
Soldier Summoning System : Conquering the World

Axel Frey AKA 'Reaper' was republic army's most powerful assassin. In his last mission he blew himself up with the enemies. After that fateful day he was floating in the abyss not knowing what to do. But then the Old God pulled him out. God gave him 3 wishes before his new life began. In the new world Axel was destined to be leading character of the world, a ruler nobody could forget.

paradise_mountain · Fantasy
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8 Chs

01 - Reaper

"Angel i see the target." said the man lying on the cliff of mountain, looking through the scope of sniper.

"Do you have a clear shot Reaper?"

"Sitting duck, taking the shot, over."

The guy with sniper, Reaper took a deep breath and focused on the target.



"Target down Angel, moving to the extraction point, over."

The Reaper began dissembling his gun to the suitcase. After closing the suitcase he picked up the empty bullet shell. Just as he was about the move he heard the bushes moving. Carefully looking around he put his right hand to the gun on his waist. Slowly taking it out he spoke.

"Angel status report." after a few seconds there wasn't any reply and he understood the plan compromised. He pulled out his gun and took a cover leaning nearby tree and watching the surrounding.

He heard bushes behind the tree moving so he breached himself, but what came out was little rabbit. Reaper sighed just as he was relaxed he heard a gunshot. Pain came from his back he quickly turned around and fired at the guy who shot him.


With 2 shoots the guy in front fell to the ground lifeless.

"Re... ou... c....y" The sound came from his communication device but it wasn't understandable.

"Angel, hah this is hah Reaper. Plan compromised return to the HQ, i got shot leave me and go. For the Republic." he said and took a remote controller from his suits inner pocket. He then deactivated the safety as he was hearing multiple footsteps.

He put his thumb on the red button of the controller.

4 People came out behind the woods and bushes as they were about to shoot at him, he pressed the button while screaming "GO TO HELL!!"


On the mountain deafening explosion heard from the city below as the smoke kept rising to the night sky.





Reaper started thinking while he was floating in the abyss.

'So what happens now. I am dead and there is nothing. Sigh i thought i could help republic winning the war.' As he was lost in his thoughts, unknown to him that last job he did saved millions of people from dying.

Axel Frey AKA 'Reaper' was republic army's most powerful assassin. The world which Axel lived, was in the worst and cruel era, Where the strong dictator ruled over multiple continents with oppression. The common folks of the country Kingdom of Ethereal was always suffering and starving. Even though technology was developed the nobles of the country didn't even thought about commons. In the year of 2006 rebellion against Kingdom began with common folks taking down multiple cities in East continent.

After the first few riots the rest kept coming as the people didn't want to starve again. In the year 2008 the rebels fully occupied the East continent and established the country Republic of East. And the war kept going between two countries. Axel was war orphan, he lost his parents at the age of 14 when Kingdom started air raid on the civilians.

Everyday he hated Kingdom for killing his parents. He wanted revenge and started training himself. After the age of 19 he joined the Republic army and become Sharpshooter. Because of his accuracy people give him the nickname Reaper.

At the age of 22 he infiltrated to the Kingdom for assassinating important figure of Kingdom. In 6 months he killed 4 leaders of the Kingdom and hundreds of guards. His last mission was assassination of the Vizel Rico AKA 'Madman'.

He was the madman who always ordered the massacre of the civilians through the war. Before the assassination, Vizel was planning another massacre but with the bigger firepower. After Axel successfully killed him plan of the massacre postponed and gave Republic enough time to develop defense weapons against the Kingdom.

In the year 2019 Kingdom of Ethereal defeated by Republic. The leaders, commanders and nobles of the Kingdom held accountable for the war crimes and sentenced to the dead penalty. In the year 2021 the city closest to West continent called City Pearl remembered their savior's name Axel Frey.

In the middle of the large square his statue was build, everyday hundreds of roses were placed at the feet of statue.





Well I'm still floating in the abyss, I don't know how long it was. While I was thinking that, unknown force pulled me out of the abyss to the completely white room. 'Great I'm about to get blind.' I thought as my eyes were trying to adapt.

"YOU WON'T BE GET BLIND SON!" said something as it yelled and pulled me out of my thoughts.

"HOLY COW! WHY THE F*** ARE YOU YELLING" my heart wast beating hard as I wasn't waiting anything like that.

"Sorry I didn't mean to yell, it's just there wasn't any visitors for a while I got excited." said the voice as I saw a golden humanoid figure standing in front of me.

"So are you God or something now?" I said.

"Yes I am. And you will go to the new world, starting a life once again." said the voice as I began to freak out.

"No I don't wanna."

"Yes you will."

"No I do--"

"Shut up and listen now little one. Because of your presence in abyss you were almost destroying everything. And now you are still threatening the balance of the everything existing. So you have no choice other than do what I said.

Now let's get it done. You have 3 wishes and before you start you definitely can't wish for godlike power. Now state your wishes." said the God giving me a time to think about the wishes.

"Well what kind of world I am going?" I asked because I didn't want to waste my wish for something useless.

"World like your's but the time is medieval era. And no fantasy world, those aren't exist." said God and I was devastated.

After thinking about for half an hour I stated my wishes.

"My first wish is, unlimited potential and instant learning."

"My second wish is, strong body with unlimited potential." I said as I saw him smiling, it's creepy.

"My last wish is, having a summoning system that I can summon absolutely loyal soldiers, workers and leaders." I said.

"You're smart one aren't you. Well it's done but you can't summon as you wish, it will be done with system points you'll gain. Now get the hell out of here." He said as he waved his hand and golden light enveloped me before I lost my conscience.




------------------------ POV Axel ------------------------

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in the middle of forest. I got up, thinking about things that happened. After few minutes thinking I called out the system.

[System Activated currently available functions: Status, Soldier Summoning, Quest.

Currently unavailable functions: System Shop, Leader Summoning, Worker Summoning, Territory Panel, Subordinate Panel. (After summoning first Subordinate it will be activated.)]

Nice now let's check my 'Status'

[Name : Axel Frey

Age : 22

Strength : 10

Dexterity : 10

Perception : 13

Reflexes : 13

Intelligence : 100

**(Average trained soldier has base stats of 10)**

Talents, Abilities:

[Instant Learner] : {You will be able to learn everything instantly.}

[Limit Breaker] : {You have unlimited potential and you will be able to break the limits of the human body.}

[Professional Hand to Hand Combat Ability] : {You are professional in the close unarmed combat.}

[Intermediate Melee Weapons Ability] : {You are proficient in the close armed combat.}]

[First mission : You have arrived to the world you don't know anything about. Find the first human settlement.

Reward: 1000 S.P., x1 Basic Sword (70 cm)]

[Daily-Quest: You have unlimited potential waiting to be discovered. Train your body to the peak.

Objective: 10Km running, 100 pushups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats.

Reward : 100 S.P.]

"Alright then let's start with Daily-Quest." I said as got ready for pushups. I started doing pushups it was easy until 50 after that my body started burning. After several minutes finally I completed pushups.

After resting for few minutes I got ready for sit-ups. It was easier than pushups but still my body was burning.

After 10 minutes I completed sit-ups and squats now its time for running. After looking around I decided to go opposite direction of the forest and started running.