
Solo Evolution system

Chapter 0 : The dark times and the birth of evolution. Ten years ago, the world was at peace and it was a time before the corruption had spread, before the world was ravaged by the darkness. The sun still shone brightly, and the breeze still carried the scent of flowers. People lived their lives in peace, with no knowledge of the coming storm. But then, a darkness crept into the world, a power unlike anything that had been seen before. It began in small pockets, at first only affecting animals and plants. But soon, the corruption spread like wildfire, twisting everything in its path. Natural disasters struck with greater frequency and severity, and the people began to flee in terror. Creatures, items and treasures that only exist in mythology and imagination starts appearing in the world it was a time of Chaos. As the world descended into chaos, a small group of scientists saw the destruction and knew that something had to be done. They began to study the corrupted creatures and the dark energy that controlled them, looking for a way to fight back. It was then that they discovered the ancient relics and treasures that had been hidden for centuries. These relics contained a power that could be harnessed by humans, giving them enhanced abilities and powers. With this discovery, the scientists set out to create a machine that would change the course of history. They called it the Evolution system and it was the beginning of a new era in the world.

Official_Chibuna · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 27: The Fire Within

As the sun rose over Evolver Academy, a storm was brewing in the heart of Master Yun. He had heard the whispers, the mockery, the derision that his students had faced at the hands of their peers. He sees this as an opportunity to push Cheol Su pass his limits, knowing fully well that Cheol Su is related to his believed saint gods somehow.

The courtyard trembled beneath his feet as he strode towards Cheol Su, his eyes blazing with fury.

"You've failed me, Cheol Su!" he roared, his voice like thunder rolling across the sky. "

Cheol Su's expression hardened, his shoulders squaring as he faced his master. "I've done my best," he replied, his voice steady despite the tremors that coursed through his body.

"Your best?" Master Yun snarled, his lips curling in a vicious smile. "Your best is not enough." "If you cannot prove your worth to this academy, if you cannot show these upstarts the power that lies within you, then you are no student of mine." Master Yun's words were like daggers, piercing Cheol Su's heart with a cruel precision.

"Master Yun, please," Cheol Su pleaded, his voice cracking with the weight of his desperation. "I will train harder, I will prove my worth."

But Master Yun was beyond reason, his rage a tempestuous force that threatened to consume them both."Enough!" Master Yun's voice boomed, the ground trembling beneath their feet. "Words are meaningless, Cheol Su. Show me your strength, or face the consequences."

With that, Master Yun's hand shot out, lightning crackling at his fingertips. Cheol Su's heart leapt into his throat, his body tensing in preparation for the inevitable.

The first bolt struck with the force of a hammer, sending Cheol Su staggering backwards. As Master Yun's second assault bore down on Cheol Su, the air crackled with an energy that seemed to defy all explanation. In a flash of light, a breakthrough occurred, Cheol Su's body suffused with a power that seemed to emanate from the very depths of his soul.

"What?" Master Yun's eyes widened, his voice choked with surprise as his attack was halted mid-air by a strange, glimmering force.

As the tendrils of energy swirled around him, Cheol Su felt a strange tingling in the air, as if something were about to burst forth from within him. And then, in a moment that defied all understanding, a system notification appeared before him, as if summoned from the depths of his consciousness.

"Congratulations on triggering the main mission," it read, its words radiating with a strange, unearthly power.

The system's words hung in the air like a beacon, its power radiating outwards in waves of light and energy. Cheol Su felt as if he were standing at the center of a cosmic storm, the force of the universe itself coursing through his veins.

A second notification appeared, the words pulsing with anticipation. "Choose a magic class," it read, offering up a series of choices that seemed to glow with potential. And then, as if in answer to the unspoken question that had been haunting Cheol Su since his journey had begun, a single word burst forth from his lips, his voice ringing out with a newfound strength.


The word seemed to reverberate through the air, a proclamation of intent that resonated with the very fabric of reality.

"Congratulations on choosing a magic class," the system replied, its words dancing across the screen in a symphony of light and sound. "A level-up is in progress."And then, as the energy continued to swirl around him, Cheol Su felt something within him shift, a transformation that seemed to bypass all known laws of magic and physics.

Before his eyes, a status bar materialized, its numbers and graphs dancing with a life of their own.

"Your strength has increased by 10 points," it read, the words accompanied by a series of other notifications that seemed to sing of his newfound power. A status bar pops up shimmering with brilliant light.

Name: Cheol Su

Level: 1 (100% to level up)

Rank: Advanced Level 5 Evolver

Class: Mystical Warlock

Rate of Mastery: Apprentice (10% to Adept)

Title: Prince


Strength: 110

Dexterity: 98

Intelligence: 108

Wisdom: 90

Stamina: 112

What is all this? Cheol Su says to himself glaring at the screen, " a sweat running down his face."