

It has been a new adventure for her. She travelled and went to islands and new places in her dismay she encountered so much love along the way. She had been so shocked at the same time become a norm for her to be open to new opportunities and new people to come in her life. She never been to a city to live and work. And she become a good person at the same time she had been that tough woman she never expected her to be.

Love is a very scary word for her because she never believe in love and she never trusted guys in her time. Especially of too much betrayal and cheating of her past relationship she become not welcoming in love and new suitors. When ever there is that guy who tried to touch and be attached she would avoid every single conversation and banter to him for it is not her priority for now.Her most desire is to be the success she want to see in her life.She wants to see her life earning her own money and showing her mom in heaven that she is to be proud of. She is the woman she will be the one she wanted to be. I wanted to say that every thing she sees is her way of a new learning and aditional perspective in life.

First day in work. "I never have this experience of having to work with people in a new language and a new culture." Where people speaks fast and have a different culture. Which is directness and frankness, and different upbringingness.

I have been in different cities, but just for vacation and be good tourist and follow the rules. I was so bad in life decisions and in career choices I was in a very difficult situation. I believe and I catch up feelings that real fast with a person I dont want to be in live with someone right now because I wanna focus in career and be more realistic in life especially I have been so dumb and in love last year with a boy that never even bothered to see me in person. i wanna be successful in my own ways. and I wanted to be proud of my career growth. Real life has been fucked up for me lately and I wanted to be more realistic when comes to love. Jealousy has been a difficult hindrance to me and my lover when I am in a relationship. I wanted to be more matured and believe that love stories from movies doesn't exist. and I should be more realistic and temperature checker when it comes to intentions. Because I am too friendly and I am reminding myself to be more vigilant in life and Love. I have been in a situation wherein I could not ponder well what is the intentions of the man for me. Is it just me who is assuming of the banters of the statements and of the moves of the guy or he is sending mixed signals.

He is a cute person and a good personality but at the same he had also flaws and mistakes along the way. Our differences and culture was to different that is why I have been too much vigilant of what will I say. Maybe because of our experience like a fatherless in a young age we wont relate to each other. He had the smile and the intelligence and the looks and the personality but I could not also believe that he could be sarcastic and his jokes are not the humor I wanted in a lover. He tried his best to be okay to me again when he whispered to my ear that he would be there for me when I am in distressed. I love him that day. I love how he lowered his ego for me. His pride and his ego were released. He could not avoid me and he used the night out to express that feels of a knight and shining armor. He hold my waist and I wanted to avoid his touch but I couldn't. He is too much too handle. My heart is beating so fast I could not avoid him. I was falling inlove again when he started touching me and his whispers are the assurance I could feel in this friendship. He was a friend in a new city.

He wants that attention that I could not give so much because ofcourse he is good looking and girls like him. His looks, intelligence and wit. He surely could steal hearts and charm girls. I promised my self not to fall inlove again but I couldn't help my self to put my heart again in a love affair. He is the womanizer that my thoughts are avoiding but I knew his intentions are to court. His intentions are too much to handle. He look at me so long even we are in the edges of the table. I stood in the meter of a dance floor and he couldn't stop himself to touch my waist. I just go with the flow. He made his moves and he made me melt inside. I love how he whispered, I love his words. Here I am again, falling for him. Falling for a nice good looking guy. Falling my heart again but I reminded myself I needed to focus on my goals. My goals and my dreams. I will be a pilot and I will high with colors. I will be that woman I wanted to be and resisting his touch and seductions will help me avoid falling down again in the top. I have to avoid every temptations along the way. But he is tempting me and he is so hot and smart and creation of beauty and art. He draws, and he sings, he uses words in a very intelligent manner and he is talented and so much blessed. He is an heir too. A little more too blessed than me. I dont know if I could handle that too. Because the girls are the once who is going and approaching him not him. I do not want to create jelousy and evil eyes because I loved him and I adore him. He is a heartthrob that any girls would want. He is everything and any girl in the room would share a kiss.

Here is a picture of what I wanted of love. A discreet anf a secret to the crowd where nobody wanna see us together song. and nobody wanna see us happy and smiling because of love and lust..Is he one I am waiting for my whole life? Or I am just avoiding the fact that he is already courting..I love him but does he love me too? Am i the only one? That is the question. Lmao from all the girls who comes near to him to all the girls who he talks and who is he texting? Is he single? I dont know.

This is like a real fantasy diary of my life.

Love_Jean_1204creators' thoughts