
Sold to the Alpha

Amber West's mother was a ruthless woman who ws never meant to be a mother. She sold Amber to the highest bidder not caring what her life would turn out to be. Amber finds herself being taken away from everything she had ever known, the good and the bad, and thrown into an abyss of the unknown. Alpha Damien Lionheart was the most powerful Alpha in the whole country. Also known as the most ruthless; He has purchased Amber from her mother, not even sure why the reason. All he knew was that when he had seen her picture, he was mesmerized.

Swift_Sonder · Fantasy
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66 Chs


Jeremy's POV

"You requested to see me Alpha" I said as I walked into Damien's office. I'm not sure why but he seems a little off today. He just sits there and stares at me for a minute.

"Yes, Jeremy. I was told that you brought the girl. Was there any issues in getting her here?" Damien asked as he sits up in his chair.

I was dreading this question. "No sir...there were no issues in getting her here, although you must know..." I paused.

"Must know what?" Damiens voice boomed.

"If I would have gotten there any later, there may have been a problem getting Ms. Amber here. It seems there was a problem at her mothers house today, when I got there her mothers boyfriend had Amber pinned up against a wall by the neck, choking the life out of her." I answered quickly so I wouldn't keep him any longer.

It was so quiet, all I could hear was the beating of my heart in my throat. I looked at Damien, it looked like the blood vessels in his eyes were about to pop.

"What did you do? Is the fool still alive?" He looked at me intensely waiting for an answer.

"Yes sir, he is still alive. He wasn't conscious when I left, as I threw him across the room into the wall."

He chuckled to himself while standing. "I would like you to send someone to find out more info about the mother and her boyfriend. I want to know what makes them tick, so I can take it away."

"Yes sir, but sir, may I ask you a question?" I stuttered.

"Just one..go ahead" Damien said slowly.

"Who is the girl? And what do you want with her?" I asked quickly.

"Well Jeremy, I said just one question. But to answer both your questions, I don't know. But I will find out." Damien said as he walked towards the door. "Now if you excuse me I have a guest to check on."