
Sold My Soul to The Devil [Fairy Tail fanfiction]

Magic is something residing inside every human being, but only 10 percent of people are able to use it. There are two main types of Magic... Caster magic and Holder Magic. But what if there was another? A type of magic that you borrow from someone else....and little by little make that magic your own? A Magic-No. A Contract; where you sell your soul to the Devil.

ManofcultureQ_Q · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Never trust the Devil

[ ???? ]

"My lord..."

A being, standing as tall as a mountain, with large horns on the sides of his forehead and eyes as red as blood, kneeled in front of the person sitting on a majestic throne in front of him.

*Ho? Why are you kneeling like that Beelzebub? We are friends aren't we? You don't have to be so formal with me.*

A voice that can only be described as bone-chilling, whispered in an ethereal voice as if tempting the being, now known as Beelzebub, to leave the position he was in and stand straight.

Beelzebub however, didn't dare to fall into the temptation.

'Never trust the Devil'

These were the exact words that the man covered in shadows while sitting on a throne in front of him, told Beelzebub and his comrades during their inauguration ceremony in the devil's army of demons.

Beelzebub knew, if he were to raise his head at the moment, The Devil will not hesitate to erase him. Despite being the demon king, Beelzebub knew he was nothing in comparison to his creator.

The words that the Devil said, sent chills down Beelzebub's spine as he got a bead of sweat on his forehead.

Dealing with the Devil was the toughest challenge anyone can ever face...

"No my lord. I can never do something so disrespectful. I am just your servant, and I don't deserve to stand on equal grounds with someone as majestic as you."

Beelzebub said with a respectful gaze towards the Devil. Despite being afraid of the being, Beelzebub still respected him with all his heart.

*Is that so? I am glad to know that you think so highly of me Bell....*

The devil said with a kind smile on his face, while using the nickname 'Bell' he gave to Beelzebub when he appointed him as the Demon King.

After hearing his Lord's words, Beelzebub bowed again but felt a foreboding feeling in his gut. Just as he thought that, his lord, the creater of demons and the true ruler of Hell, came out of the shadows and stood up with an unboundable amount of Mana protruding from his body.

Satan, or the Devil as many 'like' to call him, started approaching Beelzebub with an unsettling grin on his face.

Satan is a being that could not be described with just sheer words. The insurmountable strength he possesses, with the nigh-infinite Magic he has, makes him undoubtedly the strongest being in the entire Cosmos.

Throughout the past several eons, Everyone has been scared of him. But there was something other than just his strength that filled the hearts of his enemies with fear.

The reason as to why they feared him, was his appearance.

Satan in all actuality didn't have a form, he was just an entity; A being who was above the concept of physical form or shape. Due to this fact, many people considered Satan to just be a myth and nothing else.

This fact, annoyed Satan to no end.

To prove the existence of his majestic self, Satan created a form for himself.

A form that would be the worst fears of his enemies, quite literally.

He in all actuality, still didn't have a particular shape or form. The way he looked and behaved, depended on person to person.

To someone who was fearful of clowns, he looked like a clown. To others he looked like a demon with horns, if that's what they feared the most.

Everyone in the world has a fear of something. And that fear itself bring about the existence of the Devil.

If they fear, they believe in Satan.

Because fear in itself is Satan.

Despite the difference in his appearance in everyone's eyes, there was still a single thing that stood out and was commonly seen by everyone.

His eyes. The eyes as dark as the void itself.

Satan's eyes.

Those same eyes were currently boring a hole through Beelzebub's skull as Satan was looking at him with a sadistic grin on his face. Being the one subjected to be stared at by those unsettling eyes, even the Demon king himself shuddered under Satan's gaze.


Satan said as he started walking towards Beelzebub with an unsettling grin on his face. Beelzebub after seeing the look his creator had, couldn't move out of fear.

He wondered what it was that he did wrong, that the Devil himself was looking at him as if he was a prey about to be devoured by the predator.

He wanted to ask his creator what his mistake was, but despite having the strength to defeat all the elder gods alone, even Beelzebub was frozen in fear when the Devil started growing in size, making even a being like Beelzebub look like a toddler in comparison.

Why did his creator call him out? Was it something that he did? He doubted it, because no matter how arrogant he may be in front of other demons, he would never do anything foolish enough to garner the attention of the devil on himself.

That just leaves one other option, His creator was bored.

Bored enough to want to replace Beelzebub as the current demon king, ending his existence in the process.

Upon coming to this conclusion and seeing as to how his creator's smile widened after reading his thoughts, Beelzebub simply closed his eyes, accepting his fate.

If his Creator wanted to end him, so be it.

Satan after seeing the look on Beelzebub's face, stopped on his tracks and frowned. Seeing that his servant was waiting for him to end his life, Satan sighed and shrinked back to a Human's size; A size that he preferred the most.

Beelzebub was thinking why was it taking his creator so long to do what he was going to do. He was feeling rather awkward standing straight in a closed eye position, but before he could say anything, his creator started speaking, albeit without the coldness in his voice.

"Tch, you are no fun."

Satan clicked his tongue while pouting like a little child.

He was hoping for Beelzebub to attack him or something, but in the end he got nothing.

Spineless coward.

"My lord... Am I allowed to open my eyes...?"

Beelzebub after hearing his lord's voice, scratched the side of his cheek while asking in an uncertain tone of voice.

His lord was speaking normally again, which means he lost his interest in Beelzebub. For now at least.

Hearing the shaky voice of his strongest(debatable) demon, Satan sighed.

"Do what you want." Satan spat as if it was a curse and snapped his fingers, resulting in Beelzebub to shrink to the same size as his creator.

Beelzebub after feeling his power leaving his body, blinked before giving his creator a questioning gaze.

Satan ignored the look he was getting and simply tried to give Beelzebub a gentle smile and said

"I was testing you and congratulations Bell, you passed, unfortunately." Satan said the last part to himself while smiling kindly at the now shrunken Demon king. Beelzebub was still able to hear what Satan said, resulting in him turning a shade paler.

Gulping the lump of saliva in his throat, Beelzebub opened his mouth and asked

"Uhm, if it is not too much to ask for my lord...then I would like to know just what kind of test did I pass?"

"Huh? Well, the right to rule over the entire hell in my absence of course. Rejoice, you are promoted. Yay." Satan said nonchalantly while giving the slack jawed Beelzebub a fist bump.

'What is happening right now? Did I really get promoted to rule over the entirety of hell without doing anything major? Why?!'

Beelzebub thought while looking oddly suspicious of the situation.

Before he could ask why he was being promoted, he noticed the way his creator was smiling while looking towards the sky, or more appropriately, the human realm.

Beelzebub was surprised after seeing the look in his Creator's eyes. Satan has the same look he had back then when he was waging war against that ma-

*I would advise you to not think too much into it, unless you want me to change my mind about promoting you. My hands are kind of itchy, and I feel like poofing someone out of existence might help me get rid of this itch.*

Satan said while glaring at Beelzebub, with the coldness in his voice returning and sending chills down Beelzebub's spine. Even the other demons alongside the souls getting tortured by them, felt their spines tingle as they started running around frantically.

"M-my sincere apologies my Lord. Please forgive this servant of yours to think out of turn... I swear on my name that it would not happen again." Beelzebub said while kneeling on the ground with 'Terrified as fuck' written all over his face.

If Satan didn't calm down, he-no. The entirety of Hell would be turned to dust!

As if a switch was flipped upside down, Satan's mood took a complete 180 as he smiled and patted Beelzebub on the back.

"It's fine. It's fine. Don't do it again, I am in a good mood so I will let it slide this time. Anyways, I wanted to let you know that I am going to the human realm for a while. Don't ask for specifics, as you should know your place. I am going there because I want to, and I kind of found something interesting down there. I expect you to rule hell in my absence with utmost sincerity. Don't disappoint me."

Satan said with a smile while giving a wink at the end.

Beelzebub ignored Satan's antics, and despite still being affected by the earlier incident, he decided to forget about it less he made Satan angry again.

"Human realm? Which one exactly, if you don't mind me asking my lord?" Beelzebub asked with a curious look on his face.

He was curious as to what his Lord found interesting among humans, but he decided to not ask that as he was sure that would be just him stepping out of line.

"Hm? What was it called again?....Earth...land. Yeah, Earthland!"

Satan smiled with satisfaction after remembering the name of the place he last visited with his top demons a few centuries ago, as he felt like eating a dragon meat at that time. He quite liked how they tasted, maybe he will get to eat them again.


"Oh, if that's what you wish for, then I wish you a happy journey my lord. I will be sure to run things here smoothly in your absence. Hell will be awaiting the return of its true ruler my lord." Beelzebub kneeled in front of his creator and said with a confident smile.

"Hoo~ I will be looking forward to that too. I am sorry for all the rude things I said to you Bell. You know that I will never replace you, you are too precious to me." Satan said with a gentle smile which Beelzebub returned.

After a few seconds of comforting silence, Satan disappeared from Hell in a puff of smoke.

Despite smiling at Satan's earlier words, Beelzebub knew those words were not true. Satan didn't care about him, even a little bit.

A proof to that would be how he didn't return his powers, leaving him completely shrunken here with a human sized body.

Despite knowing the bitter truth, Beelzebub still smiled at a thought in his head.

'Never trust the Devil. Heh'


Hello Guys, Author here.

This is the beginning of this story, and I hope you guys follow me on this journey.

There are a few things that I want to clarify-

This Satan, is different from any Satan you know, including all the other demons I am going to include in this story.

They have the same name as the original demons from other fictions and stuff, but they will have a different personality. So if their back story is different, then don't blame me because they are practically OC's.

Now onto another point-

Satan was testing Beelzebub, to see if he would attack him to save his life.

If he did attack Satan, then he would have lost his life, but if he didn't and stood there frozen in place out of fear, he still would have lost his title as the Demon king.

Satan chose him because he was willing to accept Satan's punishment, without even knowing the reason as to why. He just accepted to be erased by the one who created him, and didn't even held a speck of hate towards the devil. This earned him a few loyalty scores in Satan's book.

This book will not have a proper updating schedule, as I am quite busy, so you will have to wait a bit before I post another chapter but I won't be dropping this story. The same could be said about my other works.

That's it.
