
Solo Leveling: Charisma (18+)

Zed transmigrated into the body of Jinwoo after the Double dungeon incident. Follow Zed as he try to conquer every women. ----- *What to expect :- A lot of smut. *Update :- On every Sunday ----- *Support me on P@treon : Velga (Also read advance chapters)

Velgaa · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

1. Prologue

In the vast expanse of nothingness, a singular spark ignited—the birth of the universe. From this primordial void emerged the universe, expanding relentlessly into unfathomable distances, birthing planets, star systems, galaxies, and enigmatic celestial bodies.

Each of these cosmic marvels was a spectacle of vibrant colors and boundless wonder, captivating any who beheld them. Yet amidst this cosmic tapestry, a new entity emerged—the Creator, not of the universe itself, but of life.

With boundless creativity, the Creator fashioned innumerable life forms, ranging from the intelligent to the non-intelligent, the sapient to the sentient, and beyond. These life forms flourished across the cosmos, diverse in their essence and purpose.

To oversee the flourishing of life and the orchestration of cosmic events, the Creator established a new authority—the Architects. Each Architect was tasked with the stewardship of a designated portion of the universe, guiding its growth and evolution.

As the Architects delved into their duties with unwavering dedication, they sought assistance in their monumental task. Thus, at the insistence of the Architects, the Creator forged another authority—the Monarchs.

The Monarchs were created to serve under the guidance of the Architects, aiding in the management and nurturing of life across the cosmos. 

United in purpose, the Architects and the Monarchs worked in tandem, ensuring the harmony and balance of the universe.

Yet amidst the tranquility of cosmic governance, whispers emerged of an Architect whose gaze had fixated upon the Earth's known universe. 

What mysterious designs lay within the heart of this enigmatic Architect? The answer eluded even the keenest minds, shrouded in the depths of cosmic mystery.


Zed awoke with a gasp, his body shuddering from the inhuman death he'd witnessed in his dream. Or was it a dream? It felt all too real.

He took deep breaths to calm his nerves. A dull ache throbbed in his chest, a phantom pain from the dream, perhaps. 

He looked around, finding himself in a sterile hospital room. White walls surrounded him, the air smelling faintly of disinfectant. Monotonous beeps echoed from nearby machinery.

'What happened to me?' Panic clawed at him. He couldn't remember anything that would have landed him in a hospital. He tried to recall...

A sharp headache erupted as a flood of new and unfamiliar memories surged in. He writhed in pain for a few minutes, the influx overwhelming.

After a while, the pain subsided.

'Sung Jinwoo.' The name echoed in his mind. Where had he heard it? Oh, right! It was the protagonist of the novel Solo Leveling, a novel he'd read after finishing 'Seoul Station's Necromancer.' Back then, they'd seemed thematically similar. 

He shook his head in frustration.

So, he was transmigrated. He'd become Jinwoo, the protagonist of Solo Leveling. And by some stroke of luck, he'd landed in his body after the Double Dungeon accident.

 'Jinwoo's struggles ended after that incident,' he thought. 'He got a system. No, I got the system now.' He focused, searching for the familiar blue screen interface. He navigated through the menus, everything appearing exactly as he remembered from the novel, with one strange exception.

There was a skill named 'Charisma.' It wasn't a trait or attribute, but a full-fledged skill. Even more baffling, it was maxed out.

Suddenly, the hospital room door creaked open.

"You're awake?" a voice broke him from his reverie.

Two men dressed in black entered, their demeanor radiating authority.

"Who are you?" Zed asked, though he had a sneaking suspicion.

"Apologies if we startled you," the man with blond hair said with a flat affectation that did little to resemble a genuine apology. "We're a Surveillance team from the Korean Hunter Association, or KHA for short."

"Why are you here...?" Zed stammered, unsure how to proceed. He decided to play along, following the narrative of the novel. "What's going on?"

"You'll be briefed shortly," the other man replied. "By the way, you've been out for three days."

"Three days?" Zed exclaimed, disbelief coloring his voice. "I've been asleep for three days?"

He then inquired about Joohee and the others. "How are they? Are they alright?" His voice held genuine concern.

"They're safe, but..." the blond-haired man, Jinchul, trailed off. "Hunter Chiyul Song lost an arm, and Hunter Joohee is undergoing trauma treatment. It's uncertain if either can resume their hunting duties soon."

The other agent cleared his throat. "As for Hunter Sangshik..."

Zed cut him off. "That's enough. I don't need to hear about them."

Jinchul then recounted the events that followed the Double Dungeon incident, explaining how they found Jinwoo's mangled body on the stone podium.

"We were left with no other conclusion," Jinchul said. "We believe you underwent a Second Awakening, Hunter Sung Jinwoo."

"Second Awakening?" Zed echoed, confusion lacing his voice.

Jinchul elaborated. "A Hunter's abilities solidify during their Awakening. It's uncommon, but there have been instances of Hunters experiencing a Second Awakening, unlocking further potential."

Following this, Jinchul instructed the other man to retrieve a Mana meter, a device used to measure a Hunter's potential. The anticipation in the room was thick as Zed placed his hand on the device. 

Jinchul's disappointment was palpable when the reading displayed a meager 10. "Even the weakest Hunters score at least 70," he thought with a frown.

"What's the result?" Zed inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Jinchul, flustered, offered a vague apology and quickly excused himself. The other man followed suit, leaving Zed alone with his questions.

Dejected, Zed realized he'd gotten his hopes up for nothing. He cast a glance around the room, noticing the blue screen hovering in the air, completely unseen by the KHA agents. It was a constant reminder of his extraordinary circumstance.

A pang of despair hit him as he checked his body, his severed leg miraculously restored. Just then, a soft voice broke the silence. It was Jinwoo's little sister, Sung Jinah.

Sung Jinah possessed a captivating charm. Her wide, round eyes, reminiscent of Jinwoo's in their youth, held a depth that was both innocent and captivating. Her youthful presence radiated a vibrancy that was impossible to ignore.

"Big brother, you're awake!" Jinah exclaimed, relief washing over her features. She threw her arms around him in a tight embrace, the soft scent of her perfume filling his senses. However, for Zed, the innocent gesture ignited an unwelcome flicker of inappropriate desire.

Jinah pulled back, her worried expression replaced by a flash of anger. "Are you okay? Why do you always get hurt? Do you know how worried I was?" Tears welled up in her eyes.

"I... I'm sorry," Zed stammered, overwhelmed by the emotional outburst.

"Jinah, look!" Zed exclaimed, pointing towards the blue screen only he could see.

Jinah's gaze swept across the empty space. "See what? Big brother, I think you've hit your head a little too hard," she said with a hint of amusement.

"Never mind," Zed mumbled, a defeated sigh escaping his lips.

He opened his inbox on the virtual screen, finding two unread messages. The first message announced his status as a Player, while the second detailed a daily quest for strength training.

Jinah, noticing his inattentiveness, spoke up. "What's wrong? Why are you staring at the wall? Anyway, I gotta go." She squeezed him in a brief hug before darting out of the room.

Zed was left alone with his newfound abilities, the invisible interface a constant reminder of his extraordinary transformation. 

From now on Zed is Jinwoo and Jinwoo is Zed.