
Solitude's Requiem

[UNDER REDITING PROCESS, DO NOT BE SUPRISED OF SHORTER CHAPTERS/ CHANGE IN NARRATION. THIS WILL BE THE CASE UNTIL THIS MESSAGE HAS DISSAPEARED] A tale of reincarnation. Edwin Gwayne is a young man who passes away after a long battle against his illness. Leaving behind a life where he felt consumed by loneliness and despair. Will he be able to make something of his second life in this new fantasy world, or will he experience that same anguish once more? “Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives” – Andrew Sachs Volume 0: General information The volume where you can find my world building lore that I will try to keep up to date. Volume 1: Tales of Appolyian (demon realm) Passed away at an early age, Edwin Gwayne, the young and sickly young man finds himself reincarnated in a realm called "Appolyian." A realm where strange creatures such as demons reside and the weak are destined to die. Can Edwin Gwayne change and fit in this new society? At what cost? Volume 2: Exploration of Genesias Crossing the border between the realms. The powerful shade demon Secessus Solum Luciel lands in a new fantasy world ripe for exploration and adventure. On his way to find a place to settle down, a true “home” he discovers that it might not be so easy as he once thought. His struggles to integrate himself with these new societies causing him to battle against himself. Author media's and stuff: Instagram: @jelle4novels (starting from this summer it will be filled with ai made art of these characters and more background lore with illustrations and stuff, also quotes and other books I thoroughly enjoy) world anvil page: https://www.worldanvil.com/w/genesias-jelle4manu (I'm still figuring this out but I do believe that one day, I might be semi competent at it.) CURRENTLY WORKING ON BACHELOR AND INTERNSHIP

Jelle4Novels · Fantasy
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232 Chs

A curious explanation

"Well, my dear foolish boy. Let's address the elephant shaped darkness in this even darker space, shall we? You died one way or another and found yourself reincarnated as a shade demon." Cornelius begins his explanation, seemingly holding no interest in the concept of "gradual easing one into a conversation." Instead, the rather fervor filled spectral man decided to come in quite headstrong and direct.

"What do you me…" the lying down wanderer tries to gain some form of clarification. But is unable to finish his question as Cornelius raises his voice.

"WHERE is this place, you might wonder." He says with a lot of bravado, showing that he doesn't want to get interrupted. The still-beaten wanderer shoots a glare in response but ultimately keeps quiet.

'What does this man love more? Telling shocking statements without explaining or just his own voice?' The wanderer begrudgingly thinks, unable to say it out loud yet still in desperate need to vent about this situation.

"This is a demonic realm known as "Appolyian" and no I don't mean your world's depiction of what hell would be. It can be if you look hard enough, but I wouldn't recommend it. You're reincarnated and are thus alive...once again..... Are you listening? HEY!" Cornelius waves his hands and snaps his fingers before the lying down wanderer's eyes as he isn't receiving a satisfactory response from his listener.

"I am, but you YELLING when I have this bursting headache doesn't help." The lying down man couldn't hold his anger in any longer, screaming what he was previously saying only in his mind at this non-stop talking stranger.

"Oh, that? Don't worry it will leave very shortly, it's just your body "acclimating" or your soul whatever you believe actually shapes the other. It's also the first time it seems you've demonstrated any magical prowess, that could also be a cause."

"I can do magic?" The man asks, responding to the potentially only good news Cornelius has said thus far.

"Of course, every demon is capable of doing magic, after all. You just have to know how to do it. But don't worry, we still have a long trip ahead of us, so there's plenty of time to learn." Cornelius responds as he dispels the chair he summoned to sit on, already facing the direction he seems to want to go.

"We're going somewhere?"

"Yes, we will go toward the capital."

"This place has a capital?"

"Yes, the capital is called "Lucile's Light", It's named after the first devil "Luciel." It's also probably the only place that can be considered a city in this realm." He says with a smug smile on his face now that the other participant actually seems engaged in the conversation. "It's a city where the strong have free rulership over the laws. Get strong enough, and you can do whatever you want, but if not. Well, then it wouldn't be surprising to get enslaved or just outright killed." Cornelius explains further, his enthusiastic tone and voice not matching the grim sentences coming from his mouth.

The lying-down man visibly shudders at the possibilities and the way Cornelius speaks about them. The smug smile creates a terrifying image in the wanderer's head.

"No worries, my dear young…." Are the words Cornelius says before pausing for an awkward amount of time. One can visibly see him think loudly, the gears actively turning in the head beneath the top hat. "I don't know your name, do I? What type of person does not give his name when starting an enlightened conversation!!!" He yells out infuriated, hitting the cane against the darkness-filled floor. Rather than pure adult anger, it's closer to a child throwing a tantrum.

"You never asked." The emerald-colored-eyed shade demon simply responds.

Cornelius's smirk when he was talking quickly dissipated, instead a hurtful glare takes its place.


"I used to be called Edwin." He says, a surge of locked away emotions rushing over him as soon as the name left his mouth.

Visual aid for cornelius: He is largely based on Trelawny from Red dead redemtion 2

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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