
Solo Journey

I died... I got a second chance at life. Let’s see this plays out. [My first story. I’ve read a lot of these kind of books and it just made me want to write my own. There may be a few or maybe a lot of mistakes but nobody’s perfect] Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Armored · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 4

It's been six years since I met itachi. A lot has happened since then. The most important being the Uchiha massacre. It was unavoidable, not that I would change it if I could. The world would be easier without a lot of Uchiha.

It's funny. That wasn't even the painful part of these six years. I knew Shisui was going to die, but it still stung.

When I first came to this world and saw that he was my elder brother, I said to myself that I wouldn't get attached. But that exactly what happened.

I couldn't stop it, I knew it was coming. But that didn't make it hurt any less. Only one good thing came out of this. That was my mangekyo sharingan.

I had already put aside achieving the mangekyo for a long time. I had planned to get it at least a year after graduating from the academy. That way I'd be less reliant on it.

It's done and dusted. Nothing I say can change the past.

I had already been tempted to skip the academy. I'm still tempted everyday, but I remember my promise Shisui.

Another thing that...I wouldn't say happened because no one could predict it. Sasuke and I look almost the same. We had been questioned almost daily if we were twins by almost everyone in the academy.

Even Iruka was curious. The only differences between Sasuke and I is that my hair is slightly spikier than his. And where he has dark blue highlights, my hair is pure black.

The academy is pathetic. There is literally nothing here that I haven't already been taught. It's irritating to the point that I just send a shadow clone to the academy while I train.

Surprisingly, Sasuke is not as big of a jerk to me as he is to others. Maybe the fact that he isn't the only Uchiha left is what caused that.

He's still cold to others, but we at least have a decent relationship. We respect each other. Plain and simple.

While he chooses to aim for the top in all the courses, I settle for fifth position overall. Sasuke knows that I could easily beat him if I wanted to, but the others don't.

It's better not to draw suspicion from unwanted parties. Danzo has already tried to get the hokage to give me to him to train. And he wonderfully refused. I know he's still planning something so I have to be careful.

I have no desire to get mixed up with naruto and sakura, so that's another reason to lower my score. If not that they were important to this world, I would have already killed most of these people.

Kiba is like naruto, but instead of annoying Sasuke, he annoys me. Meanwhile I just ignore him and stop myself from killing him.

Shikamaru is someone I can tolerate. He's smart and knows when to talk. And he's a lot more sensible than these idiots. The only problem is that he's lazy.

I think for the best if Nara clan members were lazy. Can you imagine a world where they weren't lazy? They could conquer all the hidden villages if they wanted to.

Now forget all that. Today is the day that I finally graduate from the academy and also finish my first mission.

{Mission- Graduate from the academy

Take you first step into the world of ninja. You can't get experience if you aren't a ninja.

Requirements: Pass the exam

Bonus requirement:???

Reward: 1,000SP, Konoha headband, Sasuke shippuden outfit, ??? }

This is going to be easy. Sasuke outfit? One day. I already look like him it would be too much to dress like him. In this world at least.

Oh joy. It's about to start.


In front of a classroom, students could be seen waiting for something. Some seem nervous while some seem excited like a certain blond.

A chunin with a scar marring his nose exits the classroom.

Iruka: When your name is called, you to go inside and perform the given tasks. Starting with Kageyama Yuu.

A boy with dark brown hair gets up and follows Iruka into the classroom. Suddenly another brown haired boy gets up screaming.

???: Oi I'm going to become a better ninja than you Uchiha bastard. You can count on that.

Said Uchiha didn't even acknowledge him enough to respond to him. Content with looking out the window he stays silent.

This, unfortunately, is a regular occurrence. Before the brown haired kid could say anything, a random girl landed a punch on his head.

Random girl: How dare you talk like that to Izuna-sama.

Random girl: Yeah, know your place, kiba.

And so, kiba was assaulted by a majority of the female population of the class. Some were mental while some where physical.

Names were called. People would enter the class. Some would come out smiling with their headbands while some would come out crying.

Iruka: Uchiha Izuna.


I get up as soon as I hear my name. I follow Iruka to the class where he took a seat between two chunin.

The one on the left I recognize as Mizuki, the one on the left however is a mystery to remain unsolved.

Mizuki: Perform the three basic academy jutsu.

I start with the bunshin, a very useless technique. After weaving the hand seals, in a puff of smoke another Izuna appeared beside me.

Without waiting for further instructions, I dispel the clone while performing another hand seal. In a puff of smoke, in my previous position was the nameless chunin, standing there while I occupy his former chair.

I switch us back before performing the last hand seal.


The faces of the three chunin turn pale as they see who emerges from the smoke.

When the smoke disappears, a figure with black hair that stopped at his back, donning red armor with a Gunbai hung at his back. This figure stared at the chunin with a blank face, yet it was enough to put them on edge.

This figure was obviously Uchiha Madara. The Ghost of the Uchiha.

Iruka: .....you...p-p-pass...

Dispelling the transformation I pick up a black konoha headband and walk out. As I walk out, I see the three chunin let out a breath of relief.

Izuna: 'Pathetic'

As I walk out, Sasuke is sent in after me. As pass each other, his eyes flick to the headband in my hand before giving me a subtle nod which I reciprocate.

As I got back to where others who had already taken the test waited, I check the mission status.

I still hadn't completed the mission. Maybe it has something to do with the survival test kakashi made team 7 do after they became genin.

As the last student came out, he was accompanied by Iruka.

Iruka: Those who passed are to be here in two days for team placement. You may now disperse.

He hadn't said the team placements yet but people all around me were already fantasizing about who they want in their team. Mainly me and Sasuke.

I just hope I'm not on the same team with any of the main characters. I don't want to even think about it. As I turn around to return to the Uchiha compound, I can already see Mizuki talking with a dejected Naruto who is seated on a swing.

I already know how this goes. Best to let it play out as it's going to.