
Solitude's Requiem

[UNDER REDITING PROCESS, DO NOT BE SUPRISED OF SHORTER CHAPTERS/ CHANGE IN NARRATION. THIS WILL BE THE CASE UNTIL THIS MESSAGE HAS DISSAPEARED] A tale of reincarnation. Edwin Gwayne is a young man who passes away after a long battle against his illness. Leaving behind a life where he felt consumed by loneliness and despair. Will he be able to make something of his second life in this new fantasy world, or will he experience that same anguish once more? “Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives” – Andrew Sachs Volume 0: General information The volume where you can find my world building lore that I will try to keep up to date. Volume 1: Tales of Appolyian (demon realm) Passed away at an early age, Edwin Gwayne, the young and sickly young man finds himself reincarnated in a realm called "Appolyian." A realm where strange creatures such as demons reside and the weak are destined to die. Can Edwin Gwayne change and fit in this new society? At what cost? Volume 2: Exploration of Genesias Crossing the border between the realms. The powerful shade demon Secessus Solum Luciel lands in a new fantasy world ripe for exploration and adventure. On his way to find a place to settle down, a true “home” he discovers that it might not be so easy as he once thought. His struggles to integrate himself with these new societies causing him to battle against himself. Author media's and stuff: Instagram: @jelle4novels (starting from this summer it will be filled with ai made art of these characters and more background lore with illustrations and stuff, also quotes and other books I thoroughly enjoy) world anvil page: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/genesias-jelle4manu (I'm still figuring this out but I do believe that one day, I might be semi competent at it.) CURRENTLY WORKING ON BACHELOR AND INTERNSHIP

Jelle4Novels · Fantasy
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232 Chs

Getting Acquainted

Sol now sits on top of the carriage, enhancing his arms with blood magic as he tries to form a stronger grip on the swaying carriage on this bumpy road.

Gunnir and Hellas are riding the carriage or at least Gunnir is. Hellas is keeping watch, his sharp ears and eyes probably his greatest strength.

"How did it go?" Hellas asks still keeping an eye on the surrounding.

"I might have pissed off our client." Sol replies in an apologetic tone, realizing that he already was on thin ice.

"About what?"

"I told him to look me in my eyes as he took responsibility and not cower."

"HAHAHA!" A sudden outburst of laughter comes out of Gunnir the tall warrior who's elegantly steering the carriage.

Hellas's reaction is quite the opposite as he facepalms, wondering why his sister made him go through this.

"Just don't push it. We don't want to piss him completely off." Hellas rebukes their new temporary member whilst Gunnir also returns to his hostile and stern glare.

"Do you want to talk a bit Gunnir?" Sol asks as he's struggling to actually lie comfortable on the roof of the wobbling carriage.

"Why should we?"

"I get the whole not trusting me part. But we can talk and have fun whilst still being distrustful. Honestly, this unwarranted hostility is getting rather stale."

Gunnir loses concentration for a little while, making the bumpy ride act more like a rollercoaster than a mode of transport. Causing Sol to almost fall off.

"Fine." The large ginger bearded man replies as he starts to ride decently once again.

"I will begin. I'm Sol, I can use magic and no I'm not registered in Drearoth and primarily use a spear as weapon.

"I already knew that."

"Well, then how about this. I'm older than I look, and my goal is to find a place to settle down and call home."

"You don't have a home?"

"I've traveled quite a while. How about you?" Sol switches the subject of the conversation, hoping to get to know more about his temporary companions.

"You already know my name. I'm from the Grand Duchy of Knave before I moved around with a mercenary company. Ended up in Creseytesia and decided to take my chances with the adventuring guild."

"Did you enjoy the mercenary life?"

"It paid for food and drink."

"Fair enough."

With that, the short conversation ended neither knowing what to talk about next. Luckily for both of them, Hellas was there to discuss their plans. His lax eyes showing that their is no danger or anyone around.

"Have you already heard about the plan?"

They tried but then the little quarrel happened." Sol honestly admits, still feeling guilty.

"We'ill be travelling following the coastline and will pass Witon, Norka, The Silver merchant company and Sytrich before we even arrive in Revay and even then it's on the other side."

"Anything I should look out for?"

"Travelling wise or country wise?"

"Preferably both."

Listening to the discussion, Gunnir is the first one to reply.

"Bandits can be everywhere, met a lot of them when with the mercs and even more with this lot." The intimidating large man says, the bandits risking their neck to rob from this man must either be brave or suicidal.

"Sytrich still embraces their slaver's past, so we should stick together there. The grand duchy's should be relatively plain riding." The pink haired archer says whilst the carriage still sways because of the bumpy road.

"What about Revay itself?"

"Horse lords, but they're not bandits at least."

"Argh, I don't like them."

"Why not Gunnir? Thought you would appreciate horse enthusiasts?"

"Had to battle a stuck up noble from there once. Long story short the horses might be the only thing good about them."

The conversation between the 2 friends carries on as they continue to make small talk. A heartwarming sight instead of the usual hostile glares their new member is used to. Yet Secessus knows it has nothing to do with him. Making him long for the time he spent training Alessia or even Lucille's Light.

With the sun setting, evening has approached. Making camp the party and the grand duke sit around the camp fire discussing who should take watch. It will take around 3 months to reach, so an effort was made to induce Sol properly in the team. The grand duke on the other hand was not so forgiving as he blatantly looked away from the shade demon.

With the grand duke quickly leaving and going to get some sleep the party is now left alone.

"You did well." Cristal, says to Sol as she feasts on her rabbit stew.

"With what exactly?"

"A noble should be able to see his faults. Otherwise, they can't properly rule."

"I think it's a bit late for our companion." Sol says with soft laughter but especially mixed with frustration.

"Most never do."

A short rather peaceful silence follows before Cristal speaks once again.

"We apologize for being… Harsh on you. It's nothing personal… We just don't have many fond memories of our latest addition." Cristal hesitantly explains, the rabbit stew she was feasting on nearing its end. All the others nod in agreement as Cristal speaks for them all.

"So don't hesitate if you want to ask us anything or talk about something. We're a team for the moment after all." Cristal says her brown eyes looking at their newest members.

"Of course and don't worry. I have not taken it to hearth. I know that trust has to be earned not given. I will do my best."

The party seems satisfied with Sol's declaration as they all still slightly awkwardly but without hostility continue.

The early night wind howls, yelling for it's first watchers. A task that Sol and Tika decided to volunteer for. The others take a well deserved rest whilst the ebony skinned with black haired mage and the emerald eyed long curling brown haired member of their party keep watch throughout the night. The emerald eyes quietly gaze into the dark surroundings whilst, Tika reads a book aided by the camping fire. Relying more on her ability to sense mana than her actual vision.

"Can you see?" She asks fascinated by Sol's unwavering focus looking at nothingness.

"I can."

"You can see in the darkness, is that something every mage of dark magic can do?" The female mage asks not hesitant when it comes to arcane topics.

"I don't think so, I just adapted."

"To darkness?"


"You should try to hide your mana more otherwise you'ill be drawing the wrong crowds."

"Like Drearorth? Would they truly be interested in me?"

Tika drops her book taken aback by the question.

"Are you serious?" She asks the fire at her fingertips flickering.

"If they knew you existed, they would chase you to the end of all realms."

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