
Sold to Undercover

Author: Purple_Glory
Contemporary Romance
Completed · 8.3K Views
  • 7 Chs
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What is Sold to Undercover

Read ‘Sold to Undercover’ Online for Free, written by the author Purple_Glory, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Heirsha(Irsha) is a girl who's numb to feel anything she could. She was raised by her grandfather who is/was already bed...


Heirsha(Irsha) is a girl who's numb to feel anything she could. She was raised by her grandfather who is/was already bed ridden. At a young age, all her loved ones left her without her, bidding her piece of goodbye. She felt like the world turn its back that she could only stare at it and instead of getting angry and hysterical, she chose to be numb. To not feel anything because of the thought, 'it's more easier this way'. And it was like destiny played her life, again. Her grandfather almost die, yea almost. Things happened so fast that it seems like time slipped into her hands. Getting to know her grandfather's last will before he bid his farewell, she doesn't have a chose but to do it. She goes with the flow, rather for she's numb, she doesn't care at all. She did what she was told without a word. But fate and destiny both played her life well. She ended up into a trap that she didn't expect at all. Being sold to a man she doesn't know was a big thing for/to her. In that incident, even how much numb she is, she didn't expect that emotions, different emotions stirred her. Those different emotions that started to grow inside her like a newborn baby, does love included? Well, let's hurry and find out what will be her journey this time despite her life, being played all throughout. A CIELBITCH and Purple_Glory collaboration.

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The mystery behind Heirsha as well as to Anagen Sini can make you really wander what's hidden behind their backs. Behind what their capable of to show the world of violence. This book is really a great one! Hope you can have spare time exploring what's inside of it. Goodluck!❤ Lovelots, Cie


I will give 5 stars to the author... The synopsis is very intriguing, it piques one interest... The story itself is good, have some spice makes one curious... All in all, it's a good story. Hey, kudos to the author!


I've only been a few chapters in but I'm definitely hooked up to the story already. Well I for one still have a lot of questions concerning the events that have unfold, like the identity of Anagen Nici, but since there has only been a few chapters available I understand the confusion it brought. Which makes me look forward to the future chapters! Content wise, I like it since it's fast paced with a bit of tragedy to fuel the MC, definitely my cup of tea. Grammar and structure-wise, it's okay, only needing a few tweaking on a certain parts which I'm sure the author can find in detail. It's a novel definitely worth reading. Keep it up Author-san!


Love it! I was trapped from the synopsis, there are many emotions in each chapter, I started and felt that I could not stop, the author is doing a great job! [img = recomendar]


for what I have read so far, I can see a very interesting world with unique character designs, and i look forward to reading more as the story really captures reader attention. well done


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