
New world

Ch. 2 New world


'Well not the best way to start the day'

When I woke up the I felt the horrible need to relive myself, let's stop at that, now I need a cleanup and I'm 9 hours old…soooo


I started crying…. Yeah not proud of that one, but when in Rome.

"Looks like we have an early riser."

Said the gentle voice of my grandmother,

'Mother must be recovering.'

"What happen little one?"


"I see, you just need a change."

"Mother do you need help?"

Said Lorraine my mother in this life.

"No need darling is just his dippers, you just gave birth rest now you need you strength later"

One dirty dipper later and I'm ready for the day… right, what does a baby do?

Well let's login and check the rest of the system.

[System online]

[1 gold for login]

[ NAME: Daniel Mayer

RACE: Human

Age: 1 day ; )

Character synchronization:









'So that's my character screen, let's see the gacha.'

[ G- 1

Consumables- 25 G 250 G

Clothes- 50 G 500G

Armor- 100 G 1.000 G

Weapon- 200G 2.000 G

Character- 500 G 5.000G



'Well that's promising'

[Missions :

Welcome to the world!-

You just arrive at an exciting new world! Let us explore!

Objective 01: find were you are.

Objective 02: ??????

Objective 03: ??????

Reward 01- 25 G

Reward 02- ????

Reward 03- ????

3/3 ]

'Ok that seems relatively easy, I'll have to pay attention to my new house, but just by my family I can tell I'm either American or some English speaking country.'

I'm very curious about the hidden objectives but let's focus now Daniel.


Joselin POV (grandmother)

"Herald honey off to work?"

I asked with a slit frown, our baby girl just gave birth and here he goes, of to work without even having breakfast, he needs to rest or at least eat, we stay up late last night.

"You know me, led by example how can I expect my deputy's to show up on time if I'm not even there to open the door, besides I'm still the "new" sheriff"

He says to me with a dorki smile while wiggling his brows.

'At least he looks good in a uniform'

"Say goodbye to Daniel then"

At that I go back to Lorraine's room to grab Daniel, he looks so cute looking up the little toys in his crib so focus, like the most fun in the world, Lorraine is sleeping good she needs rest.

I go get Daniel and start to whisper to him so to not wake his mom.

"Hi baby boy, let go say bye to grandpa."

I grab him and put him in a blanket so he won't get cold and bring him to the living room, when I arrive herald is already in uniform and getting ready to leave to work, his outing his hat and he sees us.

"How is my big boy, hooo look at your little green eyes, just like grandpa."

Herald says while taking Daniel and holding him on his chest, now that brings a smile to my face, reminds me of Lorraine and her sister Grace those were the good old days.

"Joselin what's wrong?"

I fell my husband hand on my cheek, that's when I see I was crying, how silly.

"it's nothing I'm just, *sigh* I'm worried, Lorraine being a single mom is not good, how can she get a good man like that and she won't tell who is the father, I hope she knows the father. I'm worried herald at least she got her head strait and quit her job at that office."

(Please remember it the 40s America and Joselin was born in the 1900s so women work force was just starting thus for her husband + children =happiness)

"Honey it's going to be okay, she's back whit us now and I bet the father died fighting in the war so that's what well go with, besides grace is coming home tomorrow so chin up"

"You don't need to remind me I still have to go to the store later and buy groceries for dinner tomorrow, anyway you should go let me pack your launch and breakfast, and don't eat that trash bob keeps bringing to the station."

"Yes ma'am"

I kiss him goodbye grab Daniel while giving him his food, I swear he would eat only bagels an coffee if left alone, little Daniel really like herald's uniform, maybe he'll be a policemen too.



'Well that's helpful'

Has I see my grandfather leave for work, I can say with a good authority I'm in the past, that's good if I plan carefully I can get a lot of money.

When the door opens I can see flags on a couple of houses down the street.

'America of course, Soldier boy in America good thing I don't need to pay copyrights'

I giggle with my stupid joke a bit, while grams carries me in the kitchen and here is the jackpot, calendar in the refrigerator yes, august 1945.

'Shit I can't fight the Nazis, fuck my life I could have kill Hitler'

While I walled in self-pity for not being able to ripe Hitler's head off, my grandma put me in a baby chair and turned on the radio while humming a little song.


"Good morning my fellow Texans welcome too---"


While grams was looking for a station, I heard that and finally I completed the first objective.


[Missions :

Welcome to the world!-

You just arrive at an exciting new world! Let us explore!

Objective 01: find were you are. COMPLET

Objective 02: ??????

Objective 03: find who your father is

Reward 01- 25 G CLAIMD

Reward 02- ????

Reward 03- ????

3/3 ]

'Huh my father, tomorrow I'll try to poke around if I can't find anything them, I'll ask mom when I'm older by them I could manage my power better, speaking of power, lets if I can do anything'

I look for my grandma she's reading the paper and listening the radio, I look around the kitchen I set my eyes on the table in front of me, it's a big table made of pure wood and can accommodate 6 or 7 people, it would take two to move around.

I put my hand under it and try lifting, and …. I cannot, baby steps.

'Should have known I was born yesterday'

So the fist 5 or so chaps are abaout his early childhood, lerning about the system and his powers as you saw, he won't be lifting the house when hes 5 years old or shooting nuclear blasts everywere or going on gacha rolling excalibur, that's kind weird.

Power takes time.

Forseti_0creators' thoughts
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