
Solo Killer Machine

A boy who lost all motivation and kept himself hidden for years without gaining the attention of society since the news of his mother's death at a young age. A boy born with a girlish name given by his birth mother and later grows to be an overweight and useless teenager (or so it was perceived) with unusual eye colour and soft skin like a girl. Being mocked and humiliated as the defect of the Hades family by his half-brother taking the lead. The Hades household are known to be rich and well sought out prestigious household known for being brave and strong but it's a contrary description of Mickaila. A 16 years old boy with no power or ability to protect himself was one day tricked by his older brother and his friends, being suddenly kidnapped and dragged to a unknown ominous forest, severely wounded and left to feed the wolves  but instead of giving up, he stood up onto his two feet and roamed the forest for a safe place to stay for the night and that was when he came upon a cave. A unspeakable chill was coming from within, and for this young boy whose curiosity got the better of him went deeper inside to reveal a magnificent historical fashioned double door, with a tiny touch, the gates opened revealing a large temple like room, statues of different entities that Mikaila never seen before laid in front of him, in the middle laid a stand that held a book. Approaching it, he reached out and with a slight touch, a bright light shone in front of him and the next thing he knows a screen suddenly appears in front of him, |your first mission is to kill the dire wolf that is awaiting you outside of the cave. Failure to do so means death| "Wait, What is this thing? And why is it asking me to kill a wolf? I'm injured god dammit!" "Tsk, whatever I bet it's my mind playing with me." He scoffed whilst making his way outside however the first thing that happened was a bloody blood bath, his body scattered into pieces by the dire wolf,  crimson red blood splattering on the cold green grass, "am I dead?" Mickaila questioned, the voice of the system suddenly popped up into his mind at that exact moment, "tutorial is now over, restarting system... welcome new player, your mission is to kill the dire wolf outside the cave. Failure to do so means death. And this time, it's for real!" ———————————————————— Mickaila faces the same old world, hiding behind the scenes and getting bullied by his brother and his friends for so many years hiding within the Hades family shadow, not using his full strength and intelligence in the world that he lives in. However this soon changes with the revelation of a screen suddenly appearing in front of him with a countdown etched inside until the day of chaos, a unknown system that was suddenly implemented into his mind, not knowing the purpose of it but one thing was for certain which is if he doesn't abide, he either dies or severely punished. What would he do with the years of effort hiding behind the scenes and suddenly he was forced to once again use the abilities he was gifted with since birth? A solo killer machine with no guilt of his actions and a secret that would soon unravel about his existence. IMPORTANT INFO: Be warned future readers, this novel does contain slow romance but it only comes later on within the novel along with MC revealing his system at the beginning (i.e. to his sister in chapter 5) , for those who dislike this then this novel may not be suitable for you. But for those who would proceed in reading, hope you enjoy it. Please leave any comments or power stones. I will try my best to improve my writing and make it as interesting as possible. Thank you : ) (Note: picture doesn’t belong to me and all credit goes to the maker)

Zhen0214 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

30 - Smith?

"Who are you?" Mickaila questioned as his voice began to drift away by the wind blowing in the cold cloudy snowing day with piles of snow blocking Mickaila's movement from moving forward to the person standing a few feet in front of him, the figure that felt so familiar yet so distant, a giggle was heard and a soft and comfortable voice calling to him, "Come and catch me if you can?" the voice said sweetly but the further Mickaila tried to approach, the more weight he felt with every step as the storm began to cloud his view, "Wait?" Mickaila screamed out, however the figure in front of him slowly moves further away, "Come on?" the voice said as she went further in and soon her figure disappeared into the mist.

"Wait!" Mickaila screamed once again as he jolted awake from his sleep with his head covered in cold sweat and a sudden headache reached him once again.

"Tsk... not this again" Mickaila said painfully as he held tightly onto his forehead trying to make the pain subside however, it wasn't what Mickaila expected, the headache began to worsen as he clutched onto his body, it was as if several needles or electricity were zapping throughout his body causing excruciating pain that was even worse than being slashed by one of the monsters from the other realm. But after a few minutes, the pain started to subside and his consciousness was slowly regained as the weight from his head started to lift. However just as he tried to recall the memory, the headache came back once again. And with that Mickaila dismissed his curiosity in finding out who was the person from his dream.

With his head being refreshed, he felt relieved but then realised that the surroundings are unfamiliar and after a few seconds of processing his brain, he realised that this wasn't his room (so where exactly is he? 🤔).

Looking around his surroundings, he realised he was on a large cosy bed that was king size, and as for the walls, they were all white however there were many luxurious and expensive looking vases that can cost millions were put on stands or within the room acting as accessories along with rare and expensive flowers put around the room to add some colour. There was a study desk at the far right of the room facing the large silken window looking out into what seems like a wealthy family's backyard, growing different exotic plants, a large maze, along with some bushes that were sculptured into different things.

[Where am I and why am I here?] he questioned thinking back to what happened.

He remembered coming out of the portal and collapsing on the street and then seeing someone's shadow before falling unconscious, [Wait, who was that person?] Mickaila began to question himself, he knew that he didn't have any friends in the academy who would help him since they were too afraid of Leohart. And as for outside of the academy, he has little to no friends living around the area except for his sister who would help him but evidently this wasn't even their place.

(So who would've helped him? 🤔)

[Wait, don't tell me they found out?] Mickaila questioned himself believing the hunter guild found out he was stealing their monster kills but then Mickaila started to calm himself and thought more rationally, [No, it can't be. They've never seen my appearance and I hid my tracks as well] he reassured himself.

And just as he was stuck in his train of thought, his senses told him someone was about to enter the room, looking around and within a split second he took the most safest and most advantageous place to hide.

Just as he was in place, the door slowly creaked open revealing a man around their early 30s with dark black hair wearing a black suit like the style of a butler who was also shorter than him. However, Mickaila was a cautious individual so he kept silent as he hid himself behind the door which has now hidden him from the man's view. Just as the man made a full entry, Mickaila thought this was a great opportunity to escape from the place since the door was opened however just as he was about to make a run for it, he felt an intense aura coming from behind, a sense of something about to hit him and ducked whilst quickly facing back.

"Who are you?" Mickaila questioned as he went into a defensive stance, ready to battle, however just as the man was about to give another punch he immediately stopped when seeing Mickaila's face and backed off.

[Wait... what's going on?] as the confused Mickaila looked at the man but as precaution, Mickaila's guard was still up.

Within a few seconds, the man approached Mickaila once again but he wasn't with any bad intention and handed a cup of warm water to Mickaila, "What's this for?" Mickaila asked not wanting to take anything from this unfamiliar place, although he knows for certain that this place wouldn't harm him since if they did want to, Mickaila would already be dead. But the question is why?

"It's your medication" the man replied as he handed Mickaila 3 tablets. Seeing how it would be hard to escape the building with so many people surrounding the building, all potentially with fighting skills like the man in front of Mickaila. He sighed and took the medication.

"I thought you were being cautious?" the man questioned, "Why would I?" Mickaila asked, "Who knows, maybe there is poison in the medication I gave you." the man replied whilst Mickaila smirked, "If you wanted to kill me, you would've done that ages ago rather than taking me in."

[And even if it was poisoned, it wouldn't affect me much] Mickaila thought to himself.

And just then, the door swung open once again revealing a little girl around the age of 13 or 14 with long brown hair that was tied up in a pink tail along with light brown eyes and a bright smile plastered on her face when seeing Mickaila as she quickly ran towards him, "Big brother, your awake!" the little girl said excitedly as she hugged onto him.

Mickaila was stunned but also confused, he wondered where he might have seen the girl before and then the memory came back to him.

But the question was how she recognised him or was this all a coincidence such that she was just passing by and helped a person in need. But whichever way, Mickaila wants to play it safe.

"Uhmmm... Who are you?" Mickaila pretended to be confused which was very believable.

"Oh yes, sorry." The little girl said as she quickly released her grip from Mickaila and took a step back before giving a small cough to regain her composure and speech.

She then smiled and introduced herself, "hello big brother, my name is Angela Smith but you can call me Angela." She said with a bright smile.

Mickaila hesitantly nodded, [Smith? Why does it sound so familiar?] Mickaila starts to wonder.

But then with a sudden realisation, he was shocked. As soon as Angela saw this, she giggled but quickly coughed to regain back composure as she called out everyone leaving only Mickaila and her inside.

"So big brother, I guess we are even." She smiled sweetly as she looked straight into Mickaila's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Mickaila asked, still pretending to be dump.