

Love has a name can you guess what's his name? Belissima is a simple girl in love with fantasy based romance novels,what happens when a delicate naive flower like her ends up in the hands of a cunning and evil mafia boss. Love has a name and to me it's fantasy, something many writers create just to make their readers happy. Love has a name but it's something that has never existed so should it really have a name. What if it really does exist? What if I think it doesn't exist because I've just never experienced it before? ~GG~ Trigger warnings: •Mentions of rape •Panick attacks •Blood •Violence •Abuse •Incest A/N: I wrote this while doing an assignment for my teacher and I was like "wow!this should be a novel"This book is going to be a hell of a ride so stay tuned and enjoy. Btw I'm not a professional writer so sorry for the rookie mistakes,I'll get better as the story goes along ^_^ Also I am putting hard work into this book so please don't copy it, enjoy!!!

Unknown_Authur · Fantasy
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Ace's P.O.V:

I reluctantly walked out of the room, not ready to leave Belissima alone after everything that happened to her.However, Gratziella just had to piss me off, now I'll have to go for a run before I kill anyone, before I show Belissima my true nature.

As I descended the staircase I heard a ruckus being caused down stairs.Once I got a clear view of what was happening, I saw Katelina holding a little girls hand who has brown hair with the cutest baby blue eyes and freckles. She was wearing a maids uniform and was standing in front of the whole staff. Katelina suddenly cut the poor girls hand sending blood everywhere.My mood changed from bad to worse. This isn't going to end well, I thought.

"Katelina,what the fuck is all this noise about and why the fuck are all my workers standing idle when there is a lot of work to be fucking done!" I said almost screaming, making everyone scatter, going to do their jobs.

"This whore stole my fucking ring and doesn't want to give it back," she screamed,pointing at the little girl she held tightly.

"Do you have proof?"

"Yes,Amisha saw her in my room right before I discovered it went missing,now I'm going to punish her and make her regret living,"she said, making the girl whimper in fear.

"Katelina don't you fucking dare touch her! Amisha get over here at this fucking moment!" I said enraged.

"Yes sir?"

"Don't act stupid and speak"

"yes sir,I was cleaning in the corridor when this little girl suddenly entered madams room,she came out with something shiny and took it to her room,"

I looked at the girl,whose eyes went wide with both confusion and terror.

"if this is a fucking lie I will cut more than your fingers off your body," I said coldly.


"Shut the fuck up,I heard your side,now it's this little girls turn,"

I bent down on my knee and took the girl from Katelina's grip.

"Hey sweetheart,I'm Ace what's your name?"

"Angel," she said in a low scared voice.

"How old are you?"

"Six,but I'm turning seven soon,so I'm basically grown up see?" she said flashing a smile and pointing at her missing tooth,with her good hand.

"I see, your mom must be happy,"I said smiling.

"Yes but she's sick,so I have to help her around,"she said sadly.

"Where is she?" I asked

"Madam sent her to pick berries from the garden"she said half smiling.

"sir my hand hurts, can you help me?" she asked, almost whispering.

"I can't help you, but my friend Marco can,"I said calmly

"But I have to ask one question," I said as she nodded.

"What were you doing in madams room?"

"My friend Larry entered so I had to get him back so that madam wouldn't get scared of him,do you want to meet him?"

"yes,but after your hand is better okay?"

"okay!" she smiled, acting as if she wasn't just severely cut by Katelina with a knife minutes ago. Marco bandaged her arm and added some sort of ointment that made her not feel any pain. I guessed it worked because moments later she started acting like how a six year old would.I reminded her that we would need to see Larry and she walked us towards the maids quarters. She opened the door to a huge room with two beds,a single sofa and a small TV. She walked over to a glass box. She gently passed it to me and I saw at least twelve, beautiful fireflies.

"that's Larry, Carl, Cat, Sam, Trixy, John, Andy, Mia,Wiz,Zee,Buck and Gee"She said pointing to each firefly individually.

"They are beautiful," I said in amazement.

"Can we let Larry out for a bit?I promise I will bring him back,"I assured.

"Okay, just make sure you feed him one leaf after," she said happily.

She opened up the glass box and only one firefly came out. She gave us a smile, assuring us that this is Larry. The firefly began to make its way over to Katelina's room. It entered through the empty keyhole. Katelina took her key after it entered and opened her room. We entered and Larry sat on her bed, doing nothing in particular.I gave him two leaves from the tree outside Katelina's window. It began to eat.

"That checks her story out,"I said coldly to Amisha.

"Madam made me do it sir! Sh-She wanted to kill the girl because her mother didn't kill someone for her,th-that girl in your r-r-room. I swear on all that is holy," Amisha spoke almost running out of breath.

"You fucking liar! Don't you dare implicate me in your stupid decisions,"Katelina said in disgust.

"Shut up, I'll deal with you later!"I said screaming at her.

"You can wait outside for your punishment," I said as my aura turned evil. I'll have to go for that run quickly. I took Katelina's keys and made sure to take the extra's. I then took Larry making sure to be gentle. I locked Katelina in her room and turned to Amisha.

"Get back to work, I'll deal with you when I'm back,if you try to run,I'll give you the slowest death imaginable,got it?" I said with an evil smirk.

She nodded and I left quickly making my way to Angel's room. I knocked on Angel's door and a tall,petit woman with baby blue eyes and silver hair opened it. It must've been her mom.

"Good evening ma'am,"I said politely.

"Good evening sir,is there a problem I need to deal with for you?"she asked politely.

"No I just came to return this to Angel and tell her and you that I'm really sorry for what Katelina did,what's your name?" I said sadly.

"My name is Gratzia.It's okay, she told me she'd punish me for not obeying her,guess this is what she meant''

"She asked you to kill the girl in my room?"

She nodded, gesturing yes.

"But I couldn't because she's the only girl I've seen you really gentle and kind with,I guessed that you love her or something like that,so I couldn't do it,hell I wouldn't kill anyone even if my life depended on it. Ironic since I'm working for the mafia," she said almost in tears.

"Pack your bags. Katelina won't let you rest so you'll be moving to my wing,but not as a maid,as a friend,I owe it to you for not killing my beloved"

"See you tomorrow and tell Angel I fed Larry two leaves not just one,she can thank me for that later"I said almost childishly.

She let out a slight chuckle and waved goodbye.I raced to the front door and went out. My men noticed me and asked if they should get the car ready,I told them no. I went to the back yard,the dark and creepy woods looking at me. I ran into the woods and continued running till sunrise,when I was finally tired and out of energy.I quickly made my way into the house, and ran upstairs, quickly entering my room. I found Belissima on my bed, with a book on her face. I lay down on the bed next to her, gently taking the book off her face, placing it on the black nightstand aland quietly fell asleep next to her.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait guys,enjoyyyy!