

A story about a boy who died and got transmigrated as Sung Jinwoo in the Solo Leveling Manhwa world. Follow how he became not only the Monarch Of Shadow but more then a Monarch. How he became the One And Only God Of Chaos. Join him on his journey and see how he also travel through different worlds. The cover is not mine. Additional Tags- world travel, yuir(only with the presence of mc), milf. Patreon- patreon.com/NOVELLOVER800

Novel_Lover459 · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


"Fuck it's really good man". Jinwoo said seeing the skill he get from absorbing Cerberus and looked at the key he and then the big castle gate.

"I want to go right now but I want to first obtain my powers". He said with a smile and turned around towards the exit.

"After completing the Job quest I will come here again". He said and left the tower.

When he came out it was still night, he took out his phone and called Jinah. After ringing for some time she picked up the call.

"Hey where are you oppa". Jinah asked from the other side.

"I am at my friends house and tonight I am going to stay here, so make sure to lock the gates, ok". Jinwoo said with a smile on his face.

'Friend but oppa doesn't have friends'. Jinah thought when she heared what Jinwoo said but then a thought came in her mind which made her worry.

'Does he have a girlfriend now'. She thought with a worried look on her face but came out of her thoughts when Jinwoo called her again.

"Hey Jinah are you there".

Hearing his voice she shaked her head and answered him. " Y-Yes I am and don't worry I will be fine by myself ". She said and ended the call.

When Jinwoo heared her voice which trembled at first he get the idea what must have happened.

"So she is feeling insecure now, huh". He said with a smile on his face.

"I will talk to her later, first let's get to her house". He said with a smile on his face and thought about Joohee.

While on the other hand in his house something was happening.

"What does it matter to me if he got a girlfriend or not". Jinah said while watching TV.

When she thought about her brother having a girlfriend she must have been happy but here she was feeling jealous.

"I know I should be happy for him but why am I feeling sad". She said with tears in her eyes and thought about her and his brother's past moments.

"And why did he suddenly changed and became such handsome". She said with tears but also with an angry look.

In the past her brother was just a average and skinny boy and there was no chance of him getting a girlfriend but now he is completely different, he is now a handsome man.

"Aargh, I don't know what is this feeling".

On the other hand Jinwoo was in front of Joohee's house with a beautiful flower bouquet in his hands, and he ringed the bell.


After sometime the door opened and a beautiful woman with orange colour hair's opened the door and when she saw who was standing in front of her at first she was shocked but them she jumped and hugged Jinwoo.

"Oh it looks like someone was missing me". Jinwoo said with a teasing smile while hugging her back.

"Humph who was missing you". She said with a pout while hugging him more tightly.

Seeing her like that Jinwoo just smile.

"Here these are for you". He said after they parted aways and gave her the flowers.

Seeing them Joohee took them with a smile and told him to get inside.

"Thank you, they are really beautiful and please come inside".

Just as they get inside and closed the door

Jinwoo hugged Joohee from back to which she became surprised.

"J-Jinwoo w-what are you-". She tried to ask but then she felt something poking on her butt and became silent knowing what that might be.

"You really smell delicious Joohee". Jinwoo said while smelling her neck and kissed on it with a bite to which she moaned.


When Jinwoo heared her voice he turned her and kissed her suddenly and entered his tounge in her mouth and started playing with hers to which Joohee was surprised but she didn't resist and kissed him back with passion.

After kissing for sometime they broke the kiss forming a bridge of saliva still attached to their mouths.

"Haah Haah Haah". Joohee was taking deep breaths with a red face while seeing Jineoo who smiled seductively.

"Let's get to the bed". He said and took her in his hands to which Joohee gave him direction towards the bedroom with a embarrassed look and her heart was beating fast.

Reaching the room Jinwoo layed Joohee on the bed and took his shirt off showing his amazing body. Seeing his body Joohee gulped with a blush on her face. But she understand what she has to do and she also started taking her clothes off.

Seeing her taking her clothes off Jinwoo smiled teasingly and came near her and kissed her deeply and started taking her other clothes off while exploring her mouth.

"HMMM AAAH HMMM". The room was filled with Joohee's moans. Seeing this Jinwoo pinned her to bed and take a full view of her beautiful body.

"D-Don't stare to much". She said with a trembling voice. Right now she was fully naked and Jinwoo was admiring her body.

Her two big boobs, a curvy body and her big butts.

"Fuck I can't take it anymore". He said and came near her boobs and started sucking one with his mouth and started pinching her nipple of the other boob with his fingers.

"AAAAHHH, not so AAAH hard". Joohee said while moaning loudly when Jinwoo suddenly started sucking.


After sometime the room was filled with her loud moans.

AUTHOR MESSAGE- Sorry for the late update. Due to some personal reasons I couldn't upload early. Once again sorry and enjoy the chapter.

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