
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

rwbysweetheart · Movies
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Tomorrow Never Knows: Part 3

Avengers Tower


It couldn't have been more than a few minutes until Violet was finally able to pull herself together and rinse off the bath water, but to her it felt like a thousand years. Kneeling on the shower floor, the hot water spraying down in front of her trembling body before quickly circling through the drain, she's never felt so overwhelmed. Breathe, she chanted to herself, just breathe, but that could only work for so long. If Bucky hadn't said anything, she wouldn't have lasted another minute.

So many emotions rolled through her. The most prevalent of the lot was fear, which was also the most reasonable. Of course, she'd be scared. Who wouldn't be in the situation? Bound, trapped, and stripped against her will by two people she barely knew, people who kidnapped her and drugged her and possessed the depravity to do even more terrible things to her. The worst part is, though they gave her a moment alone, the night wasn't over yet. She could feel it in her bones that there was more that they, or at least Natasha, had planned for her.

Never make a deal without knowing all aspects of the deal, her Dad once said to her. It was a joke at the time. Spoken over a bowl of popcorn and candy mixed with melted marshmallows. She didn't even remember what caused him to say that, other than she wanted chocolate chips instead of MNM's, and he laughed before stating that phrase. A phrase at the time neither realized would forever worm its way into her brain.

Too bad she couldn't remember it when she needed too.

Aside from the fear, and the accompanying shame from being stripped and ogled, Violet was angry. Angry at them for putting her through this, angry at herself for going through with it the way they wanted her too, but mostly she was angry at how she was handling it. She shouldn't be showing them how scared and uncomfortable she was, she should be doing what she always does. Fighting back and finding a way out of this situation.

But she couldn't do that though, and it wasn't because of Darcy's safety.

Bucky and Natasha were the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, two assassins that made their name and reputation by being the best at what they do, and the immoral way in which they do it. Violet thought back to her very first encounter with them, to Halloween Night 5 years ago when they were torturing Billy. She thought about the coldness in the Soldier's eyes as he cut into her brother, the wickedness in the Widow's as she watched him writhe in pain. She thought about Halloween Night from just a couple of weeks ago. The way the soldier fought Sam outside of Peter's burning building, and the way both Alphas fought Matt just an hour or so later. She thought about the invasion and how they took out a dozen men in the span of thirty seconds, the way Bucky sent a door flying over the cafeteria area and then hunted her down with the Captain while Natasha lay in wait for Violet to arrive.

She thought about those events, remembered with full clarity how easily everything fell apart after each instance. She thought about her reactions then, how she fought with everything she had and ran from them only to still end up here. They were assassins, the best fighters and murderers in the business. The only people who could take them out were themselves, or people who were just like them.

Ergo, not Violet.

She wasn't some action hero that fought the good fight and saved the day. She was a dumb kid who couldn't turn her back on someone who needed help, which tended to get her into a lot of trouble. It also brought her a lot of pain and burdens she would have to bear for the rest of her life. Pain and burdens that weren't necessarily her own. All the stories from the Omega house, all the survivors she did her best to help only to lose some of them in the end. Lose them to terrible Alphas who killed them for simply trying to survive and live a life without suffering.

What kind of chance did she have against the most lethal assassins in the world? It was a pipedream, a miracle that would never occur, and yet it didn't change anything. Violet has been fighting for what she believed in as far back as she could remember, and though it was impossible to win, she couldn't just stop. If she did, she'd be mated and their personal fuck puppet before the week was out. If she was going to survive, she had to keep fighting, or inevitably lose herself.

She'll die before she lets that happen.

So, after a necessary crying session and going through her list of reasons to keep going, Violet shakily stood to her feet and stepped under the warm spray. She was washed and rinsed in less than a minute, using the men's body wash sitting on the shelf next to her instead of the women's to get back at Natasha. A small, meaningless act of defiance, but completely worth it due to the circumstances. She also preferred men's body wash to women's because she could actually smell it well after she's used it, women's were far too fleeting. All the while she hummed to herself, "Tomorrow Never Knows" calming melody easing her nerves. She only wished she could sing it. Per Bucky's request, and the fear of seeing the other Bucky again, she kept the tape over her mouth.

Going into the shower, she was a broken mess. Exiting the shower, she was still a broken mess, but rejuvenated with a renewed purpose and release of pent up emotions. Resigned to the fact that even if she were to fight back now, she was stuck in their sadistic and inescapable embrace for the foreseeable future. All she could do now was endure and wait until she figures out a better plan.

Though she defiantly used the men's body wash, she left the hair alone. She had a feeling it would be a step too far if she washed it, ticking Natasha off in the wrong way. Even though she wasn't doing this for Darcy anymore, choosing to save what's left of her sanity and well-being instead, she didn't want to risk anything that could jeopardize anyone's safety. Particularly her own.

The marble floor was cold, the candles still burned brightly, and the dimly lit bathroom was reflected in the voluminous mirror that took up the top half of the wall she was facing, the bottom half taken by the posh counter top and storage space. The sight of her reflection almost sent her running back into the shower and crying once more. Sky blue eyes, which normally appeared cynical and cold until she was around Peter, looked positively haunted, defeated. Her wet hair had stray rose petals sticking out of it, the pink of the petals providing a nice contrast to her blue locks. Even in the dim light, dark bruises peppered her nearly every inch of her skin. The one on her jaw looked particularly terrible.

She must have fucked herself up pretty bad with her shenanigans and such the other night. Violet didn't care. She was so used to seeing bruises in her reflection that she wouldn't recognize herself if she didn't have one. The bruises and everything else paired up with the tape over her mouth and the scared look in her eyes, she looked like a fragile little doll that's been abused and mistreated. A doll that's come to life and was silenced and beaten when she tried to stop the people from hurting her.

She shut her eyes, fighting away the overwhelming fear and shame. It's okay to be scared. Fear is what keeps a person alive in the worst of situations. It was fear that led her here, fear that kept her from fighting back against the other Bucky. The other Bucky who would have undoubtedly done worse things to her, especially after what she said to him about not being anyone's Omega. Fear kept her from dealing with that.

But it wasn't okay to let that fear consume her. That's where the line had to be drawn. Staring into her reflection, Violet swore to herself that fear isn't the enemy, only a sign that she's human and that was what she was. Above everything else whether it be Omega or troublemaker, bitch or an asshole, broken doll or battered orphan, Violet Mason was human first and that's all that mattered to her.

That's all she wanted to be, and if she had to go through hell to remain that way, then so fucking be it.

When she opened her eyes, she didn't look like the scared broken doll, much to her pleasure. She looked like an animal in cage with her hackles up, teeth bared, and ready to attack at a moment's noticed. She quite liked that image, but it was a step too far. She still had to keep her end of the deal tonight, and this would only provoke Natasha to renege on it.

She took a breath, blinked away the harrowing, angry look in her eyes, and grabbed towel from the pile. She moved gingerly yet quickly, soaking up the moisture as best as she could before ruffling the towel through her hair. Ruffling, ruffling, ruffling until she was sure it was mostly dry. Pulling the towel away, her hair was roughly the same messy bob it normally was, just fluffier.

She had just secured the towel around her body when there was a crash on the other side of the door. Her head snapped over to face it, moving towards it without thinking. Just as she reached it, she noticed two things. First, the door wasn't closed all the way which allowed her to see through it. Second, the light was on in the room and revealed so much more than Violet was prepared for.

Bucky was leaning against a table, metal hand creating dents in the mahogany wood while the other appeared to have been the cause behind the noise. Glass shards and paperwork were scattered on the floor in front of the bathroom door where she was standing. Natasha was standing in front of him, now wearing a silky black robe wrapped and synched tight at her waist, and kissing his chest while doing something strange with her hands where his . . .

Oh God, she was jerking him off.



Natasha Romanoff has never felt this good. Ever. She didn't feel this good when she completed her "graduation ceremony" and left the academy where she was trained to be an assassin knowing she never had to go back. She didn't feel this good the first time she and James fucked, and when they made love. Didn't feel this good when she and the soldier fucked and made love. Not even when she smelled Violet for the very first time, or when she first spoke with her, or touched her skin.

All those moments were nearly perfect, but tonight just barely beat them out.

Violet was resplendent, a sight to behold that both awed and aroused the former assassin. The way James carried her in, like a fallen soldier in the middle of battle, made her body tingle with pleasure and astonishment. Those starry eyes staring back into Natasha, bravely showing her defiance even when bound in front of her. It inspired Natasha, all the ideas she originally had for her daring Omega flying out the window. So many things she wanted to do.

Sexual things. Invasive things. Wonderful things that would have to wait.

Violet, the warrior she is with her stubborn will and heart of gold, was not willing to partake in most of Natasha's ideas. She could see that, and it disappointed her. So many delights and desires being left unfulfilled because of what? Why would Violet purposefully avoid such carnal and satisfying pleasures, pleasures that could be both fleeting and gratifying in the same lustful breath. Pleasures that could help mend even the most painful of emotional wounds. Why would she deny herself such indulgences?

Natasha surmised it had to be from her time in the Omega House. All the stories she was burdened with, all the pain she saw from those that sought help, the betrayal she endured when the Omegas would return to their partners, and the agony when the Omegas would return even more battered or found dead elsewhere. As an Omega with two scents glands, her brash darling must have felt her fair share when it comes to an Alphas harassment. Something both James and Natasha have swiftly put an end to by placing a claim on her, making it known to the world that she was off limits.

She had no doubt Violet would attribute tonight's activities to sexual harassment, particularly given her past experiences, and Natasha accepted that. Violet didn't understand what Natasha was trying to do, another reason to abandon the plethora of plans she had for her darling. So, Natasha proposed a deal to her, and was saddened by what she learned from her precious Omega.

Doing the right thing was not a bad ideal to have. For a long time, James and Steve shared the same ideology. Fighting for those who couldn't fight for themselves. It's how the Avengers were originally started, how they remained for a time until everything started falling apart. It was a dangerous notion to believe in for the best of people, and Violet was certainly one of them, but it was even more dangerous for her because of the lengths she's willing to go to achieve it.

Some deeds are worth dying for. Not for Natasha, and certainly not where her lover and her darling were concerned. She'd burn the world down first.

Currently, Natasha was kissing James' chest, slowly sliding her hand up and down his length while sinking to her knees. She loved sucking his cock, loved the way it filled her up and lodged in her throat before shooting his cum inside of her. Drinking it down like a man in the desert who just found water after wandering for 2 days straight. She didn't realize how empty she felt with out it until she was back on her knees, preparing herself to take it once more.

Her lover was out of sorts tonight. The soldier having a far bigger impact on him than normal. Natasha wasn't surprised by it; Violet could have that affect on anyone. James was already so attached to her that it only made sense for his darker counterpart to become fixated on their darling Omega as well. This both pleased and worried Natasha. Pleased because of the added protection should things ever hit the fan again. Worried because Natasha might have a hold on him now, but if he came out during Violet's heat or when Violet was in imminent danger, nothing could stop him. Not James. Not even Natasha.

The feeling of embarrassment rushed through Natasha, causing her to hesitate before she shook herself and licked from James' tip to the root of his lovely cock before tilting it up and reversing the process. The thought of Violet in heat and getting to experience that with her has been on Natasha's mind for a long time now. She was so consumed by it that she didn't take the time to discern whether it was a true heat she was going through or not. If Wanda hadn't shown up when she did-

No, Natasha refused to finish the deplorable thought. Violet was okay. Looking worse for wear and scared out of her mind, but alive she was, and that's all that mattered to Natasha.

She thought about those lovely bruises marking her darling's skin, badges of honor and signs of her courage. Thought about how hard she fought to run from them, the lucky shot she got on Natasha, and the bravery she displayed when standing up to the three Alphas. Natasha smiled as she took the tip in her mouth. Of all the ideas she possessed and abandoned when her lovely Omega was brought in earlier tonight, she never knew how wonderful it would be to wash her hair.

She wanted to treat Violet like the wonderful person she is, to rub her down and help her relax after such a trying night and ease the sore muscles she would undoubtedly possess after what she went through. Her Violet was a warrior who deserved to be treated like a queen, and James agreed to that when Natasha first mentioned the idea shortly before heading to the basement for "interrogation".

Tonight, was about Violet. Helping her settle in, get to know the two Alphas and vice versa, learn the routines she would soon take part in. Since her tumultuous arrival to the tower, both James and Natasha discussed the best time to officially start acclimating her to their life, knowing full well it would be a challenge. They wanted to wait until after the mission, after Darcy and Betty had their chances to put her at ease and explain the process to both her and Peter. They didn't, however, plan for Darcy to start up a drinking night and get the two of them drunk. Betty made the smart choice by getting away and attempting to warn the Avengers. Sadly, to no avail due to the invasion.

So, it was up to the Alphas to start easing Violet in. It wasn't going to be easy; Violet was like James and Bruce in that she didn't want to live in a cage or under the thumb of those who mean to control her. Completely understandable. Natasha herself bristled at the image of someone attempting to do something like that to her, but it didn't aggrieve her as it did with James. There wasn't a cage Natasha couldn't escape. Sadly, lovely Violet would attribute the tower, and anywhere with her Alphas, as a cage of some sort.

They needed to set her right, make her see the truth of what they were trying to do. She wasn't their prisoner or pet. She was their treasure, the light that guided them home when they were lost.

Violet was their equal.

James moaned above Natasha, the sound of tiny engines from his metal arm whirring accompanied at the sound of the table crunching beneath his metal grasp. She took his cock deep, lodging it back into its proper place in her throat while massaging his balls and gripping his ass. Though Natasha was in the mood to play, there simply wasn't time for it. Violet was waiting for them to fetch her, and Natasha wasn't going to keep her darling waiting for much longer, but first James needed his lover's attention.

"Nat," James grunted, hips thrusting slightly into her.

She pulled back until only the tip was still in her mouth, flicking her tongue at the edge and enjoying the salty taste of his pre-cum before for plunging him back into place, earning another racking moan from him. He would be done soon. Natasha was surprised he held out for this long considering he's been sporting the hard on from Hell since they heard Violet moan on the snowy rooftop of the tower over 36 hours ago, and that was with the extraneous activities from the interrogation room.

Just another few minutes, a pair of sleep pants for him, and then Natasha would fetch their wonderful darling.



This was not the night for Bucky Barnes.

All day he was gone. Everything black with shades of red from the mess he created during interrogation, a mess that left him a walking nightmare for those who didn't know better than to look away. The last thing he remembered before the Soldier was brought out of his cage was telling Natasha he loved her. He fully expected to be woken up as he usually was. His lover stroking him beneath the warm spray of the shower, gentle kisses and loving nips to his back until he fully returned.

Instead he awakened to see Violet trembling beneath him, bound to the bed and completely vulnerable to any whim he wished to act upon.

The sight of her both aroused and terrified him. Had he done anything to her? Did the soldier cross the line and take advantage of her while he was still lost in the darkness? Those starry eyes dissuaded those notions, particularly the bright, burning light of courage fueling the gold that shot across her beautiful eyes. It was those eyes that drew him in, kept him awake, but her voice brought the soldier back with it's scared yet fierce tone.

I'm nobody's fucking Omega, raced through his mind, spoken harshly and angrily by his chosen. She must have told the Soldier that. A terrible mistake on her part.

My Omega, the voice of the soldier, a darker and deadlier version of his own voice, responded to Violet's brutal rebuttal to the soldier. The soldier tried to send James away, fighting to take control and get closer to Violet, but James wouldn't let that fucking happen. Not with Violet. She wasn't the soldiers. She belonged with him, him and Natasha both.

Since he woke up, James had to fight tooth and nail to keep the soldier at bay. He lost control once when he was listening to his chosen's impassionate speech to his lover. It made him smile, lose focus, and before he knew it, he was jerking off in the shower while ogling Violet's naked and terrified form. He had turned away, shame and self-hatred rolling through him. The soldier was able to take back control. He couldn't let that happen again.

He fought and he fought while desperately trying to cum so his dick would finally go down, but everything he tried didn't work. He needed Natasha; she always knew just the right way to calm him down. He stepped out of the shower and dried himself off, turning to find Natasha roaming her fingers through Violet's wet curls, lathering up the blue locks with shampoo as she did. Violet didn't look relaxed. She looked like she was fighting the urge to relax. James understood. She didn't know them, she didn't trust them, and she certainly didn't want to give an inch when she was already at their mercy.

He knows the feeling all too well.

He watched over her, making sure Natasha didn't go too far and his darling was safe. He knew Natasha's true desires, knew that she needed James to keep in her check. On the job she was the picture of self-control. Off the job she was unpredictable, a blessing and curse all wrapped in the beautiful gift that was his Alpha lover. He wasn't sure Violet would see it that way, but for now it didn't matter. What mattered was that she was safe and being cared for. Putting her on the path of healing and mending her wounds, both physical and emotional, was next on their list.

It was hard to resist the urge to take her in his arms when she stood from the tub. She looked so scared, unsure and distrustful off all her surroundings. He wanted to touch her skin, lick away the wet drops on her body until he reached the pleasurable destination between her legs and sent her to a wonderful, dreamlike state of ecstasy. To drive away the fear and pamper her with all the pleasures in the world. She wasn't ready for that though, and the soldier was still at large in Bucky's mind.

He hated telling her to keep the tape over her mouth. He could feel in his bones how much she hated that. He's been there himself, at the behest of cruel men whose only desire was to experiment on his body and test his limits before realizing they could utilize him in the deadliest of ways. He didn't want her to see him as one of those men, he didn't want her to believe that would be her fate.

She was a fighter with hope and light in her heart. He would never allow that to be her fate. Nor would Natasha.

Suddenly he was at the table, shoving papers and glass to the floor with Natasha swallowing his dick down her throat. The burnt sienna lovingly staring into his own while gripping his ass and fondling his balls. It felt so good, she always knew what to do, always knew exactly what he needed. She could draw it out for hours, days even, and she could pump him good for a good fuck session just like this. Not even two minutes in and he was seconds away from coming straight down her throat.

With a muted howl of pleasure, desperately forcing himself to stay quiet so Violet wouldn't overhear, his hands broke the table earth shattering crunches as he gritted his teeth and finally released all the tension he's been harboring since he realized his Violet was in danger. Natasha took all his release, not gagging once. Just swallowing him down, drinking him deeply and gratifyingly until both were satisfied.

She kept him in her mouth a moment of so longer, wanting to keep there for as long as possible. It's no secret how much she loved his cock and has made no qualms about Violet participating in the "wonders of his cock". She fantasized out loud about how it would turn out if Violet were ever to participate. Bucky hasn't allowed himself the pleasure of imagining the erotic image . . . much. At this point it was a pipedream and a waste of time until Violet was more amenable to the experience. If she were ever amenable to the wonders of the flesh.

Bucky doubted it.

His mind was lost to him, his senses all over the place, but the orgasmic release helped clear things up and returned some of his focus. He felt Natasha release his softening cock from her wonderful warmth, giving him assuring nips as she stood back to her feet, ending the last nip with his lips. She kissed him fervently, assuring and warm. He could taste his seed on her tongue.

"It's alright, James. Everything's alright."

He hoped she was right.

She gave him another kiss before turning away and heading towards the closet. He didn't notice her silky robe before, too lost in his fight and arousal to notice much of anything. It was her favorite because of the way it felt against her skin while also looking delectable. Bucky preferred her green one. It hugged her curves like the perfect glove and was very easy to take off. She only wore it on Christmas Eve, switching to her green dress for Christmas morning. She returned with his charcoal gray sleep pants with a warm smile on her face.

He couldn't remember a time where she looked this happy.

"Shall I go fetch our darling while you change, or would you rather wait while I light the candles and turn off the lights?"

Bucky shook his head at each suggestion, unfolding the pants while staring at her intensely.

"Together," he spoke powerfully, voice deep and bold in his conviction.

Her smile brightened, those wonderful hands sliding up his shoulders to cup his face.

"Together," she whispered, and then kissed him once more