

Alexa, an 18 year old orphan gets pregnant by her highschool boyfriend Alex who then chooses his medical career over her. He walks out on her immediately after she gives birth. Alexa tries her best to fed for herself but with the massive pain from her cesarean section wound and a newborn strapped to her back, no one will hire her. She turns to strangers for help but finds non until she meets the rich, famous and handsome Nathan, a billionaire with more than just looks. She begs him for a job or at least just a place to stay and after a long struggle, he agrees to help her but with one condition, she has to sell her life, will and choice to him through a binding contract. What starts as a slave, master situation where she has to do whatever he asks of her, turns into a beautiful love story and even though she can only be free with him at night, she is finally happy and actually alive. However, that happiness is cut short when Alex comes back years later with flashy, fancy life to get his kid but after seeing how beautiful Alexa has turned out to be, he makes it his goal to win her back if it means a court battle for custody. Alexa also learns that Nathan is a thief and even though she doesn't have the full details, her love for him hits a rocky place. She is then torn between the man who left her alone with a newborn but she still have feelings for and the man who helped her but who has so many secrets that she no longer trust him but is tied to through a contract and a blood oath.

Lucy_Ngari · Urban
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3 Chs


"Sign here, here and here," the doctor said. The huge smile on his face made my legs weak but I couldn't tell him. I had a feeling that my life was in danger because Nathan had given me the most threatening warning so I kept my mouth shut. I was scared for my life and for the life of my then healthy and somewhat chubby son. "What would become of us once we left the hospital?" I figured Nathan was fattening us for a reason and from the things he told me, it could have never been a good reason. "There is my girl, healthy and prettier than I hopped," Nathan said as he walked into the room. The doctor's smile grew more brighter and my heart sunk a little deeper. I held on to the doctors hand wishing he could read my mind but he was way pleased by Nathan's approval that he didn't even seem to notice I was holding him. He pulled away and left still smiling. "Now, you two are coming with me. Aren't you darlings," the sweet smile on his face melted away and a cold business look took over. I slowly lifted myself from the bed and made it as if to take my son but Nathan got to him first. "What is his name by the way?" he didn't even bother to look at me. He knew he had me where he wanted and as he began to walk away, I had no choice but to follow him. "I never named him. I mean, he was a goner even before he was born and I feared that giving him a name would make it that much harder after he was gone," that was the whole truth. I never thought he would live this far.

"Well, in that case, I guess I get to name you...I have always had a thing with the name Bill but I fancy william too. Bill william? No no...that sounds funny...maybe Bill Frank? Yeah, that really sounds nice. What do you think?" he went on. I wanted to protest but I didn't want him to get angry so I played along. After all, I didn't have a better name for him anyways. I followed Nathan to the car and watched him strap my son into the baby seat at the back. It seemed brand new and for a moment I thought that maybe he wasn't such a bad guy. He even opened the door for me afterwards and waited until I was all settled before he went around and got into the drivers seat. "Where are you taking us?" I asked in what I could only term as a whisper but he heard me. "You said you were looking for a job and a place to stay right?" I could never tell whether I was meant to answer that. I could tell that he had already made up his mind onto his next move so I kept quiet and waited to see. After all I didn't know any better and even if he was to let us go, we didn't have anywhere else to go. We drove for about three miles into places I had never been before. My whole life happened on the ghetto streets of Mathare. There I grew up with my mother, living in a tin house. I never knew my father or any other relative and I never thought I needed them anyway. I went to the local government primary school and later to the local secondary school. I was naturally smart and that meant I went by the help of government aid. We survived on anything my mother provided and dressed on what well wishers donated through the church. It was not a rich life but I was happy and healthy.

After highschool, I manged to secure a place in the country's best medical school and through a fundraiser, I found myself in my dream university doing my favorite thing. I was a promising student. That was however cut short by the death of my mother. Apparently, a night of heavy rainfall flooded the ghetto. She was lucky to escape drowning but due to the poor sanitation and all, she caught cholera. She never told me about it because she didn't want to worry me. She also couldn't afford to go to the hospital so she stayed at home hoping to get better. The neighbors found her maggot infested body a week later and that was how I ended up all alone. Due to the grief and pain, I found myself on the arms of Alex. He had pursued me for the three years I was in med school but I didn't have time for relationships. All I wanted was to make my mama proud and now that she was gone, I was lost. Things moved so first and before I knew it, I was pregnant and no longer important to Alex. I went back home after the birth of my son which happened in the hostel by the way. I couldn't afford a real hospital so students helped me and since I couldn't live with a newborn in the hostel, I had to go.

"Lexa...Lexa!" Nathan called and I came back from my temporally ride down memory lane. He looked annoyed and I could tell that he had called me a few more times before. "Yes Nathan...I mean sir...," I had no idea how to address him. "Drop the formalities dear. Just call me Nathan, or better yet call me dear, darling or honey," he grinned at me and I forced a smile. "Well, we are here," he suddenly turned the car towards a beautiful black gate which he opened remotely from the car. He drove right inside and the gate locked behind us. At that point, I felt tears forming on the back of my mind. All the fears I had about abduction were slowly being realized. Tears rolled down my eyes as he alighted the car and headed towards my side. He unlocked the door and stretched his hand out to me, he then made a light bow. Your highness," he said as he waved a little with the other hand. I knew what he was doing and I couldn't afford to disobey him now that I was on his mercy. I held on to his arm and alighted the vehicle with a smile mixed up in tears. "Now, wait here as I get the prince," he said and made his way to the back of the car. I had the chance to look around for a possible exit and just as I feared, there was none. All I saw was the huge, modern mansion with more windows than I could count. On any other day, I could be impressed by the beautiful compound with neatly kept flowers and well maintained grass, but given the situation, I was too scared to even care.

"Hello there champ. This is your new home...yes it is...your new, beautiful, big home," he said in a high pitch voice. My son laughed as he tickled him a little. It was his first time to laugh and I was supposed to enjoy it but I couldn't. Nathan took my hand and walked us into his huge house. I followed him upstairs still looking for an exit route even though it was already clear there wasn't one. He showed us to a huge room with a cosy king-size bed and a beautiful baby cot. My mind was especially blown by the walk-in closet. He even had went for baby cloths shopping. "Well, I didn't know your size so I figured it was better if I took you shopping in person. We will get to that later today but for now, you need a healthy breakfast and some sleep," he said looking right into my eyes and I could tell he saw the fear in them. I in turn stared back into his but as usual there was nothing there to see. "Freshen up and meet me downstairs," he planted a kiss onto the baby's forehead and placed him on my arms before leaving the room. Suddenly I was alone in this huge room filled with all sorts of fancy staff. He had assured me that it was all mine and it felt like a dream. In the moment, all the fears and doubts I had in me were gone. I finally could give my son a good, warm bath in an environment that was safe and warm. For once I saw life in his eyes and I was finally sure he was going to live.

"Bill, it doesn't sound that bad. I will however just call you B, my beautiful baby B," I found myself saying as I carried him to the bathtub. He grinned at me and a tear rolled down my face. We had a beautiful bath time and he even enjoyed a few minutes of tummy time. Shortly after, we I jumped into the shower and took my time in the warm water. Nathan knocked gently at the door and I had to end my long needed shower. I quickly slipped into the pjs he had bought me when I was still in the hospital and went downstairs. A pleasant smell hit me even before I could get to the sitting room. I had no idea what he was cooking but I was hungry for it for sure. "Sit there," he said while pointing towards the dinning table. I went without any resistance or question. A moment later he showed up with pancakes and tea. He set the table all by himself and after he was all done, he gave me a signal to start eating. He sat close to me and watched me as I ate. At this point, I didn't mind him. I had made up my mind to stay no matter the consequences. With him I had a real shot at giving my son and myself a good life and I would take it.

"Good, you are done. We need to talk about my terms now. All I need from you is your life and that of your son," he said with a serious tone and tears formed on my eyes. "You took me to the hospital just to kill me after I was all better?" I thought to myself since I didn't have the strength to voice my thoughts. My palms were all sweaty and I was visibly shaking. "No, no...don't fear, I didn't mean it like that. I mean why would I go to all the trouble to get you all better just to kill you after? What I mean is, you are mine now, you do what I ask when I as. Your son is our son now," he explained. That didn't sound like a bad deal. I took it, I took it without as little as a hesitation. He quickly pulled out some papers and asked me to sign which again I did without even reading what it was all about. "There, you just sold your life to me. Don't you worry, I will make it worth your while," he grinned.