
Chapter 2

Scarlets POV

I had my dad saying" no sir... Yeah... Yeah she's all yours sir... as I have promised my daughter is all yours for the payment of the loan yes sir... Okay sir... Goodbye Sir!"

WHAT THE HE-LL? My dad exchanged me for... Money? Me? Why? How? So many questions waiting to my mind. Tears could not stop falling down.

I thought my dad love me! And why did he have to borrow money? I went to him and waited for him to get up from the servo and turn around when he did he had the shock of his life. We stared at each other for a few minutes in shock till... I slapped him HARD!

I had no regret doing that. Before me stood the man I want is called daddy dearest... And the man that I loved it so much once. But all my love changed into hatred. I loathed him!

He didn't deserve anything. And then again... He didn't deserve my tears also. I wiped my tears off my cheeks and looked at him with hatred and anger. I couldn't speak, I was in shock. Only my eyes could reveal the emotions that battled inside of me.

All the memories started coming... The love and happiness in the house... That changed into sadness and loneliness." Why dad?WHY THE HE-LL YOU DID THAT? WHY DAD? OOPS SORRY? YOU ARE NO DAD TO ME! HOW COULD YOU? YOU SOLD ME FOR CASH? WASNT I EARNING ENOUGH MR.ARNOLD?"

He looked at me with tears in his eyes and he was trembling at my outburst. He looked hurt and in pain when I called him by his name. Well he deserved it. He deserved the hatred and anger forming.

" I did this because I had no other option. I didn't tell you but Kimberly has become an addiction. I can't live without gambling. I promised I would stop. But I started feeling suffocated and I start again. I can let you know so I borrowed money from my ex-boss, Alec Lightwood." BUT WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME? AND WHY BORROWING MONEY?" I booted him. Truthfully I couldn't stay calm.

My blood was boiling." I have no choice. If you knew you would you let me. So I borrowed money from him two months ago. I had to return it to him in three days ago but I have no money so I had to exchange you." "MORE LIKE SELLING ME! AND HOW MUCH DID YOU BORROW?" " I borrowed $2 million...""2MILLION DOLLARS?? ARE YOU INSANE?"

" i'm so sorry sweethe-" I didn't hear the full matter as I ran to my room. I couldn't refrain any more. I burst out crying loudly. I few minutes of crying then I started thinking of what to do... Only one thing was running through my mind... I should run away from here. So I did it! I opened the door.

But as I came out of the house, as the tube of man staring at me. You wearing black T-shirts and jeans like bodyguards which were attached to their muscular skin. I knew this had something to do with my dads mistake so I ran with them chasing me.

I ran and ran to have reached a forest which was a few metres away from my house. I entered it and hit the hind a bush. I heard them telling each other " where did she go?" "His highness will kill us." Who is this his "highness"? And what did he want?

A peep through the bush to see that they disappeared. Okay so now I could run away. And I turned I can face with a dangerously handsome face of a muscular guy.

It was so dark I could not make out the features of his face." Got your honey!" He spoke in a husky voice. With that, I blacked out...........