
Sold One Million Womb

1. “Perfect love story” are the three words that will describe the love story of David Lucero and Dayan Ilustre-Lucero. 2. David and Dayan have been dating for four years. 3. They met at Saint Louis University in Baguio City because they are both studying college there. 4. David took a mechanical engineering course while Dayan was in accountancy. 5. After their graduation, David passed the board exam and Dayan also passed the CPA board examination. 6. They had a good job in government. More than a year later they got married. But one day while they were on their way to a beach outing in La Union. 7. Their vehicle crashed into a tree. It was a miracle that the couple survived from death. 8. But a serious consequence is destined. Due to the accident, Dayan's uterus was damaged and she was no longer able to carry a child in her womb. 9. A compelling reason to change a good couple relationship. It got to the point that David could no longer accept what had happened to his wife. And the most painful thing for Dayan was that David asked for a child from her, something that she was not able to give what he asked for. Dayan was hopeless but despite this, she endured pains and has sacrificed. But it is not the end of hope for Dayan because her prayer was answered by remembering that they have reserved frozen eggs and sperm cells. She had the chance to meet Cara. A woman in dire need of money to treat her brother who had severe fractures to the spinal cord after falling from a tree. Dayan's desire to fulfill her husband's dream. She helped Cara to get her brother treated. In exchange and payment, Cara will carry the baby through IVF or In Vitro Fertilization. After nine months, Cara was delivered a bouncing baby boy. Finally, Dayan's dream of having a child and a happy family to be called came true. David stopped being a womanizer then. But she didn’t think that stopping David’s cheating would make her discover a more serious problem. 1

Hilmonster · Urban
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10 Chs

The Deal

For me, this is the best thing that I can do to save our marriage. I will do everything for the sake of David’s happiness

The reserved frozen eggs and sperm cells are the main keys to fulfilling the dream of having a complete family.

It doesn’t matter anymore that I confess to David all about my plan. Then, when there is living evidence that answers our happy union because, despite all hindrances, we are still lucky that we will have our own offspring and seed. Even though I’m not the only one carrying a nine-month pregnancy. I guessed it was not a big deal for David as the most important is we will have our own child.

Exactly, after five days.

I already received a call from Cara. We met again at the private exclusive restaurant where we last ate. I took a deep breath first before I grabbed my shoulder bag along with a brown envelope. I was still far away when I saw Cara. She was wearing a floral skirt that seemed to be draped in fabric too short. The abdomen and navel were also exposed due to the crop top blouse she was wearing. Cara's face was postured with make-up. I secretly glanced at what I was wearing which was simple jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers. Maybe I'm not mistaken for Cara's personal maid.

I just secretly smiled at my thought. I still felt jealousy in my mind when I thought that if David saw Cara in this appearance it was possible that her husband would be tempted by this woman. A prank of the mind that was also immediately suppressed. David could not commit serious cheating on her. David was only able to do these things because of her incapacity condition of bearing a child but if they had children already perhaps David would definitely stop and change his wrong deeds.

"How are you, Cara?" I smiled openly then I pulled up the chair and slowly sat down.

"I am fine. Anyway, Dayan let's go straight to the point. I don't want to prolong this conversation. Because I still have a party to go to." Cara said smiled back at me

I also can’t get over those moments in my mind. Cara is also a different kind of woman. To think that there is a serious family problem with being able to have fun somewhere. If anything, what do I care about?

I felt a bit irritated with this woman.

"Just to remind you that I will be the one who will say when this conversation will be finished." I reminded Cara of an elusive look.

Cara couldn't help but look at the watch she was wearing. I thought maybe she had an important walk or dinner date. I'm not that stingy so I'll give her this chance.

“Sorry---Dayan if I’m becoming arrogant. I’m just kidding. Take your time. You’re the boss and I can’t do anything right now except worshipping you. I will become a hypocrite as you knew my personal motives.” Cara said in a very well thick face it seems that she’s an expert woman who has taken advantage of whatever condition will be.

“No---it’s fine, Cara. Business is set aside from personal matters. So! it’s not a big deal. All I care about is negotiating with you smoothly and having a strong agreement where both of us will be benefited in the end.” I was smiled then

“What so kind of you my dear Dayan Ilustre-Lucero.” the insult and sarcasm were obvious in Cara's voice

"Sorry --- dear but I have no time for flowery speech as you said let's hit the target so we can close the deal right away." Dayan gave a meaningful answer

“Sure---what are we waiting for? Let’s get it on.” Cara said with a crafty smile Cara says as she sips the red wine that is placed in the goblet.

"You're too anxious." Dayan says smiling that obviously just riding the latter.

“Of course, my dear Dayan. Money is life.” Shame won’t see in Cara’s face.

Dayan took a deep breath before speaks.

“One million cash.”

“Please I will buy your womb worth one million.”

“Your brother could undergo a major surgical operation.”

“Take it or leave it.”

"So! We know that I no longer have the ability to carry a child in my womb because of the accident that happened to me before.”

“Just for your information we had frozen eggs and sperm cell.”

“But on one condition you have to carry our child in your womb via IVF or In Vitro Fertilization."

“Money could makes everything through modern technology embryo could be transferred to your uterus so that’s it.” Dayan bold statement

I could clearly see how Cara's eyes rolled and widened at what I said. She couldn't seem to believe what I said. Perhaps it did not expect the conditions.

“Cara---is there any problem? I just want to say that it is not mandatory and at the end of the day you are free to decide for yourself.”

I didn’t notice that I was nervous when I saw the reaction on Cara’s face. But I need to be calm all the time. Have a positive view of everything.

"My only concern is the figure of my body of course if I will carry the baby in my womb for nine months. It will affect the shape of my body. This is my asset and I take care of it." Cara said

I want to laugh at what Cara answered me. It means that what she is worried about is the deterioration of her body figure.

“You know Cara, it's up to you how to take care of your body after giving birth. If that's all you're worried about don't worry I'll take care of fitness gym enrollment for you or whatever procedure you want to go through to get back your slim body normally. Is that alright with you?” I gave Cara assurance from my voice. Well—for me it doesn’t matter. As long as she could take care our child during pregnancy I am willing to give incentives to her.

“Really---sounds good my dear.”

“I guess there’s no reason to say no.”

“Let’s celebrate.”

“It’s a deal.” Cara replied cheerfully.

I didn’t even notice the excitement and satisfaction I felt for the success of the plan. I must be stick on that this is a business that is having thorough negotiations that professionalism must be applied all the time.

It's as if I want to show and prove that even at this moment I can prove to myself that I am not miserable in the eyes of other people. It's enough that my husband makes me look like a useless person and wife.

I clapped then let out a ironic smile.


"So! This is it."

"Let's do it in a legal way." I said prior handing Cara a folder containing documents that needed to be signed.

"Please take time to read."

"If you do agree then sign it accordingly."

"If you have objections then let me know."

“But I think you will going to like it as I have only 3 rules that you need to follow.

"Number 1: Just take care of our baby during pregnancy until birth delivery

“Number 2: You are not allowed to approach our son and shouldn’t know nothing about you

"Number 3: You should stay away from my husband an shouldn't know anything about you. You don't have to show up. Because I myself will take our child home after you give birth.

“Is that clear, Cara?” I said calmly

“Yes.” Cara didn't even look at the documents because she immediately signed. What’s the matter as something that I was very happy about.

I turned a black bag over to my side. I was ready to hand it over to Cara. I will gamble everything in exchange for my help. Although no initial process has taken place in its pregnancy. I am not an insurance nor bank asset should have collateral. Just don't fool me. Because if it's cunning I'm more cunning maybe. Remember I am a CPA when it comes to money I can't afford it. Number is my ultimate love it's a simple mathematics where debit credit equals cube feet of money. What a silly thought?

“So! this is your one million.” I hand over to Cara enthusiastically

“You can do whatever you want.”

“Just make sure that won’t fool me.”

“Keep the agreement and we will have no problem otherwise there is only one place you will fall---” I am smiling to Cara

“Where?” Cara answered

“Cold railings”

“W---What?” Cara seems shivering while her face color turning into white vinegar

“Yes! because that’s big amount of money.”

“But if you fulfilled job well done.”

“Forget one million and I can give you more incentives.”

“I have my word of honor, Dayan Ilustre-Lucero.”

“I owe you my brother's life and I will do exactly what is stated in the agreement.”

“Thank you, Cara. Likewise.”

After I handed over the copy of the document for Cara I also said goodbye to her because I still have a lot of thing that needs to fix for the next steps of the plan.

“I’m sorry David. I only do this to fulfill our dream child. There is a way so I just use it. I don't run and hurt anyone. I nodded to myself after I got in my car. I couldn’t stop crying. I had the courage t

o face Cara a while ago but now I am pictured as a full of weakness.