
Solo leveling - Life

What if the Absolute being had had another card up his sleeve, another project for his entertainment that he didn't decide to put into action until the last moments of his existence. Perhaps the stories of reincarnated souls that plagued the internet brought him some strange inspiration, or perhaps he himself was the creator of the first story with that plot, who knows. ... I don't know who owns the photo on the cover. If you have a problem with it being used here, just say so and I'll remove it.

Mapachefm · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Bufff! Bufff!

"Yes, yes, we're almost there." I told the German Shepherd duo as we finished our ride.

Perhaps one of the things I remember most from the previous Roy is the moments of him with these dogs and Chiki the parrot.

His walks with his dogs brought him a feeling of serenity, and the same feeling was transmitted to me. Perhaps as a result of all the stress I've been through since I got here, I need to go out at least an hour a day to clear my mind.

However, that stress I felt before is now totally gone, as if it had never existed.

From the moment I walked out of that hall, I feel a peace that I have never felt before, as if all my insecurities no longer exist.

Although that is not the only change in my body.

I remember when Ma' saw me appear out of nowhere in the room, a body more muscular and taller than she remembered, golden eyes with no trace of pupils, chest-length silver hair and a face with sharper features.

"…Roy, who's supposed to… You know what, I won't ask. Just answer me this, Do I have to worry?" She told me as she clutched her forehead.

"No, Ma', in fact, I feel better than ever." I told her smiling, although I'm still gettin' used to seeing, hearing and feeling things faster.

She stared at me for a moment, came closer to me, grabbed my cheeks for a moment and then released me.

"…Plastic surgery in 1 day, how is it possible? But he doesn't seem to have any scars or anything… Japan's medicine sure is getting better… But those eyes and hair... Maybe a cosplay? could be... " Whispered my mother as she lost herself in her thoughts, sometimes glancing at me as if trying to understand how it was possible.

Seeing her in her pretty confusion not knowing that her son almost died for the second time (in less than two months) put a big smile on my face.

'I hope that things would stay like that in the future...' I thought at that time, basically 3 days ago, and I've been moving ever since.

My new skills give me many possibilities.

My new vision, which I sincerely believe was already in God's plans, allows me to see the energy in everything.

I can see the magical power and life force of everything around me, like 3D rivers that never stop moving, even when they stay in one place.

In these three days I could notice how my life force is incomparably brighter than that of other people or animals, and how hunters circulate magic power through their bodies involuntarily without doing anything.

I called Akari yesterday after testing the extent of my powers and planning a little what I wanted to do from now on.

"Kari' I'm going to need your help with something." I told her while inspecting the system store for the millionth time.

"Ohoho, I wonder what it will be this time." She answered me, curious just as always she has been.

Without much ado I went straight to the point of my call. "I need a list with all the information you can give me on the A and B rank hunters of this country, especially Tokyo. I need their personalities, information on their abilities, where they live, anything you can find."

"…You know that will be expensive, right? And what are you supposed to need that information for? She answered me.

"I'm looking for someone, but it's nothing bad, don't worry. I will send you the payment as soon as you send me the information, if you agree."

"It's not that I have a problem with the application, it just seems strange to me. Don't worry, Ko will send you the info this week." Ko, her personal secretary, has been a family friend since before Akari's awakening, so it goes without saying how much she trusts her.

"I know I can count on you."

"Yea', yea', remind aunt that I would visit her this weekend."

"Okay. Oh yes, I forgot. Do you think Kenzo likes brothels?



Yea', teasing her always feels good. I really need to give Kenzo some lessons on women's signs. That cousin of mine would have eaten him already if the boy had any experience with the opposite sex.

I walked into the apartment with the dogs, and what greeted me was a very energetic parrot. "Roy~, Roy~". "Chiki~, Chiki~." I respondo while releasing the dogs and toking Chiki out of her cage as she sang favorite word multiple times.

"Mua ~ Mua ~" The parrot said as she gave me little kisses on the cheek with her beak.

"How has my little feathered field been while I was gone?" "Muaa~" Chiki bobbed her head up and down as she sang, and I could only rejoice in her presence.

I could tell how weak Chiki's life force was, perhaps because of all the years she had with us. Sadly, in these three days I pcouldn't focuse too much on that.

She was the first pet the old Roy had, and as such she has a special place in my heart.

"You know Chiki, how about we try it with you?"

A golden sphere with a special shine came out of my palm, while the system showed me a floating message on the parrot's head.

[Life's Giver can be used on this target.]

Ever since I got the ability, I've wanted to test it on someone, and who is gonna be a better candidate than my little friend Chiki who thinks of me as his parent. It may be seem as irrational to spend it on a parrot, but that's what I decided.

[Will you use Life's Giver on the target?]

[Yes or No]

"Yes I do."

The sphere entered Chiki's chest, and soon after several things happened. My little parrot's body was covered by a golden coating completely, getting bigger as the seconds pass.

His body grew and grew, his claws and beak grew larger and sharper, and the crest on his head lengthened along with his wings and tail, as the light that enveloped him grew ever brighter.

Shortly after, the light dissipated, and in its place my little Chiki, now at least 5 feets and three quarters tall, was staring at me.

His eyes showed an intelligence that a normal animal would not have, as if he were analyzing everything he sees.

Shortly after, the system spoke.

[What will the Fragment Servant be called?] He said to me.

Fragment servants, heh...

The truth is that having the skills and dreaming of having them are very different things. I never would have imagined being able to see the world as I do now, think as fast as I do now, move as I do now or any of the thing that I have been doing recently. Nevertheless, it feels so real, so real that it couldn't be a dream, or so I want to believe.

Putting aside my existential crises, I focused on the giant cockatoo in front of me.

'Ufff... With that body, that reddish crest that starts from its beak, the totally white feathers that surrounded its body and those yellow eyes, I have to think carefully about a worthy name, Chiki doesn't feel like a fair name for such a majestic bird now.'


"First I want to see his status." I said while looking at the system panel, knowing that it was one of those questions that you don't expect an answer to, but, to my surprise, this time he did give it to me. Soon after, the system, more cooperative than I could ever remember, taught me what it wanted.


Name: Unassigned name.

Fragment's Level: 1.

LF: 50 (Produces 5 points of LF/day. Depends on Fragment's rank.)

HP: 300

MP: 200

Power Range: D-C

Talent -> Intelligence: 30


[Semi-immortality - Level MAX. As long as the Life's Lord wants it, the user will not die. The user's soul will return to the Heart of Beginning for recovery if his physical body is completely destroyed.


Telepathy - Level 1. Does not consume MP or LF. It allows to create a channel of communication with other beings from the mental power. Level up increases the user's mental power/magic power.


'Hmmm… Telepathy can be useful along with that intelligence, I understand that this potential is what the system mentioned. It also mentions a range of power, something new, but not too difficult to understand. Now, 50LF? Chiki was at most only 2 before her Pokémon evolution; And that daily production, it's as if this was a resource management game or something.'

Now, now, what about this immortality? My heart is like a pokemon center or something? Holy shit.

And if this was with an ordinary parrot, what would happen with a hunter, or with a normal monster. Could I make servants out of monsters? If so, I know of some I would really like to recruit…'

Well, one thing at a time.

"Well, I made up my mind… Ehem, from now on, throughout the universe you will be known as Daichi, first fragment of the Life's Lord." I said, a little uncomfortable from the cringe I was giving myself.

[You have acquired your first Fragment Servant.]

When Daichi heard his name, he started nodding his head up and down as he whispered 'Daichi, Daichi, Daichi...'

After the little moment of him, which honestly gave me a lot to laugh, he looked me in the eyes, and I could see how a green energy came from his head to mine.

I didn't stop it, and soon after, I could hear it in my head. "Roy, what happened to me? Roy, Roy, do you understand me? Roy, carry me." His voice was like that of a small child, and the truth is that it doesn't surprise me, in fact, I was surprised how he can speak Japanese.

Strangely I could differentiate my thoughts from what I wanted to say to Chik-Dachi, the great Daichi cockatoo. "I gave you a gift, little friend, so that you can accompany me on my travels."

I proceeded to carry my spoiled parrot, although it weighs a lot more than before, and I went to my room. Luckily Ma' wasn't home at the moment, or he would have given her the real scare.

As I took him to my room, the mega parrot amused himself for a bit by sticking his beak into my cheek, saying 'Muaa~' every time he did. I could only think about the ridiculousness of the situation and if this small-great cockatoo would really stay with this size.

It's not that it bothers me at all, but I know that Ma' won't take it so well, knowing that if someone visits us he might be able to see a monster outside his portal in our apartment.

"Well, Daichi, first of all, do u' know how to read?"

"Understand the symbols? I didn't know before, but I think now I can. Muaa~"

"That's convenient… Well, Daichi boy, I need you to read a few books, do you think you can do it for me? If you do and you can answer me a few questions later, I'll bring you some sunflower seeds, what do you say?"

"Yesyesyesyesyes-" Said the cockatoo while nodding quickly. Since he now has a very strong body, he created wind every time he moved.

"Ok, ok." I told him interrupting his super headers into the air. Find some books that I had in the room about basic things and give them to the birdboy Daichi.

"Remember not to break anything, got it?" "Yes Roy, Daichi won't break anything. Muaaa~" "You're so cute."

After spending a little more time with him, I decided to go out to the living room to practice something that I should have done since I had the opportunity.

I sat cross-legged on the floor, and from my open palm, red fire came out. In the process, I could feel LF coming out of my palm and being consumed by the flame.

I felt the heat on my hand, but it was nice. Deciding to think about making it hotter, the flame changed color to a more orange one, color which curiously I could witness with my vision. I kept thinking about more heat, and my limit came when the flame turned white, so I decided to try other things.

With some practice, the flame in my hand could become cold, and with even more practice the fire moved around me as I continued to sit.

I kept practicing with the fire and thought about the theories that I had formulated in my head days before. The fire in my hand disappeared and I began to concentrate on the energy that flowed so much in me, the Life Force.

I could move it any way I wanted, I could make it come out of my body, circle around me and then come back to me like it was nothing.

'I feel like I'm in a western novel or something, Roy Yian Suan from the central continent, Damn.'

I began to focus most of my energy on the inside of my arm, to see what would happen. I could feel it fill with strength, but it was already something that awaited me. I have spent many hours with this energy to not know what effects it has on my body, at least the most basic ones.

Then, perhaps inspired by the future pirate king from one of my favorite manga, I began to form a layer of Life Force above my arm. The process of compressing the energy was somewhat difficult, lasting at least 5 minutes of pure concentration and at least 10 more so that the energy would not be dispersed again.

[You have learned 'Skill: Vital Armor']

'Vital Armor – Level 1. [Creates a layer of life force that protects the user's body 25% against physical and magical attacks. 2.5 LF/Minute.]'

"…" So more skills, well, not that I'm complaining.

Now, with the system ability, I could layer this 'armor' on any part of my body with little concentration.

'With this, I can fend off A-rank hunters, right? I don't think it's that complicated considering all the skills I have. Maybe I can even put up a fight with some S ranks? well, things for another day.'

What I have to do right now is to find a way to enter high-ranked dungeons without sneaking around, it's just too troublesome… Creating a clan will only be trouble, it's a lot of paperwork and I don't have enough money. Join the Draw Sword Guild? No, I don't think I will be allowed to raid alone. Go abroad? Maybe it will help to go to South Korea with my friend Jinwoo, but I know that Ma' won't want to move, so I'll have to go alone... Well, I have the money and the contacts to make it work, and I know certain characters in Korea that I want like servants...

I could also make a deal with the Chairman of the Japan association to let me do as I please, even though I know he's a rat. In the end, I have more options than I thought...

Well, in a week I decide.

After all, I want to see the information I asked Akari for, maybe I'll come across something that interests me.

Sorry for not uploading chapters these days, many things to do at university and work, and barely having time to solve everything.

Give me feedback please, that way I can learn and make better content.

Mapachefmcreators' thoughts