
Soldier Summoning System : Conquering the World

Axel Frey AKA 'Reaper' was republic army's most powerful assassin. In his last mission he blew himself up with the enemies. After that fateful day he was floating in the abyss not knowing what to do. But then the Old God pulled him out. God gave him 3 wishes before his new life began. In the new world Axel was destined to be leading character of the world, a ruler nobody could forget.

paradise_mountain · Fantasy
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8 Chs

05 - Raiding the Bandits 1

-------- POV Bandit Leader --------

Right now we are drinking with my boys enjoying the gifts Baros Kingdom send. They wanted us to infiltrate the Lorad City and create ruckus. They said the other bandits also joining us so that it will be effective and if we succeed they will us more gifts.

"Boss it's all thanks to you. Long live the boss!" said my right hand man and everyone joined him cheering. I smiled seeing this.

"Let's complete this job and get more reward boys. Then we will enjoy for weeks!" I said making them cheer more.

After half an hour when the night came most of the boys were all drunk singing and playing. I got up and walked towards my tent. I got in and walked towards the cage inside my tent. I opened the curtain and looked at the young girl chained there looking at me terrified. Then I opened the cage and dragged her out she was screaming and begging me to let her go but her screams made me more excited.

I threw her to the bed and started getting undressed. Just after taking off my armor and shirt something grabbed my mouth and slashed my neck. I wanted the scream but only thing coming out of my mouth was muffled sounds. Then I started feeling the pain of my slashed neck, until everything went dark.

------------- POV MC ------------

After deciding to make night raid we started moving with my soldiers. The first bandit group we planned attack was the one closest to our camp. We saw them drinking and playing there were 26 of them 6 of them standing and watching the surroundings. I ordered my soldiers to scattered around the area.

After giving orders I saw leader of the bandits going towards his tent. I told them to wait for my signal before following him, thanks to the night hiding me I successfully sneaked in. But what I saw made me enraged. The bandit leader was getting ready to rape a young girl. I caught him while he was undressing and slashed his throat. After few seconds of struggle I laid him down.

Then I signaled towards young girl to be silent which she nodded quickly. I stabbed my dagger to his heart completely killing him. After that I quickly pulled my sword out and walked outside. The moment I got out from the tent every one of them was looking at me. Before they could react I pointed my sword towards air.

"FIRE!!" After I finished my words most of the bandits were got hit by arrow. Then my soldiers rushed out from the bushes and started killing the rest of the bandits.

After few minutes of sword fight we killed them all. I ordered the swordsmans to collect everything they find and take them back to the camp before joining us again. Because we caught them off guard none of my soldiers suffered injury. I told the others to rest.

While they were resting and looting the bandit camp I walked inside of the tent. The moment I got inside I saw the young girl pointing the sword of the bandit towards me trembling. I raised my hands above my head and spoke.

"You can calm down now the bandits are dead."

"Who are you?" She asked.

"My name is Axel. We were camping near here, after discovering the bandits we decided to kill them." I said wanting to calm her down which worked causing her to slowly lower the sword. " And what's your name?"

"My name is Mila." said her still wary of me.

"Okay Mila how about you come out and eat something?" I said slowly backing out. She slowly followed me out and looked around.

"Are you knight?" She asked after seeing the knights.

"You could say that. Just sit down around the campfire. Kelly get her something to eat." I said signaling one of the knights.

Mila slowly moved towards the campfire and sat down bringing her knees up and hugging them. I walked and sat down in front of her. Few minutes after Kelly brought a bread giving her to eat.

"So do you have somewhere to go?" I asked and she trembled. Then I heard sobbing sounds coming from her.

"N-no our village was destroyed by the bandits, they killed everyone. They were going to kill me too but their leader saw me and wanted to have fun with me." she said clenching her bread.

"Sorry for your loss. You can stay in our camp tonight, we spotted few bandit groups around here and we plan on handling them too." I said and she hesitated.

"Like I said we will be up all night so you don't need to worry. There are soldiers guarding the camp no one can harm you."

"After tonight what are you gonna do with me?" she asked after finishing the bread.

"I will take you to the Lorad City and ask them to arrange something for you. Now let's get you to the camp. Steve take her to the camp and let her sleep in my tent and be careful not to frighten her." I said placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Yes sir." said Steve and made a please gesture. She looked at me and I nodded then she started walking with Steve. I turned around to see them finished looting.

"Alright boys we have few more bandit groups to take down keep moving."

"Yes sir!" they answered in unison before gathering. Then we started moving towards the next group.

After fifteen minutes of riding horse and walking on foot we reached the next camp. I saw several cage filled with young girls and women crying. I felt anger rising inside me, I signaled towards one of my ninjas. "Chris go back to the city explain the situation and request some guards in my name to escort civilians, go."

I said and Chris nodded before rushing towards the city.

After he was gone I signaled my soldiers to scatter around again. After few minutes I gave signal to the archers before rushing and yelling. "CHARGE!!" And the soldiers waiting in the bushes rushed towards the bandits. The bandits were shocked by my yelling. Until arrows started raining down killing most of them. Figuring out the situation bandit leader yelled at them. " KILL THEM ALL!!" I saw him yelling behind the bandits and started making my way towards him. After sparring with my soldiers fighting against bandits was easy. Every bandit standing in my way killed in two to three moves.

After a minute of charging towards him, he saw me and started running towards me. I took my stance and waited for him. While running he pulled out his shield and just few meters away from me he threw the shield towards me.

I ducked and dodged the shiel, before I could stand I saw him slashing towards my head. I raised my sword in time and stopped the sword before standing up.

Seeing this he pulled back his sword and kicked me in the stomach. The kick was hit but it didn't even moved me. He was surprised at it but before he could react I grabbed his leg and swiped his other leg causing him to fell. Without giving him a chance to get up I stabbed my sword in his guts then slashed at his neck. I got up and looked around. There were only few bandits standing still. But the next second all of them shot down by archers.

I ordered them to loot the camp and release the civilians in the cages before going towards the leader's tent. When I got inside I saw something unforgettable for me. A teenager girl was tied to the bed with naked body full of cuts and bruises. When she saw me, she terrified and tried to scream but her mouth was tied by cloth.

I held my hands up slowly moving towards her. My each step made her tremble even more. She was clearly traumatized.

"Calm down I'm not gonna hurt you. Let me help you first." I said taking the blanket from the ground and putting on her naked body. Then I pulled out my dagger which made her flinch again. After that I started cutting the ropes.

After a minute I completely cut off the ropes. Then I untied her mouth and slowly backed away. She hugged the blanket tightly while crying and trembling. I turned around walked towards the tent's entrance. After getting there I pulled one of the ninja towards me and asked. "Where is Natalie?" he then pointed towards the one of the ninja. I told him to get her here. He nodded and rushed towards her. I saw them talking a while and then coming towards me. Natalie was the only female ninja among my soldiers.

"My Lord." She said giving a slight bow which I gave nod.

"There is girl inside of the tent. She was abused and traumatized, help her dressing and give something to eat, we will wait for city guards to come here." I said and she nodded before going inside the tent. Then I walked towards the campfire where the civilians gathered hugging each other and the blankets we gave them. They saw me coming and gave a deep bow which I simply nodded in response. Then walked towards one of the empty tree trunk sitting down and taking off my helmet. Then I heard them gasping and mumbling "Handsome" which made me smile and remembered that I've never saw my appearance.

"My name is Axel Frey. We will wait with you guys before the city guards came here so eat and rest as much you want."

I said and they nodded at me. After few minutes sitting I saw Natalie coming with the girl in tent. Natalie was hugging the girl wrapped in blanket tightly. She was still trembling but it was slightly better. The others saw her and gave her space to sit and she slowly sat down while hissing. I clenched my fists and thought about the other camps.

After ten minutes of looting and resting I heard footsteps coming from the woods. I got up and pulled out my sword at the same time with my soldiers. We kept looking towards the woods until my ninja came out with city guards. I sheathed my sword and signaled my soldiers to relax.

I saw Chris coming towards me with followed by one of the guards. They came in front of me and Chris spoke.

"Sir this is commander Noah. He was assigned by palace to help us." he said and the man named Noah took a step forward. "My name is Noah West I am the commander of city patrol guards. Because of the circumstances, palace assigned me to assist you." said Noah reaching out his hand which I shaked. "I'm Axel Frey, with your assistance we can finish them faster." I said and started moving towards the civilians. "They were all coming from nearby villages. They were detained for a day now but thankfully we came before bandits harming them." I said looking towards the civilians.

"I see, we arranged carriages for them waiting in your camp right now." Said Noah. Then we started evecuating them out here. Thankfully the teenage girl was calm right now and cooperated with us. When she was in front of me she stopped and gave me deep bow while saying "Thank you "

I smiled towards her and she started moving with the others.

After she was gone the smile on my face disappeared. I turned towards my soldiers and said. "Let's go we have more bugs to clean." Then we started moving towards our next target.