

Love has a name can you guess what's his name? Belissima is a simple girl in love with fantasy based romance novels,what happens when a delicate naive flower like her ends up in the hands of a cunning and evil mafia boss. Love has a name and to me it's fantasy, something many writers create just to make their readers happy. Love has a name but it's something that has never existed so should it really have a name. What if it really does exist? What if I think it doesn't exist because I've just never experienced it before? ~GG~ Trigger warnings: •Mentions of rape •Panick attacks •Blood •Violence •Abuse •Incest A/N: I wrote this while doing an assignment for my teacher and I was like "wow!this should be a novel"This book is going to be a hell of a ride so stay tuned and enjoy. Btw I'm not a professional writer so sorry for the rookie mistakes,I'll get better as the story goes along ^_^ Also I am putting hard work into this book so please don't copy it, enjoy!!!

Unknown_Authur · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Trigger Warning:Blood and Violence

Belissima's P.O.V

I was taken into a black S.U.V with tinted windows.There were predators in the car and they could pounce on me anytime. I was thinking about ways to escape,ways that I can get myself out of this mess when suddenly,

"Don't you dare try to escape. I have people trained to track you down within minutes," he said in a low threatening voice.

Immediately I erased everything that had to do with escaping from my mind. Suddenly,the car stopped with a loud screech. At the speed of light the windows broke, sending shards everywhere. I heard the sound of gunshots and felt a stinging pain in my abdomen then everything turned black.

Ace's P.O.V

She got shot,how the fuck did she get shot?I didn't know what to do,I've been in this situation many times with family members and my brain functioned properly but now when I need to help a girl I just met,I couldn't,my brain was blank. Leaving her there unconscious,I quietly stepped out of the car as I analysed my surroundings,I noticed slight movement in the forest to the right of the highway. My men were trying to fight off the men that attacked the car so none of them could help me take down whatever was in the forest.

I took my pistol and put on the silencer. One by one I shot down every man I could see that was in the forest. But there was something I noticed about them,dragon tattoos on all their necks. I left the forest and noticed my men had taken care of the other men. They however had snakes tattooed on their necks.

I knew exactly who these people were but I didn't have time,I had to get Belissima home. My men didn't wait for me to speak,they just sped up, quickly trying to get home. We soon reached huge golden gates,the guards knew not to piss me off so they opened it quickly. We approached the concrete stairs leading up to the veranda. When the car stopped,I scooped up Belissima's unconscious body and quickly made my way up the stairs. With one hand I opened the huge golden brown doors.

My sister,Gratziella and her friend Katelina came down looking worried and surprised.

" Who is this peasant and why is she bleeding all over my floor honey?" Katelina said in disgust.

"Firstly,this is my house thus this is my floor and secondly you don't have the authority to question me,do that again and I will torture you till you pray for death. Get it?" I said in a cold tone.

She was about to say something but I went up the semi spiral stairs and took the hallway that led to my wing. I opened my bedroom door and put her down on the soft bed. I stood by the coffee table near my door and started waiting. Suddenly the door burst open,it was Marco. He ran his fingers through his brown hair and looked at me with his golden brown eyes in surprise.

"Yes Marco this is Belissima," I said plainly while rolling my eyes.

He snapped out of his trance and started tending to her. After an hour of intense pressure,she was finally stable. Thank God! I sent Marco out and called a maid to change Belissima's bloody clothes,into a hoodie and a pair of my track pants.As soon as I was done making sure she was alright,I quietly left the room, letting her rest.


Who the fuck does she think she is, entering my hubby's house,in my hubby's arms passed out and bleeding on my fucking floor. She also made Ace fucking humiliate me in front of everyone. But she will pay,I will make sure that she will never see the light of day again.

I decided to ask my dad for help with this situation.

"Hi daddy, can you do me a favor"


"Yes darling,it will be done"Daddy said in a calm tone.

A/N: Ik Katelina is such a bitch

(╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻

But what do you guys think? Is she actually going to mess with Belissima?