Au(Alternate universe ) and the story will be different from the canon]

Novice_ · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

3. Neighbors

Omni pov ~~

In Seoul's lower area there can be seen some apartments and in one of them can be seen a tall and handsome boy sleeping . As the rays of sun fall on the window of the boy he wakes up with a slight yawn.

Pov change ANOS'S pov~~

As the rays of sun came to my face i wake up with a yawn . After standing i was lazy but I'll gathered the courage to go to the bathroom and take a shower after that i cleaned the house fully .

After cleaning the house i was hungry so i thought of eating in a restaurant toady. As i reached the gate of our house i saw a boy with skinny and short height was also existing from the side apartment.

I recognized the boy he was protagonist of this world . I waved a hand at him and started walking opposite of him .

I basically avoided him because of language barrier because the mission has not completed yet i wonder when will it be completed.

As i was lost in thought i arrived at a small sized restaurant and entered.

Pov change jinwoo's pov ~~

I was going to my usual dungeon raid as i was outside of my house i saw a white haired boy and he was tall . He waved at me but didn't talked look like he is our new neighbor i think i will have to the one to start the talk .

As i was wondering in my thoughts i arrived at the dungeon's entrance that we called gate . After arriving i saw some hunters and as usual they were talking about me not in good way . Well this is my routine now .

After some time a girl arrived she was lee joohee . She is the only who cares about me even though i am the weakest hunter of the mankind .

As we started the raid all of us started fighting i was also fighting from middle despite that i only killed one lizardsman and i was injured . Joohee came to me and started healing me as she was healing me she asked " why you want to become a hunter despite being injured in even low rank dungeon.

'Telling her my personal reason will not do any good so i said" hahaa it's for fun " .

After some time we finished the raid but a team member came and said " Team leader there's another gate " .

I was watching from sides as they started voting for going or not going in the second gate . After all of the members were done voting the result was tie by 8:8 and i was the last . Team leader said " jinwoo's vote will decide what to do "

I said " i will go " after some pondering because i was low on money .

Pov change ANOS'S pov ~~

I returned to my rented house after eating and byuing necessary things for living a life.

After i entered the house a mechanical voice got in my ear


[Misson completed]

[Reward:universal language]


I cursed first in my own native language japanese many time before accepting the rewards . Without korean language i was in trouble for full day toady.

After receiving the rewards my mind suddenly buzzed like vibrated and i can now understand korean in mobile phone . "Thank god" i sighed .

After confirming i can speak korean . I walked towards bathroom and take a cold shower. After taking the bath i entered my kitchen and began to prepare food for at least 1 week.

I was going to train in my inner world for a week in real life and will set the timing to my liking .

After hours of cooking and packing i completed my preparation and stored all things in my Inventory. After doing all necessary things i was standing in my bed room .

I activated inner world and my body disappeared from the very fabric of reality.

After coming in this green field and mountains the first thing i did was to set the time ratio to 1 day outside is equal one week inside so i will be staying for 7 weeks .

Omni pov~~~

In a room filled with statues and a throne on which a massive statue was sitting and smiling at the hunters like they were bugs .

In the middle of altar was a boy huffing as blood gushed from his leg and shoulders .

He was holding a sword with uneven breathing. After some second a statue came in front of him and slashed .

Only silence prevailed in the room . After second pf time all the statues were disappeared from the room and a green light enveloped the boy as his leg grew back and his all injuries were healed now . But he was unconscious.


(A/N: so i wanted to say that if there are some words mistake bear with that or comment that thing i will fix that . My laptop is broken from two months and because of broken laptop i dropped my overpowered god series. And now i am writing in mobile phone so if there are mistakes please enlighten me in comment section.

See you later .)