
Solitary Vampire

It’s the year 2357 on earth and the world has been at war in a three battlefront against humanoid lizards gifted by magic called dragonkin, aliens that had far more advanced technology called the Xalorians, and the remnants of angels and demons called ShadowFallen.  No to mention the aggressive beasts that roam the universe Through the war humanity has grown too big to stay only on earth, having finally gone to space and occupied planets that one could only dream of, but the universe’s mysteries are far and wide but closer than you may think. Rosaline, a young 16 year old girl, had been given a book to her by her dead parents that had died on the battlefront against the dragonkin before humanity and the Xalorians signed a treaty in the name of ‘preventing’ war and to deal with the powerful dragonkin. Like that treaty had ever stopped war and the Xalorians being hostile towards humanity. But no matter how hard she tries to open the book it wouldn’t give her face, not even pouring acid. But one day just before she goes off to her new military school after middle school, she accidentally poked her hand and a drop of blood fell onto the book.  A system appeared giving her a chance to become stronger, thinking this was a miracle. What she didn't know at the time was that it turned her into something not human. A Vampire. ********************* This novel was inspired by a lot of different media that I have seen so you may see some similarities between them. I will make sure to mention and give credit to the media when that happens. Updates everyday at 16:00 EDT I will probably be able to pick this novel back up again in December of 2026.

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Story of Sir. Light

Roseline stepped out of the teleporter back to the military.

Her dizziness was a lot less than before but still, she had to take a few second to focus back on what she wanted to do.

Before coming back, she was able to put the Beast Core in her shadow.

Theoretically, the military shouldn't be able to notice that she put the more important stuff into her shadow.

Shadows weren't a human element after all.

She went through the process of turning in 45% of the items she found in the dungeon, getting healed from the damage cause in the dungeon, and left back to her dorm.

She had been gone for a day and a half after all, she was tired.

Getting back to her bed, the first thing she did was sleep.

She could always check out the stuff in her shadow later.







The spear hit the wall of rock that had came up and bounced off.

Small little golems came out and charged over to Lucas.

Lucas only used a small swing of his spear to knock them all out.

But from the rocks of the fallen golems, more came, rebuilding themselves and continuing their small assault.

At them moment, Aiden's abilities aren't that strong enough to make the golems a danger to Lucas or anyone but small animals.

But attacking was never a earth affinity's strong point.

The fact he was able to make many golems, although small, was a pretty big improvement.

If one were to talk to the highest leveled earth affinity user's favorite way of attacking, they would all say through golems.

Golems could be made without having an earth affinity but when a golem is made under one, their powers are truly showcased and fully utilized.

Lucas turned his focus back to the rock wall and hit it again, breaking it down.

Aiden was on the other side and had started to make another one to protect him.

Although Aiden wasn't strong with attack, defense and support were his growing strengths.

But for attacking, annoying his opponents was probably what he was best at.

Lucas couldn't help but think that he would be an incredible tank.

Before Aiden could complete his next wall, Lucas threw his spear towards him.

The earth element was just to slow to stop it, resulting in Aiden's defeat again.

Sweating from the long use of mana, Aiden fell on his butt and panted.

"Let's take a break here."

Aiden nodded and got up.

After the events of Jake's last beat up, Aiden had gone through a huge change.

He was still a coward at the end of the day, but he was now able to somewhat fight and stand up for himself.

Lucas didn't know if this change was positive or not but it wasn't his problem.

They both headed to an convenience store and bought some food.

Sipping on a apple-flavored drink, Lucas asked about the seed in his Core.

Aiden went into his subconscious and looked at it.

There was no change other than getting slightly bigger than before.

"Nothing much."


Lucas was in deep thought about it.





Vessel of Light.

Roseline stared intently at it.

The Beast Core was self explanatory, she decided to save it for later.

'Guess I should open it and read it.'

Roseline grabbed the white leather book and opened it up to the first page.

'Woah, a book I didn't have to do some insane thing to open it.'

Reading the first few sentences, Roseline got the jist of the story.

It was written in a childlike story book manner.

It was about this kingdom from long ago that had worshipped the god of light, Abner.

Their was an era in which they were in danger, Demons from hell came up and spread destruction.

The people of the land prayed for 5 days straight and in response to the devotion, God sent out two beings.

One was a Mechanical Angel, which they described as God's tool, and Sir. Light.

Sir. Light wasn't their actual name but that's was the people of the kingdom called him.

The two together stopped the Demons and brought back peace.

Roseline noticed that in the pictures of the two God's weapons, Sir. Light wasn't an Angel.

They weren't an Angel yet can use the element of light and be under the god of light, Adner.

'This Sir. Light individual is something..'

This story definitely originated before the Great God's War.

By the time the war ended, Angles and Demons were pretty much wiped off the face of the universe.


Roseline put the book back into her shadow and got up.

Even after going through that dungeon, she didn't get enough to level up.

That only made her think back on the dark canyon's difficulty.

She was able to use Shadow merge in the dungeon but she wasn't quite sure if she will have the confidence to do it again.

'Guess I should see.'

Roseline left the dorm to head to a training arena.

She thought about getting a private training arena because now that it was a bit into the school year, the students here would use them a lot more.

Roseline entered the bus again and went to SilverStream.

They had all kinds of things over there, being the main big 'city' in the base.

The view of SilverStream at night was far more beautiful than in more morning daylight.

The silver under the moonlight glowed gently while the ground and lower area had bright glowing neon lights and music and liveliness going around the place.

It was like the New York City metropolis, it never slept, nor will it any time soon.

It was like SilverStream was made for city night life.

The students don't usually go there at night because of curfew at 11:00 PM, but everyone else here were definitely going to stay over for a long time.

It was currently 8:00 pm so Roseline had a few hours to try and use Shadow merge.

Taking in a deep breath of the clean air and listening to the sounds of people talking, Roseline walked across the streets of SilverStream.

Thank you for the power stones! Comment and critique my work. I hope you guys have a great day, evening, or night!

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