
Soldiers On Little Fox

Violet Mason is an Omega who refuses to claimed, and sets out to save Peter Parker, her best friend, from Tony Stark and the Avengers Mafia. All the while she, and like minded individuals, go out of their way to protect other Omegas from cruel, unworthy Alphas. Will Violet succeed in protecting those who can't protect themselves? Will she save Peter Parker from the most lethal crime syndicate in the history of crime?

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Bête Noire – James and Natasha

The screaming started shortly after James and Natasha finished reading up on their latest targets. Rebel rousers making noise in D.C. and protesting Alpha supremacy. Led by vivacious ex pilot for the United States Air Force, Carol Danvers, and her wife Maria Rambeau, who flew alongside her wife before both were fired for making "controversial statements to a superior officer". They didn't appear to be overtly threatening, just angry and passionate about the state of their world than hostile. Their backers, however, were another story.

Dr. Wendy Lawson, a scientist employed by the Air Force, remained in constant contact between the former pilots and joined them for their most recent protest. She was high in the chain of command, responsible for many top-secret projects in the works, and had powerful allies all throughout the world. The U.S. government could not stand against her as she was too vital to future successes. A foreign diplomat from Australia, who currently lived in D.C., called Talos has also been in contact with the pilots since their firing. He was a famous weapons dealer with a brash personality, known for his lack of subtlety and unpredictable nature. The last was an outspoken and prominent enemy to the Avengers, Nick Fury, with his right-hand Maria Hill. The guy who had eyes and ears everywhere, and the one person The Avengers could not afford to tangle with right now.

The Alphas were still in the Med Bay, convening at the table that James took the time to bolt back into place after throwing it across the room. When they started pouring through the files, they kept one eye on Violet's sleeping form at all times. Now that they finished it, their focus and frustration was on firmly on the stacks of papers and photos in front of them. They missed Violet's slight movements as her nightmare started, they missed those movements increase to twitches and flinches. It wasn't until she started struggling against her bonds, the bed creaking and scraping the floor in her effort, did the Alphas look up from their work.

Three things happened in a single moment.

First, James and Natasha's hearts dropped through their chest at the agonized look on their darling's face. The rapid rise and fall of her chest as she panted heavier and faster than was normal, and the frequency she her head whipped back and forth on the bed alarmed them considerably. They stood abruptly, knocking their chairs to the floor as they sprinted towards her.

Second, FRIDAY suddenly spoke through the speakers. "Mr. Barnes, Ms. Romanoff, I believe Violet is having a nightmare. Would you like me to contact Ms. Maximoff to ascertain the best way to handle this?"

Then third, before either Alpha could answer FRIDAY's question, Violet tugged against her bindings once more and released a terrible, ear shattering scream.

For a solid second, the Alphas froze in disbelief. The utter pain they were witnessing, the absolute vulnerability she was displaying, the raw intensity filling the room with palpable tension that felt like the inside of a burning room. Neither could believe nor understand how this was happening. Violet was always so strong, so defiant to them. They knew she hid her pain, but never for a second did they believe it was to this extent. The cruel realization of how little they knew of her past hit them harder than a knockout punch in a championship boxing match.

In that second, both Alphas vowed to remedy their carelessness with their darling.

James immediately went to Violet's side, hands hovering around her face, unsure of what to do. Natasha immediately started untying Violet and spoke calmly.

"FRIDAY send for Wanda. Tell her Violet is having a night terror and we need help calming her down."

"Already done, she'll be here in approximately 87 seconds. Both Mr. Jarvis and the Captain are escorting her."

"Does Tony know?" Natasha finished untying her ankles, taking a deep breath while Violet's screams escalated. James started untying her hands after briefly studying Natasha. More than once she's had to help James through his night terrors, thanks to his PTSD during his time spent serving and captured by enemies. He's never been on the other side of night terrors before. This was new territory for him.

"He's currently busy with Mr. Parker, they are both indisposed."

Natasha nodded, "good, let's keep it that way. The last thing we need is to deal with two Omegas in distress. Please inform Tony once he is available."

"Understood," FRIDAY responded promptly.

"In the meantime, search through everything we have on Violet." Natasha ordered, quickly moving to the other side of the bed and undoing the last binding, grabbing by the wrist and her shoulder to stop her from flailing.

"As you wish. Would you like me to search for any potential causes to Ms. Violet's night terror?"

"Yes, search everything you can." Natasha finished, fighting to keep control of herself. This was no time to panic. Violet needed help, a stable presence to latch onto once the nightmare was finished. She's provided that many times for both James and Steve during missions and even here at the tower before Darcy came into the picture. For a long time, it was just for James.

Until now.

Violet whimpered beneath their hold, tears drowning her beautiful face, body stretching painfully as her feet kicked at the mattress in an attempt to gain traction of some sort. Her neck was exposed, arching away as the back of her head dug into the pillows. Her eyes were glued shut. James wanted to wake her, it made the more sense to him than leaving her to suffer, but Natasha stopped with a firm hand on her shoulder.

"If you wake her now, she'll only be confused and become more violent. I learned that the hard way the first time you had a nightmare." Natasha assured him with a hard look. "We need to wait for Wanda, until then we need to keep her as stable as possible."

"Ms. Maximoff has just entered the corridor. She will be upon you shortly." FRIDAY added to Natasha's explanation.

Sure enough, just as Violet's screams escalated to new, terrifying heights, a dolled-up Wanda burst through the Med Bay doors. She was quickly followed by Edwin Jarvis, former butler now foreign liaison to Tony's business, who delicately carried Wanda's shoes in his hands and wore a look of concern as he took in the sight before him. Steve was right behind him, eyes immediately landing on his brother.

"Buck, what happened?" Steve asked, running towards the bed.

"She's having a nightmare. It happened all of a sudden." James responded quickly, reluctantly moving aside to make room for Wanda.

"How long?"

"Not even three minutes," Natasha answered in a cool tone.

Wanda took a breath, taking in the state of Violet, before briskly turning to face the Alphas in the room.

"Do not judge me for this next question. It is vital to helping Violet get through this without too much damage to her psyche. Do you understand?" She paused, waiting for their response. They all nodded and gestured for her to continue. "Good. Where's the whiskey?"

Natasha blinked, "what?"

"Where's the whiskey?" Wanda repeated without a second thought.

"Why do you need whiskey?" Steve asked just as Jarvis answered with, "I believe there's a bottle in the kitchen."

"The smell of whiskey calms her down. It has never failed. I have no idea why whiskey does the trick; I just know it does. Now where is it?"

Natasha looked at Wanda curiously, "there's none in here."

"Then how do I smell it? If there's none here, why is it the only thing I smell?"

"It's me," James shrugged, "it's part of my scent."

Wanda's eyes went wide as saucers. "Are you serious?"

James just nodded, not seeing any reason to comment amid the situation.

"May I smell you? Just to be safe?" Wanda asked carefully, then looked to Jarvis, "is that okay with you?"

James nodded, stepping closer to Wanda just as Jarvis replied, "Yes, my darling. If you're convinced it will help your friend, then you have my permission."

Wanda wasted no time. She stepped into James personal space and pressed her nose to where James' scent was the strongest. James' kept his eyes on Violet's trembling form, her blue hair sticking to her face in random places due to her tears. Wanda pulled back impossibly wider eyes, her mouth dropped open in a shock.

"Hug her to your chest, put her face in the crook of your neck, and hold her tight."

James didn't need to be told twice.

He pushed down the metal barrier of the hospital bed, nearly breaking it as a result, and sat to Violet. Once situated, he scooped her up into his embrace, pressing her face where Wanda instructed, and held her tight.

Three things happened in the next few moments that would forever change James and Natasha's lives forever.

First, the moment the whiskey in his scent reached Violet's senses, she relaxed in his hold. The screams finally stopped. Her breathing began to even out, though the tears continued to fall. Her scent became overpowering, the pheromones of a hurt omega hit both James and Natasha strongly. They were shocked they weren't hit by them earlier. The pheromones affected them in ways that were both helpful and detrimental to the situation. The timing was perfect when it came to protect their darling in her vulnerable position, it was awful for the arousal that unexpectedly hit them.

Second, she shifted in James embrace until she was practically straddling him, then clung to him as if her life depended on it. It didn't stem his arousal, only encouraged it, but the surprise from her unconscious action left him too stunned to do anything other than ensure she didn't fall to the ground and tightened his hold on her once more. Natasha was in the same boat as James. She loved the sight of them holding onto each like this, especially when he gently brushed the wet hair from her face and kissed her temple. She hopped onto the hospital bed without a thought and started kneading Violet's shoulders while James ran a hand up and down her spine.

Then the third thing happened, and everyone absolutely froze.

"Dad," Violet whimpered into James neck.

It came out like a squeak, her voice breaking all over the place, tone meek and small. If James ever needed proof that he did indeed had a heart, it was this moment right now. He kissed her temple gently, never wanting to stop yet knowing he should stop. He breathed deeply, getting lost in his Omegas pain. "I'm right here" he replied in his gruff tone, tightening his hold on her.

"Don't leave me again," she whimpered, nails digging into his back.

"I never will," James responded, his free hand grabbing Natasha's and squeezing it gently, "we never will."

Natasha smiled at the sentiment, leaning in and kissing James forehead.

"Am I still your Little Fox?" Violet trembled in James grasped.

The innocent question brought a smile to the Alphas faces. "Of course," Natasha responded this time, unable to help herself as she tangled a hand in Violet's wet blue hair. "Not a day will go by when you aren't."

"Who are you?" Violet tightened her hold on James, suddenly protective of him.

Natasha grinned at the sight while James responded, "she's someone we can trust. Someone who'll look for out you, for both of us."

Her grip slackened, "you promise?"

"I promise," he squeezed her back gently to assure her.

It worked.

She relaxed once more, "you smell like snow."

Natasha laughed softly, "I do. I used to live in a place where it snowed all the time, even during the summertime."

"Lucky," Violet grumbled, "I've only ever lived by roads and buildings. Nothing good about that."

"Would you like to see it sometime? It'd be a good reason to go back after being away for so long."

"Only if you don't mind getting in a snowball fight." Violet retorted quickly.

"Will you be on my team?" Natasha smirked, loving this dubious conversation far more than she should.

"As long as I'm with my dad, otherwise you're on your own, loser." Violet responded, squeezing James once more.

Natasha laughed once more, grabbing Violet's free hand without thinking about it, and squeezing it gently. "Anything that makes you happy."

Violet grunted softly. Apart from returning Natasha's squeeze, she didn't give a response.

The Alphas couldn't believe what was happening. Violet, the defiant fighter they've been chasing for five years and verbally sparring with for the past days, was draped over James like a koala bear and perfectly content to stay as she escaped her nightmare and stayed asleep. That was the only way Violet would allow this to happen. Fully conscious Violet would be bashing people in the head and running straight for the hills. Unconscious Violet was a sweet little darling too good for this world.

Like a baby fox before they're scent out into the world.

"Sweetie," James turned his attention back to Violet, "what are you seeing?"

"What do you mean?" Violet replied, her voice still small, but no longer breaking. Her tears have stopped, everything was fine now.

"Who's around you, sweetie. Tell me who scared you."

It was the wrong thing to ask, but they needed to know.

Violet automatically stiffened once more. "I can't tell you."

"Why?" Natasha asked gently, ruffling her damp curls.

"No, I won't tell you."

"We can't help you if you don't.

"If I do, you'll just leave again." She whimpered into James' neck, breathing him like a drowning man escaping his watery prison. "I don't want to be alone anymore."

James' heart broke at that. He knew she wasn't talking to him, knew this situation was messed up just as much as she needed to believe that Scott was right there, but god did he wish she was referring to him. He clenched his jaw, kissing her temple fiercely, his hold constricting her body once more.

"Listen to me," James started, "I will always be with you. Right here in front of you, holding you tight." James squeezed her to his chest to emphasize his words. "Standing next to you, ready to fight alongside you. Standing behind you to protect you from those who wish to harm you. Same with our friend. She's right there with us, always."

Violet didn't respond, opting to pull James closer. Hot, wet tears leaked through his shirt. James sighed, breathing in her scent once more before he continued.

"We're with you 'til the end of the line, baby. Has your line ended yet?"

Silence. Violet stayed stiff, not reciprocating any of James or Natasha's touches. For a brief second, an errant thought flew threw James mind and made him believe she might have just died in his arms. But that was not the case. She was clearly still breathing. James didn't push anymore, just held her in his warm embrace. Natasha didn't speak up either, opting to continue rubbing her shoulders and messing with her hair.

They wanted to stay liked this forever.

"I don't know his name," Violet spoke suddenly. Her voice scratchy from crying. Her tone shy and meek.

"What did he look like?" Natasha asked, but Violet shook her head.

"Can't describe it. He's too blurry now." A brief pause as she held her breath, "he had a tattoo."

Violet's hand started making a drawing motion on the back of James shoulder. Natasha looked to Steve, who stood awkwardly watching the conversation from the end of Violet's hospital bed. At Natasha's glance he raced over to the nearest table, searched through it, then quickly returned with a piece of paper and a pen. He handed it to Natasha who carefully handed the pen to Violet and situated the paper on James back.

Then Violet drew a symbol. It started with a circle, then she added a line down the middle. On the right was a strange assortment of ballooned squiggly lines. On the left was a sharp, angular set of wings that looked to be part of an official logo for an agency of some sort. After she finished the wings, she drew deeper lines into the circle, then promptly dropped the pen onto the mattress. Natasha immediately gave the paper to Steve before returning her attention back to wonderful Omega.

"You're so brave, sweetie," Natasha praised, leaning in and kissing her darling's hair with pride.

"We're still right here," James assured her, his warm hand rubbing up and down her spine.

Violet didn't answer. Her arms went completely slack, along with the rest of body suddenly becoming dead weight in James embrace. James and Natasha glanced at each other before, together, they gently laid her down on the mattress. Her eyes were still closed, as they had been since her nightmare began. Her mouth was open slightly. The Alphas smiled down at her prone form, finding her too adorable for words.

"No breathes a word of this. Understood?" Natasha ordered, not bothering to look behind her to check on the rest in the room.

"Of course, Ms. Romanoff. We wouldn't betray you, Mr. Barnes, or your chosen like that." Jarvis assured the assassin with his usual studious, grace.

"I understand," Wanda added shyly.

"You don't have to tell me," Steve responded, "but you might have to reiterate that to Tony."

"He has yet to be informed. He and Mr. Parker are currently getting ready for bed in his room as we speak." FRIDAY chimed in, "and I too shall be very discreet about tonight should the topic come up in the future."

"Thank you, FRIDAY. We'll be sure to inform Tony tomorrow."

"In the meantime, I believe it best that we leave Ms. Violet to her sleep now. It will give the pair of you a chance to finish preparing for the protesters various allies. I shall alert you both should a situation like occur again." FRIDAY spoke again.

The Alphas sighed. They forgot about the protestors.

"Wanda," Steve spoke up, earning a glance from everyone in the room who wasn't asleep. "Would you stay with Violet until we talk about some things, that is if Jarvis is okay with it?"

"I think it's a lovely idea," Jarvis interjected, stepping forward slightly, "your friend is in need of some care and the four of us have business to discuss. If this is what you desire, I happily give my permission."

Wanda smiled at him, taking his hands in her gentle grasp, "thank you Edwin, I wish to remain here and care for my friend."

Jarvis nodded, "I will have some of your clothes sent to you so that you may be a bit more comfortable while you wait."

"You're so kind," Wanda's eyes went melty as she stared deep into Jarvis' own.

"It's easy to be kind to someone who is as magnificent as you are." He brought her hands to his mouth and gave each of them gentle peck. "I shall retrieve you later."

With that, all the Alphas left the two Omegas behind in the Med Bay. James and Natasha stared at Violet's small form and left wishing with all their hearts that she would one day hug them again as she did right there.

Before they headed into the briefing, Natasha looked at James, kissed him fully on the mouth, and whispered, "your lead" before turning away, leaving him in a daze