
Sold to the Immortal

At age 16 Harper Grace Jones is forced to look after her twin sisters in a mansion owned by the Immortal who her parents sold them to. Tring to stay alive Harper ends up deep into the internal conflict that plagues the Immortals. Becoming a chess piece for more than one Big Shot Harper must Identify her Allies quickly or her life and her sisters are no more.

samijami0813 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

When we get to the room Rosemary sets me down on the bed and leaves, saying she'll be back with my lunch. I ask her to tell my sisters why I'm not having lunch with them in the kitchen. After she leaves I lean down and take off my shoe on my right foot. It's swollen. No shocker there, it was a heavy book. I should just be glad it's not broken or I hope it's not broken anyways.

A knock sounds on the door. "Come in." I say.

I expected it to be to Rosemary coming back with my lunch, it's not. Instead of Rosemary walking in, it's the doctor that treated my injuries in the dungeon. Doctor Scarlet if I remember correctly.

"Hello, Harper, I'm not sure if you remember but my name is Doctor Scarlet Rose."

"I remember." I tell her. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to treat your foot." She says it as if it's obvious.


"…. because I was asked to."

"By who?"

"Is that important?"

"...No I guess not."

After I say that she walks over to me from the door and kneels down in front of me grabbing my right foot. I wince.

"It doesn't seem broken." She says as she moves my foot around.

"That hurts." I tell her through clenched teeth.

"Sorry." She says as she stops moving my foot. "It appears to only be bruised. You'll need to ice it and stay off it for a while."

"How long?"

"hmm I'd say about 3 days." And with that she stands up and walks toward the door, running into Rosemary as she was coming in.

Rosemary just stood there frozen in the doorway. "Excuse me." the doctor says having Rosemary back out of the door so she could get through. "Remember to ice your foot." She says then she's gone.

Rosemary comes in and hands me my food. "I told your sisters that you hurt your foot. "

"Thank you." I say. Silence follows, awkward silence.

I start to eat when Rosemary speaks up. "Why was an immortal in here?"

"She was looking at my foot." I reply not looking up from my plate.

"Harper, immortal don't treat us unless we're their favorite blood slave and even then they may not. Harper there's a human servant here who treats all the wounds of all the other servants. There's no need for an immortal to go out of their way. Especially not for a human who just arrived."

She's right, the immortal, Scarlet Rose, wouldn't have gone out of her way to treat me for no reason. But what's the reason? I had asked the doctor who sent her and she avoided the question, that means two things: one who ever it is that sent her doesn't want me to know and two that the one who sent her is in a higher position than her. This leaves the only possible answer as it being her master, the immortal who came to the house, the immortal named Rowan, but why?

"Harper, why would an immortal come here?" Rosemary asks.

"She said she was told to."

"Harper there's only one person who can order another immortal to do something in this house." She says coming to the same conclusion that I did. "The master ordered an immortal to come and check your wound, you a human, Harper, why?" That's the question isn't it, Why? Why were we brought here? Why have me continue to clean the library when there's no reason to clean it more than once a week? Why just why?

"I don't know Rosemary?" I tell her looking up from my food for the first time since this stupid conversation started. 'I don't know, ok? I just don't know."

She just stares at me like she doesn't know what to do. "I'm sorry. I'll leave now." She walks out the door closing it quietly behind her , leaving me with my thoughts and unanswered questions of, Why?.