
Soldier Summoning System : Conquering the World

Axel Frey AKA 'Reaper' was republic army's most powerful assassin. In his last mission he blew himself up with the enemies. After that fateful day he was floating in the abyss not knowing what to do. But then the Old God pulled him out. God gave him 3 wishes before his new life began. In the new world Axel was destined to be leading character of the world, a ruler nobody could forget.

paradise_mountain · Fantasy
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8 Chs

02 - Bandits

--------- POV Axel ------------

I was running for 3 hours and was barely standing. Then I heard ding sound in my mind before letting myself ground and laying, taking breathes like I couldn't breathe for hours.

Daily-Quest is completed now and I decided to check out summons.

[Available Summons:

-None ]

"That was expected hah." I said while slowly getting up and started walking. After few minutes walking I finally found the first settlement.

[First Mission Completed. Do you wish to withdraw Basic Sword?]

'Yes!' As I thought the sword appeared in my hand the sword wasn't heavy so it was comfortable to use. I sheathed my sword to my waist then I heard scream from the behind me.

I was about to ignore it and continue but.

[Side Quest : Someone needs your help and it's time for you to be knight. Save the people who needs your help.

Rewards: 1000 S.P. x1 Basic Armor, x5 Trained Knights]

The quest rewards are good but I am not strong enough i should check summons. 'System summoning panel'

[Available Summons:. Remaining S.P. = 1100

Trained Swordsman - 100

Trained Spearmen - 200

Trained Archer - 300

Trained Knight - 350

Trained Cavalryman - 500

Trained Shields man - 550

Elite Swordsman - 600

Elite Spearmen - 700

Elite Archer - 800

Elite Knight - 850

Elite Cavalryman - 1000

Elite Shiledsman - 1050]

'Eh those are some good troops. Let's make summon 5 Swordsman and 1 Archer just to be safe.' I summoned them and they appeared right in front of me in the silver body armor with their swords sheathed.

"We pledge our loyalty to the Lord." They said in unison and flattered me heh.

"*Cough* I accept your loyalty now get up we have people to save." I Said as we started walking towards the source of scream. After a minute of walking we saw group of bandits numbered 10 were attacking a merchant carriage. I saw 5 swordsman wearing black armor with yellow stripes standing in front of the bandits getting themselves ready.

"We are going to attack from behind, Archer cover us and be careful." I said as they nodded and we rushed behind the bandits. One of the bandits noticed us and was about to alert the others but an arrow hit him on the head. I gave thumbs up to the archer as we kept rushing.

"There are people behind us be careful!" Said that a man looking like leader of the bandits. I chose him as my enemy and kept rushing towards him. But before I could one of the bandits jumped in front of me and slashed towards me which I ducked and slashed back at his chest.


He countered me with his sword and tried to kick me. I stepped aside as his leg pushed towards the empty air.

Before he could step to the ground I kicked his leg causing him to lose balance and slashed at his neck perfectly killing him. I turned around and checked my surroundings and

watching the particular sword fight between bandit and one of my swordsman. While I was looking at the them strong sense of danger came behind and causing me to turn around just in time to catch sword headed towards my neck.

"You shouldn't lose your focus in fight" said the bandit leader. After that he slashed horizontally which I dodged it by stepping back. Then he tried to stab towards my heart and I was able to deflect the sword, after that I made move towards him like wanted to stab which caused him to step aside then I slashed my sword and was able to cut his chest.

The bandit leader was already bleeding right now but he was still standing, so I took my stance which was the republic army's machete fighting technique. From the opposite side it looks like everywhere is open for attack but its not. Just like that the bandit took the bait and tried vertical attack which I blocked with my sword then kicked his stomach and caused him to fell on the knees after that I made fast cut through his neck decapitating the bandit leader. Then I started looking around seeing all of the bandits are defeated I made my way towards the people of the carriage.

-------------------- POV Lucas Sten ------------------------

We took this merchant carriage just for avoiding troubles but who could've known that there was a bandit group here. I was cursing my luck while watching the 9 bandits slowly surround us. We have only 5 people and they are clearly not ordinary bandits. While I was on my own thoughts I heard scream coming from carriage which caused all off us to run towards it.

When we came to the carriage there was another bandit but this was bigger and bulkier 1.90 in height towering us.

"Aiya did I scared you little girl don't worry brother is good person" Said the bandit towards the girl in the carriage before looking us. "So you are the guards of this little girl's hehe let's finish it quickly I need to have fun." Said the bandit causing me to grit my teeth and get myself ready.

"Get ready boys it will be tough" I said to the my comrades which they just nodded. As I was about to rush towards the bulky bandit I saw one of the bandit got shot to the head with arrow. I looked towards the source and saw 5 silver armored swordsman were rushing towards the bandits following behind the man who was about 2 m. in height and even bulkier than the bandit. The guy followed by 5 swordsman had crimson red hair falling to his shoulders. I saw him taking down a bandit in two moves.

Watching them fighting I started rushing towards the bandit leader but he pushed me aside ignoring and rushing towards the red haired guy. I saw the bandit sneaking behind and attacking but deflected by red haired guy I was amazed of how powerful this man was. As I striked down the bandit in front of me and turned around the see red haired guy decapitating the bandit leader. Then he started walking towards us.

"Hello, I am Axel Frey." Said as he reached out to shake hands.

"Hello, Sir Axel my name is Lucas Sten. Thank you for saving us, I don't know what would happen if you didn't came to help."

"Well I guess you guys had a nice kar--" Before he could finish his words, I saw the girl we were ready to sacrifice our lifes was hugging tightly him.

"P-Princess" I said as I started running towards him but I heard swords getting unsheathed, and the 5 swordsman took a step forward which made me stop.

--------------- POV Axel -------------------

While I was trying to talk with the people we saved I felt something hugging me. Looking below I saw adorable girl with ponytail shaped blonde hair, ocean like blue eyes and she seems around 10-11 old years. Then I heard Lucas calling princess and rushing towards me, which made my swordsman group uneasy as they drew their swords. I saw Lucas stopping himself. Then I signaled my soldiers to sheath their swords. Then I kneeled down on my right knee, getting myself to the same height of the girl.

"What's your name princess" I asked which shocked the guards of the princess but I wasn't bothered since i just came to this world.

"My name is Elena Mattel sir Knight" Said her giving cute and elegant princess's greetings which I returned by simple introduction.

"My name is Axel Frey princess it's pleasure to meet." I said

"Pleasure to meet you too Sir Axel" said her giving cute smile that can mesmerizes everyone.

I slowly got up and looked towards the Lucas, he was watching me awkwardly.

"Well then the bandits are solved I should get going." I said as I turned around and was about go but grabbed by little hand.

"Sir Axel can you be my guard" Asked the girl looking at me with puppy eyes but it won't work on me. "No princess it's not suitable job for me" I said and wanted to keep going but she pulled me and spoke again.

"Sir Axel at least until I reach to the home you'll be rewarded by thousands of golds!" said her and just after she finished speaking I saw my system giving a new quest.

[Main Mission : As the future Lord connections are as important as the resources. Accompany princess to the capital of the Mattel Kingdom.

Rewards: 5000 S.P., x1 Paladin Helmet, +50 Relationship with Mattel Royal Family.]

"Alright then I will be your guard until you reach your home safely." I said as she jumped around completely ignoring her image. "But before that I need to gather my man." I said as I walked to the way I came. After making sure there is no one I collected my quest rewards. 5 Knights appeared in front of me they were wearing the same silver armor but with little difference.On the armor of the knights, at the place of where the heart is, it had a carving of a golden crown and blood was dripping from crown.

After looking at them for few seconds I withdrew my armor, which equipped right after that. My armor was completely different it was dark red armor. Which I liked it. After that we got back to the group and bought few horses from nearby village and started moving towards the capital. The princess and her group said that it will take a day or two before reaching to the capital.

I wondered how would capital look like. I couldn't see the capital of the Ethereal Kingdom because there was only Dictator and the person he approved could live there. So maybe this trip would give me a satisfaction who knows.