
solo leveling incredibly powerful

this book is a recreation of the popular anime solo leveling! but the already incredibly powerful main character jun jin woo is even more incrediblely powerful the limit to his power exceeds the limitations of power one could have!

DaoistPDggZg · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

chapter 1. new awakening

Sung jinwoo woke up he looked around moments ago he was dead or so he thought all he rememberd was the chilling smiles of the creepy statue his spines shivered just by thinking about it.

Suddenly a nurse came in his room "he's awake he's awake!" She shouted as running through the hallways to get the head doctors.

Right then when the nurse went out of his room a blue pannel came out of literally no where.


Awakening quest completed!

Level up!

Rewards: none

Abillitys unlocked!

: invisibility,super strength,infinite stamina,poison touch,

"What the?" Sung jinwoo said confused as he dosent understand any of the information currently displayed in the system he looks like he has no idea what the system is.

"I see your awake mister jung jinwoo do you know what happened?" The head doctor asked the confused jun win woo while he was frowning over the werid blue pannel infront of him.

Jung jinwoo looked at the head doctor "ah... I don't know I was in a dungeon then i-" that's it! He remembered it when he was about to be stabbed by the huge blade that was going to end his life there was a werid text that looked the same as this werid blue pannel!

Time froze when the text appeared it was a simple yet daring question

System would want to accep system (overpowerd) if decline the option your heart will stop in exactly 0.0973 seconds.

"Jung jinwoo?" Asked the doctor.

Jung jinwoo snapped back to reality as he asked a dumb question"hm.. do you see this werid blue floating pannel?"

The doctor shaked his head as the nurse came up to him and looked at his eyes thinking he still had immense nausea.

the doctor's went away after doing a billion tests to make sure he still had his grip onto reality after the doctors went away.


Daily quest unlocked (mandatory)

Do 0/1000 jumping jacks

Do 0/1000 push ups

Do 0/1000 knuckle ups

Do 0/100 miles.

If the quests aren't done in under the recuired time the recuired punishment for not completing the daily quests would start.

Time left 2 hours...


Before he knew it he randomly teleported to a area complety away from everything it was a huge room with everything weapons dummy's and gym equipment!

"Woah!" Sung jin woo was amazed at the things here the time was ticking though making his excitement fade away.

As sung jinwoo did a push up frowningly his body felt so light and he usually can't do a single push up but this time kept downing his body flet like a feather doing 20 push ups per second! After just 50 seconds he was done with the push ups same gose for everything he felt so amazing and strong this was feeling he never had in his life.

After doing every single quest except the running he saw a door open he stepped in and he was teleported to a huge vacant desert.

"Ho- whatever" sung jinwoo ignored the stupid instant transportation to the middle of no where to the middle of no where amazing!

Jung sinwoo started running he was running fast his legs dashed so fast he couldn't control his speed anymore.

He bumped into thousands of catus es he finally sat down he was in immense pain but he didn't feel tired what so ever he was breathing normally usually running just 5 miles would make him pass out.

He ran 100 miles in 6 minutes!


Daily quests completed!

Rewards:mystery box.

"What is this?"


A mystery box is a drop from completing quests it has the chance to have a high tier weapon or a completely useless item!

"Oh so we are all gambling now even a werid blue pannel" jung sinwoo sighed wondering what there could be in that small little box.

"Alright fine open the box"

The system immediately opened the mystery box and his item was....

*Excalibur (ice enchanted*

Attack 100+

Pasisve abillity penetrates through armours and also frezzing enimies for 3 seconds!

Special abillity stuns everone excluding the user for one minute dealing damage over time even when they are frozen after the timee passes the enimies are permanent Ally slowed by 25% and there defense stats become negative making them incredibley vunarable!



Quest: defeat the 7 headed dragon celascarus.

"Wha-" before he knew it the fire breathing Sven headed dragon emerged from within the sands.....