
Solitary Vampire

It’s the year 2357 on earth and the world has been at war in a three battlefront against humanoid lizards gifted by magic called dragonkin, aliens that had far more advanced technology called the Xalorians, and the remnants of angels and demons called ShadowFallen.  No to mention the aggressive beasts that roam the universe Through the war humanity has grown too big to stay only on earth, having finally gone to space and occupied planets that one could only dream of, but the universe’s mysteries are far and wide but closer than you may think. Rosaline, a young 16 year old girl, had been given a book to her by her dead parents that had died on the battlefront against the dragonkin before humanity and the Xalorians signed a treaty in the name of ‘preventing’ war and to deal with the powerful dragonkin. Like that treaty had ever stopped war and the Xalorians being hostile towards humanity. But no matter how hard she tries to open the book it wouldn’t give her face, not even pouring acid. But one day just before she goes off to her new military school after middle school, she accidentally poked her hand and a drop of blood fell onto the book.  A system appeared giving her a chance to become stronger, thinking this was a miracle. What she didn't know at the time was that it turned her into something not human. A Vampire. ********************* This novel was inspired by a lot of different media that I have seen so you may see some similarities between them. I will make sure to mention and give credit to the media when that happens. Updates everyday at 16:00 EDT I will probably be able to pick this novel back up again in December of 2026.

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The form was filled out and she continued by pressing a big green button labeled 'go forward'.

A loading screen appeared, Roseline had to wait for a while before it got to the next part.

A part of the machine printed out a small prof paper and Roseline grabbed it.

Looking at the screen, it said to take the paper and find the portal corresponding to the number on the paper.

The number on the paper was [34].

Roseline took her time trying to find where the portal room was at and found it at the side of the lobby room.

Walking through it, it felt a lot more like a guild tavern now.

But place was a stark contrast to the lobby, with people talking and the sound of weapons and equipment moving from and to the people standing in front of the dungeon portals.

All of the teleporters were labeled by number and was around 60 of them.

Roseline marveled a bit on the amount of teleporters in one area before moving on and finding portal 34.

There was no one infront of the portal, showing just uninterested and undesirable it was.

Such an easy dungeon was not going to have valuable treasures in them.

The only saving grace for this dungeon was that it could be completed in one day.

'I should probably get some equipment.'

She put the piece of paper in what looks like a shredder and the portal activated.

At the same time, a robot moved a cart of dungeon equipment to her.

Roseline looked at the equipment and took a bag, water, and some bottles.

'Maybe I can drink the enemie's blood if their humanoid.'

She hadn't come across any humanoid creatures as of now.

But she slightly felt that she may not even com across them.

Humanoid creatures were usually high leveled beasts.

The only why she can find one would it being the boss, but even that was unlikely to be a humanoid creature.

She still wanted to try though.

She didn't need food either because she was a Vampire and the robots would be able to catch on to that.

She requested the robot to specifically bring an umbrella.

With all of her stuff ready, she entered the portal and felt the dizziness of space and time around her twisting and turning.

Stepping out of it, she managed to not throw up because she was getting used to it.

What came in front of her was a giant rip in space.

This rip in space led to a distance scenery of a bright castle and the sun shining down.

'Guess it's time to enter. Wonder how it's like inside.'

Stepping through the dungeon's opening, Roseline appeared in the field that was right before the castle.

There was no feeling of dizziness like one would get from portals but rather felt like walking from one place to the other.

These's openings in space where like portals.

In fact, the dungeon openings were the thing that inspired the idea of portals.

But there was a difference, portals were easy to walk through but were incredibly unstable.

No one knew when the portal will suddenly close on itself.

On the other hand, portals where stable.

They couldn't be put in dungeons themselfs, only outside of it, and gave the person using it the sense of dizziness unless it's used a lot and the user is used to the feeling of space bending.

Roseline walked towards the castle while she took out her gauntlets out from her shadow and put them on.

She wanted to try a few things with the umbrella she had gotten but felt it would be better if she tried it inside the castle.

The wildlife here was things that she had never seen before.

The plant life was the same as well, almost all the things here where different.

The sky was a beautiful purple color with pastel yellow clouds that one would see from a kid's picture book.

The sun was blue and the dungeon had two moons, one yellow like a wheel of cheese and the other a rusty red.

The castle was bright white and yellow with symbolic designs representing light and the sun.

The gate of the castle was closed and large groups of strange looking enemies gathered around the gate.

Looking around, because of the effect of the sun and two moons, there were many shadows that branched out.

Shadow blinking through one of them, Roseline got near one of the beasts.

They, like most of the enemies there, had rocky and jagged bodies like golems and were white like the castle.

But Roseline could tell that unlike golems, they were living beings with blood and bones.

'I guess their the protectors of this castle.'

Staying hidden in the shadows, she threw one Blood Swipe to the thing.

It hit the beast and it convulsive a bit before falling and collapsing.

Some of the other beast near it became alert after seeing one of them fall and die.

But because they couldn't she Roseline, nor catch her, they slowly went down in number.

A blood red claw would come from the shadows and go through its rocky outer shell, hitting the organs inside.

With the numbers of them dwindling, some of them started to grab things like rocks and fallen tree trunks and threw them in the direction of where the Blood Swipe came from.

Using Shadow blink, one of the thrown projectiles missed Roseline by a hair's breath.

She tried her best on not using Shadow blinking much but in the end she stilled used it 5 times.

The last of the golem like beast went down and turned into many small rocks from the impact of smashing against the floor.


Roseline left the shadow carefully and checked if there was any loot that she could get.

But as it was a low leveled dungeon, there wasn't anything.

The gate from before shaked before letting itself down.

With the gate open Roseline entered the castle and used the closest shadows as a cover.

Thank you for the power stones! Comment and critique my work. I hope you guys have a great day, evening, or night!

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