
Chapter 1

"God, you're dense!" Quin hissed. "They're gonna fucking kill you, you know that right?"

Enzo wasn't much of a conversationalist, then again, he wasn't much of anything without his morning dose of coffee.

He looked the part, dressed like gentleman, spoke like one, but he was nothing of the sort. He was a savage cloaked in sheep's clothing.

It was a force of habit really. Successfully brushing his lengthy black hair into neatly in a neat ponytail & managing ti keep his beard trimmed at all times.

His father taught him to always look his best that was the Salvador way.

Tracing his finger over the three scars marrying his handsome face, he felt profond pride. The healed wounds & gang tatts covering the expanse of his lean figure were a representation of his battles & victories.

He shot a glance at his partner in crime, buttoned his shirt up, snagged a jacket from the closet, then fished out his thigh high boots.

"That's where you come in ironman." he said playfully in his native tongue.

The towhead flipped his comrad the bird with his prosthetic arm as he disappeared into the bathroom. Arquin Loc wad many things. but a sensitive wasnt one of them.

He was a total badass who got booted from the corp for disobeying direct orders from his so called "superiors".

Who's more superior than the Alpha?

Quin was branded head of the pack for a reason, well.... that used to be the case before he was dumped in this shithole thanks to those two fateful words known as "dishonourable discharge."

"I dont like this one bit," The blond's voice echoed from down the hall. "It reeks of shit!"

"Agreed, but right now we need to find out exactly who we're dealing with here!"

Enzo's hazel eyes landed on the pile of papers splayed out across the oak table in his living room. He was no dectective, but after reviewing countless images of dead hookers over the past week, it wasnt hard to imagine how it all went down & he also had a few suspects in mind.

Jezebelle, one of Madame Monroe's favorites overdosed lastnight. In the photo she was laid out like a doll, her thick crimson locks coiled pergectly around her ears. She was one hell of a looker, even in death she was the epitome beauty.

The red lipstick smeared across her lips suggested one of two things, she either knew the perp personally or this sick bastard had had some fun afterwards. Whatever the case, he couldn't seem to get her eyes out of his head.

Those soft baby blue eyes that were once filled with youthful life was now void of the light that had once been there.

He truly hated this, hated that yet another woman was found dead in Solace! Cause of death that weird new drug called "overdose" & as the name suggested all the vics had that shit in their systems. Shooting up, snorting, inhalation, that shit was potent enough to knock a second hand smoker on their ass.

"Don't tell me you're trying help those girls? Hahaha... You can't even help yourself!"

Enzo froze instantly upon hearing the faint voice of his dead ex-lover. Ofcouse he difnt believe in ghost, but dammit to hell he palmed the eight inch blade tucked in his waist & fought the urge to turn around. He found it difficult to breathe, the air around him felt dense, thick, suffocating as the seconds ticked on by quietly. The only sound in his ears was the beat of his heart as he waited with baited breath while paranoia took root inside him.

The firm hand that landed on his shoulder brought him back to reality with a tight squeeze.

"Hey... you cool my man?"

Arquin was out of the bathroom & wearing one of his "happy-go-lucky t-shirts again. This one was green in color with the sun & the colorful logo that reads "I'm so fucking hot!" displayed across his pecs. Considering what the guy wore yesterday this was more of a leap than a step in the right direction.

"I'm fine." Enzo gritted out. "Let's just go!"

"...Right behind ya!" Quin unwrapped a totsie pop & stuffed the thing in his mouth. "Wanna stop by the doc on our way back?"


"C'mon, dont be a hard-ass, stubborn-ass motherfucker!" Quin snapped, "Your gonna get those damn pills even if I have to drag you there myself!"

"You sure you want to go there amigo?"

"Hell no, but you've left me no choice, you've started having those crazy hallucinations again & that shit is hazardous to the job!" Quin sharpened his gaze on the male as they walked down the narrow alleyway. "C'mon, this is me looking out for you!"

"Fine, I'll go anywhere you want me to if it gets you to zip that big mouth of yours." Enzo rubbed his temples in a circular motion. "..Its impossible to deal with your endless nagging on an empty stomach."

The towering run-down buildings were so crampted together they obscured the clear blue sky, nothing remained, except a tiny stream of light which trickled along the cobbled streets of Solace. It was ideal place for those who didn't want to be seen or needed to stay hidden, whether it was prostitution, drugs or bribery, backalley deals were a commonplace trade in this city.

The mercenary base was located deep in the underbelly of the city, the path was drenched by the sour stench of garbage from the slums.

District A was usually loud during daylight hours & unbelievably quiet at night when the cage matches were being held. Their leader, Mister Max ran a tight ship & no one was willing to go toe to toe with the Amazonian & he couldnt blame them.

The weapons dealer had a reputation for punching those who would dare to challenge her into an early grave in or vegetable state.

As they followed the path, Enzo gradually became aware their pursuers. They weren't exactly doing a good job of concealing themselves.

Being viligant & perceptive of one's surroundings was the first thing he learned from his father. The second thing he learned was how hard & cold the floor felt against your face when you were knocked down in a bloody puddle.

If you choose to stay there you were less than human, a rat destined to die a horrible death which was why he always picked himself up after every solid punch to the gut.

Fourteen, that was the number of mercenaries flanking them. From the looks of it, they were new recruits, had to be. Seasoned warriors had a deadly aura about them, but these guys were practically newborn babes, although amateurs with weapons could prove somewhat annoying.

Their thirst for battle made them capable of anything & that was what made them so dangerous.

One brief glance & a nod, that was all it took for the pair to reach an accord. As usual Enzo would lead the assault & Arquin would cover his back.

"Let's have some fun!" The wolfish grin Enzo's displayed said it all. He was a loose cannon. Reckless without apology. A rabid dog unbound by the chains of the Salvador family. Therefore there was no need to hold back & although he trusted the man with his life, the syringe sticking out from the blond's thigh pocket made him a little hesistant.

The doc had insisted Arquin use the thing only when it was absolutely necessary. Enzo had been at the end of that needle before, the drug was strong enough to put dowm a buffalo & he prayed that his ex bitch would stay the fuck out of his head this time.

"No casualities. We didnt come all this way to piss on Max's lawn!"

Enzo didn't waste words, he would let his actions do the talking. Depending on the outcome he may very well have to kill one of those bastards & if so, he wasn't going to lie about it.

When it came down to it he would get his hands dirty if he had to, afterall, that was his specialty.

"Hey! Do you assholes know where you are?" said the one with the cleft lip.

"It seems that we took a few wrong turns & somehow got lost....WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK!" Quin's tone was razor sharp & laced with venom, he kept his guns were they were although hus fingers were reving to put the guy down.

"Everyone loves a comedian, even a dead one!"

From the looks of it clef lip was the ring leader of this little group. The other guys didnt make a move without his permission. Enzo's guess was they were awaiting the guy's signal to attack & given they way the guy sized him up with those black beady eyes & grimaced, it was best to stay alert.

Enzo noticed how his stare lingered on the tattoo at the back of his palm, a skull pierced by a sword. It was the Salvador brand, proof that you were part of the family. It also served as a warning to others that would dare to cross them as a promise of death.

"Who the hell are you?" Clef lip said, his gaze flickering between Arquin & Enzo "...And what the fuck is a Salvador dog doing here?"

Enzo's eyes flashed with malice. He wanted to bite the guy's nose off, something he had done countless times before. His hot-blooded nature urged to strike now, so he did.

Enzo lunged at the bastard & bit his ear off, tearing through the gristle as he screamed in agony & spat out part of his earlobe out on the pavement.

Blood seeped from Enzo's mouth, his smile sinister. The loud pitched wails of his opponent was a symphony demanding he take a chunk out of few other parts as well, but the calvary wouldn't have it. They rushed after Enzo with sharp weapons, all directed at him. He was good, but no one was that good & he didnt have to be.

Gunshots rang out, piercing the thighs of his pursuers. As a man of his word, not only did Arquin not shoot to kill, he also aimed to inflict as little damage as possible to the soldiers by rendering them immobile.

"How can a weakling like you save anyone! You couldn't even save me!"the voice in his head taunted.

Enzo shook his head in an attempt to free himself of the woman he let die. She wasnt just some voice in his head, no. The ghostly image of Kita wrapped her arms around him like an invisible cloak.

"Give up this charade. Hurt them, make them bleed. Kill them all for me, darling!"